1) From a member, to see the pattern set by the tobacco industry which is now being followed by the telecoms. This movie might be available via Netflix , etc.
“Someone just told me that the following 2004 satirical comedy movie (Thank You for Smoking) attacks cell phones at the end. The following WP only states that he goes to work for the cell phone industry, but what was told to me is that at the end, the lead character, having been forced out of the tobacco industry, becomes a lobbyist for the cell phone industry, and advises them, “Just lie.”
2) Here are reports that show the increase in brain tumors is similar to the increase in cellphone usage. How can the governments allow corporations to ignore this type of evidence? Several years ago, a new Canadian agency took over the recording and reporting of brain tumours which had not been done in a meaningful way. I will see if I can get any statistics that I can share.
(click on photos to enlarge)

The Incidence of , a Non-Malignant Brain Tumor, is Increasing in the U.S.
“Moon (2023) recently reported that the age-standardized incidence rate of nonmalignant meningioma (D32) increased from 1999 to 2018 [Average Annual Percent Change = 36.69% (95% CI = 33.53-39.85)] in South Korea. The rate increased from 2.08 per 100,000 in 2004 to 7.07 per 100,000 in 2018 (see Supplementary Material B).
Keeping the caveats mentioned above in mind about ecological studies, it is intriguing that Moon (2023) reported that the correlation of the age-standardized incidence rate of nonmalignant meningioma with the cell phone subscription rate ten years earlier in South Korea was very high (r = .92, 95% CI = .80 -.97). This result suggests that cell phone use in the population could be contributing to the development of nonmalignant tumors of the meninges, the tissue covering the outer portion of the brain, ten years later.”

3) Talk about invasion of privacy in this new “smart” world!!
Nanaimo hospital installing life-saving washroom sensors
“The Nanaimo Regional General Hospital is gearing up to introduce washroom sensor devices that health officials say can be life-saving in the event of a toxic drug poisoning.
Island Health says the motion detection sensors will be installed across washrooms identified as “high risk”, and not only do they monitor movement, they can also track heartbeats and rate of breathing.
Dr. Charmaine Enns says designated responders will only be alerted if there’s been no movement detected for over 60 seconds or if someone has been in the washroom for longer than 10 minutes.”
From a US group. Your comments might help.
Hi EMF Safety Friends,
Have you been feeling the negative effects of wireless radiation in your home or in public places? Do you know someone who is feeling the effects? If so, please go to the following link and take action. It won’t take but a few minutes of your time.
IMPT: Action is needed by March 21st, 2023
Simple steps: Children’s Health Defense has provided these handy links.
What You Can Do:
1. Complete the form below to email FCC committee decision-makers and your federal elected representatives.
2. Use our customizable prepared response (at the bottom of this page) or write your own and submit a comment directly to the FCC.
Why is this important?
The FCC is seeking comments for their “proposed rule making” on how their agency can “prevent digital discrimination.” We all know who is behind this- the all powerful wireless communication industry (read the FCC plans below). We need to make it abundantly clear that people need access to safe and reliable hardwired internet. Solving the “digital divide” does not mean blanketing our neighborhoods with wireless radiation which is making many people sick (and harming our fauna and flora).
The FCC plans to: (1) adopt a definition of “digital discrimination of access,” (2) revise the Commission’s informal consumer complaint process to accept complaints of digital discrimination of access, and (3) adopt model policies and best practices for states and localities combating digital discrimination.
A Question…
What “model policies” and “best practices” will the FCC be mandating for states and localities? We all know that the FCC is captured by the wireless industry. Legal challenges are the only way to stop the FCC’s relentless drive to control our airwaves.
Right now a legal team is preparing to challenge the FCC, so they will consider the rights of people with EMF disabilities and prioritize wired connections over wireless. They are proposing the following:
- The FCC should prioritize “fiber to the premises (FTTP)” solutions. FTTP is the installation of optical fiber directly to individual homes, multi-dwelling units, schools, municipal buildings and businesses to provide high-speed broadband access. The FCC should rely on fixed wireless only when fully wired is technically impossible. The main purpose of mobile wireless is to support mobility, not to be a substitute for wired fixed arrangements.
- Allow equal access to broadband in a form that does not threaten or worsen the health and well-being of RF-sensitive individuals, especially those with EMS disabilities. Individuals who cannot be around RF must have the ability, as a matter of right, to obtain wired (fiber-based) broadband.
- Provide RF-free “safe zones” in public spaces and buildings to ensure inclusion in public life.
A Suggestion:
Cable providers need to employ the appropriate devices when connecting cabled internet that will prevent home wiring from picking up harmonics or transient signals that can cause reactions for the EMF disabled. Call your local cable provider and inquire what devices they use for this purpose.
Thank you for helping this critical cause by taking a few simple steps here.
Best thoughts to all,
Sidnee Cox
EMF Safety Network
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters/Citizens for Safer Tech.
“Privacy is not an option, and it shouldn’t be the price we accept for just getting on the Internet.” Gary Kovacs
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.