1) In last night’s update in item #1 was the list I received from ISED showing the cell phones they have tested over the last few years. As well, item #1 included this chart of reported health effects at many times below Safety Code 6’s recommended SAR limit of 1.6 W/kg.
I promised to provide a chart of Safety Code 6’s power density limits [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/safety-code-6-sc6/] that apply to sources of RF that are not supposed to be close to the body.
These limits are 50% of SC 6 prior to 2015, which the SC6 review panel recommended maintaining. It was only after pressure from many Canadians, many of whom receive this update, that Health Canada arbitrarily and without explanation made the reduction. The limits are still far too high, among the highest in the world, and far higher than studies have shown to cause biological effects, as shown by the studies listed on the first 5 pages of the BioInitiative Report RF Color Charts above. Please note that this chart does not reflect the studies done in the last few years which provide confirmation and, perhaps, even more effects.
2) Have any of you been advised by BC Hydro or FortisBC that their smeters have to be taken as part of the process of re-certification (confirming accuracy) and replaced with another? If so, would you please let me know with an email to:
citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca with “Re-certifying Smeters” on the subject line.
I have asked Measurement Canada for the schedule for such action. With the analog meter, random meters, that comprised a very small percentage of the total made in a particular year, were checked for accuracy for the first time after they were 12 years old and then periodically after. If the random meters were found to be accurate, it was assumed the rest of that “batch” were accurate, too. That is why some analogs were still in use 40 years after initial installation.
3) From C4ST. I regret that I was unable to attach several documents referenced and highlighted in this meeting notice. They will be included in Monday’s update but I wanted to ensure you had notice of the meeting .
Hello Riding Representatives, Riding Members and Community Members!
Thank you for your great work reaching out to the Senators in your Province!
Hello Riding Representatives, Riding Members, Community Members, and Guests!
We are thrilled that Lyn McLean from Australia will be our guest speaker this Tuesday, April 5th, 7:30 ET
Please join us this Tuesday on Zoom:
https://zoom.us/j/97250411732?pwd=YU9kZlE5S291anpkOVI3VzVaQ2hGQT09 (No password required).
Please see more details below:
1. Our next Senators “Call to Action” CEPA WHITE PAPER
2. Details About Our Next Guest Speaker is Lyn McLean, EMR Australia: (see Letters below)
3. March Riding Representative/Riding Member/Community Member (Friends and guests) “Chat Notes” with our STOP WIRELESS 5G UNTIL HEALTH CANADA’S SAFETY CODE 6 IS FIXED.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Hello Riding Representatives, Riding Members, Community Members, and Guests!
We are thrilled that Lyn McLean from Australia will be our guest speaker this Tuesday, April 5th, 7:30 ET
Please join us this Tuesday on Zoom:
https://zoom.us/j/97250411732?pwd=YU9kZlE5S291anpkOVI3VzVaQ2hGQT09 (No password required)
Lyn has achieved wonderful success for over two decades of her EMR advocacy!
Lyn McLean is Australia’s foremost expert on understanding and reducing exposure to electromagnetic exposures in homes, businesses and learning environments.
She has been working in this field since 1996 and brings a commitment to helping people and over two decades of experience to her work.
Lyn has been involved in or commented on the major political and regulatory developments of the last two decades.
She is a qualified trainer and educator; who has presented at conferences, Senate Inquiries, committees and numerous public meetings.
She is the author of four books on electromagnetic radiation:
‘Wireless-wise Families’, ‘The Force – living safely in a world of electromagnetic pollution’, Scribe, 2011;
‘Wireless-wise Kids – safer ways to use mobile and wireless technology’, 2013.
‘Watt’s the Buzz?’, Scribe, 2004
She is co-author of the paper ‘Measurement and analysis of power-frequency magnetic fields in residences: Results from a pilot study’, Malka N Halgamuge and Lyn McLean, Measurement 125(2018):415-424.
She has published a regular report, ‘EMR and Health’, since 1996.
She was Executive Officer of the EMR Association of Australia and Secretary of its forerunner, the EMR Alliance for nine years.
She was Deputy Chair, of the ACIF Committee that developed the Code for the Deployment of Radiocommunications Infrastructure – and Deputy-Chair of the Communications Alliance committee that revised this Code in 2010-2011.
She was a member of the Department of Health’s EME Reference Group, hosted by ARPANSA, for over 15 years.
She was a member of the local government committee that developed the Model Telecommunications and Radiocommunications DCP.
She was a member of the Consultative Group for the development of the Australian Standard for ELF 2004-2011.
She has written extensively for newsletters and magazines and given media interviews.
Lyn McLean, founder and Managing Director of EMR Australia PL, Established in 2003
Here is her website: www.emraustralia.com.au
We look forward to seeing you this Tuesday!
Shelley Wright
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“One who deceives will always find those who allow themselves to be deceived.” Niccolo Machiavelli