Don’t be fooled by the year shown in this link. The page is topped by a September 26, 2021 post by Dr. Joel Moskowitz. He details a phenomenal three-part academic monograph, because the third part was recently published.
This is the introduction in Dr. Moskowitz’s post titled:
“The Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Fields on Flora and Fauna (Levitt, Lai, and Manville)”
“The journal, Reviews on Environmental Health, just published the final part of a three-part monograph that examines the effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF), including wireless radiation from cell towers and EMF from power lines, on flora and fauna. This 150-page tome (plus supplements) written by B. Blake Levitt, Henry Lai, and Albert Manville cites more than 1,200 references.
B. Blake Levitt, an award-winning journalist/author and former contributor to the New York Times, has specialized in medical and science writing for over three decades. Since the late 1970’s, she has researched the biological effects of nonionizing radiation. Henry Lai is a scientist and bioengineering Professor Emeritus at the University of Washington and former Editor-in-Chief of Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine. Dr. Lai is best known for his research published in 1995 which concluded that low-level microwave radiation caused DNA damage in rat brains. Albert Manville is a retired branch manager and senior wildlife biologist in the Division of Migratory Bird Management at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Dr. Manville has served as an adjunct professor and lecturer for more than two decades at Johns Hopkins University where he has taught field classes in ecology, conservation biology, and wildlife management.
The abstracts and excerpts from this three-part monograph appear below.”

(click on photos to enlarge)
This new article is attention-getting and also features videos that explain and point out that children should certainly not be hugging wireless devices.
“Additionally, data collecting ‘Smart’ devices emit high levels of harmful electromagnetic radiation. Got Pets? Exposure can affect them too.”

At the link, scroll down to see who all the speakers are, and to register. I also noticed this explanation on the page:
“Not A Pitch Fest. No Hidden Agendas. We do not allow speakers to pitch their products, courses or services on our summit. That means you get a full 100% learning experience without wading through time-consuming sales pitches. Your experience is our #1 Priority. Stay Focused and On Target.”
When you have completed the free registration, it automatically sends you to another webpage and sends you an email that has instructions. Both the email and the second webpage contain do contain sales pitches. Note: the free viewing opportunity depends on you watching each day within 24 hours.
for Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
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I prefer, provide & request corded connections because we need cleaner indoor & outdoor air everywhere.
a conscious choice