Summary of Phone Gate Precautionary Measures by André Fauteux – November 20, 2019

From: André Fauteux <>
Sent: November 20, 2019
Subject: France adopts precautionary measures to limit cell-phone radiation exposure

Precautions to be taken by the holders of electronic implants       (cardiac pacemakers, insulin pumps, neurostimulators …)         concerning in particular the distance between the radio equipment and the implant (15 centimeters in the case of the strongest sources of exposure like the mobile phones).
B. – Information on the behaviors to be adopted to reduce exposure to radiation emitted by radio equipment
. Use the radio equipment in good reception conditions to reduce the amount of radiation received.
. Use a hands-free kit or loudspeaker, if suitable for radio        equipment.
. Make reasonable use of radio equipment such as mobile phones, by children and teenagers, for example by avoiding nocturnal calls and by limiting the frequency and duration of calls.
. Keep radio equipment away from pregnant women’s belly.
. Keep radio equipment away from the lower abdomen of teenagers.
See also


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Brain cancers – 4 times more new cases of glioblastoma in 2018 according to Public Health France by Alert Phone Gate – November 18, 2019



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In July 2019 (updated in September 2019), the French Public Health Agency “Santé Publique France“, together with the Francim cancer registries, the Hospices Civils de Lyon and the Institut National du Cancer, published national estimates of cancer incidence and mortality in metropolitan France between 1990 and 2018. These are based on the modeling of observed incidence data (new cases) until 2015 by cancer registries, supplemented by projections until 2018.

Volume 1 of the report is devoted to solid tumors (27 tumors and 22 subtypes). Between 1990 and 2018, the overall incidence rate of solid tumors remained relatively stable in men and continued to increase in women. At the same time, the annual number of new cases of glioblastoma with histological confirmation (one of the most aggressive types of brain cancer) has increased fourfold and more for both sexes.

In 20 years, the number of glioblastomas multiplied by 4, affecting all ages

Santé Publique France estimates that there will be 3,481 new cases of these glioblastomas in metropolitan France in 2018, 58% of them in men. There were only 823 in 1990….

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[Open letter] Protection of the health of users overexposed to mobile phone waves: the appeal from our associations to the government! by Alert Phone Gate – November 08, 2019     (click on photo to enlarge)

Dear supporters,

Marianne magazine is publishing today this open letter to French government signed with six other associations working to protect public health. We are counting on you to share it (English translation) and sign the petition

Thank you in advance,
The Phonegate Alert Team

The signatory associations:

Alerte Phonegate ; Robin des toits – Centre de Recherche et d’Information Indépendant sur les Rayonnements Electro Magnétiques – Santé Environnement Rhône Alpes – Association Zones Blanches – WECF (Women engage for a common future) France – Conseil National des Associations Familiales Laïques

Phonegate Alert invited to the International conference Stop 5G at the Italian Parliament – Alert Phone Gate – October 12, 2019

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Dear supporters,

Filled room at the Italian Parliament ! Congratulations to all the organizers for the success of this conference on 5G and Phonegate. Find the presentation of Dr Marc Arazi and the first photos.

Please relay as widely as possible,

The Phonegate Alert Team Parliament

….*Article updated on Novembre 7, 2019….


Mobile telephony and public health – Is Switzerland an absent subscriber? – Alert Phone Gate – November 03, 2019

Called upon in the context of the Phonegate industrial and health scandal by Léon Warnier, Swiss Phonegate Alert Coordinator, the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (SFOPH) initially declared itself incompetent. After a cascading referral to different authorities, the FOPH claims to be unaware of which office is responsible for protecting the health of smartphone users!…

The situation is Kafkaesque:

  1. The FOPH declared itself incompetent and referred the matter back to OFCOM.
  2. OFCOM declared itself incompetent and referred the matter back to ESTI.
  3. The ESTI declared itself incompetent and declared the FOPH competent.
  4. The FOPH claims to be unaware of which office is competent in this case.

Mobile telephony and public health: Is Switzerland an absent subscriber?