[5G mmW Microcells / Small Cells Phased Array Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting – American Cancer Society – Antenna System Siting Protocol – BC Civil Liberties Association (Josh Paterson) – Big Tobacco – Brain Tumour (Mason Ferrulli) – Cell Towers (Churches, Hospitals, Schools, Senior Citizens) – Cellular Phone Task Force – CWTA Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association – Democracy – EHT – EMF Scientist Appeal – EMR – Eyes – FCM Federation of Canadian Municipalities – Fibre Optics – Health – International Doctors’ Appeal 2012 – IoT – ISDE – Kidney Tumour (Kyle Prime) – NTP – Physicians for Safe Technology – Protection of Public Participation Act (Anti-SLAPP, David Eby, Free Speech) – Ramazzini Institute – Safety – Scientist Appeal for 5G Moratorium – Scientists for Wired Technology – Sherry Ridout Letter to BC Mayors & Councillors re AKBLG / UBCM Resolution B100 – Skin – Studies – West Coast Environmental Law (Erica Stahl) – Weston Elementary, Ripon Unified School District – Wilderness Committee (Joe Foy) – Wireless Devices | Grand Forks & Shawnigan Lake, BC – Canada – France – Ripon, California, USA] & (videos
1) Some of our members put together the letter that is below in “Letters”, with two attachments [attachment links are listed within the letter below], related to the issue of microcell installations in our communities. This recently went out to all municipalities in B.C.
(click on photos to enlarge)

If you wish to support this awareness-raising endeavour, please see the third attachment [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Formatted-Email-on-Health-Impacts-of-EMFs.docx]. This concise, already formatted letter on the health concerns of EMR is ready to be sent to your municipal, provincial and federal representatives. It just requires you to address it and sign it. The more letters received on this issue the more chance politicians will take note and change policies that affect our health. This is an important initiative and I hope you will consider helping.
2) A sad story about a very young boy in California with an inoperable brain tumor (it has returned). Coincidentally (?) his best friend also had cancer – and they both attend a school that has a cell tower on the property. And the school just renewed the contract. How many more children will suffer so that telecoms can profit? They target places that need money, like schools, churches, hospitals, senior citizens homes. These companies are vultures.

After 2 Ripon Children Diagnosed with Cancer, Kids and Parents Protest Cell Tower on School Grounds
“Having a cell phone tower on a school ground, it’s… in 2011 it was classified as a known carcinogen so that tells me that it shouldn’t be around our children,” Prime’s mother, Kellie, told FOX40…
“It’s there. It’s very, very close to the buildings. The kids are there, six, seven hours a day,” Prime said.
The American Cancer Society said there is very little evidence that these towers cause cancer. Even so, Ferrulli said she has demanded answers from the school district only to remain in the dark.”
3) New legislation being proposed that will protect our free speech from lawsuits aimed to keep us from speaking out.

BC Introduces Legislation to Protect Free Speech from Intimidation Lawsuits.
& https://archive.news.gov.bc.ca/releases/news_releases_2017-2021/2018AG0032-000918.htm
& http://vancouversun.com/news/politics/ian-mulgrew-legal-lions-urge-b-c-to-adopt-anti-slapp-law]

Dear Mayors and Councillors,
Last fall Citizens for Safe Technology (CST) sent the attached letter [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Letter-to-Municipalities-Microcell-Resolution-Notice-of-Wireless-Harm-October-2017.pdf] regarding Resolution B100 that called for land use authorities and the public to be consulted when microcells are placed within 100 metres of schools, hospitals, and residences. In March 2018 we were informed that this resolution did not make it on to the upcoming FCM Agenda. The FCM Board categorized it as Category E – Resolutions that have been considered by FCM in the previous three years and that are not in accordance with existing FCM policy. Those involved with CST are deeply disappointed with the FCM’s board decision and are confounded to say the least being as their website states they are committed to being an advocate for local governments on issues that fall under federal jurisdiction, safeguarding municipal interests with respect to Rights-of-Way, and making the antenna siting process responsive to community needs.
We think they made this decision because they mistakenly think the resolution’s mandate has been dealt with by the creation of the revised Antenna Siting Procedure with CWTA in April 2014. That procedural change doesn’t address microcells which remain exempt from consultation and are different than the large cell towers the 2014 revision was addressing. Microcells expose citizens, at close proximity, to unsafe levels of radiofrequency radiation. These microcells will allow for broadcasting the untested 5G millimeter waves with phased array antennas. These antennas increase power and distance emitting waves that penetrate skin, eyes and more. (Ref. #1 below) In the last few months, two long term studies have been published indicating conclusively that wireless is a carcinogen causing cancer. (Ref. #2 & #3) And just recently the International Society of Doctors for Environment [ISDE] published an appeal for a moratorium on 5G Networks. (Ref. #4) To learn more about this new technology, please see the attached point by point analysis, by one of our members, to the provincial government’s response to Resolution B100. [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Response-to-Ministry-of-Citizens-Services-Resolution-B100.docx]
The telecommunication industry’s strides forward have outpaced the government’s ability to keep up with appropriate safety regulations and hence the need for the discussions that Resolution B100 would have brought to the table regarding safer installation practices for electromagnetic radiation emitting devices. In April, we sent a letter to the mayor and council of Grand Forks to thank them for their visionary leadership role in drafting the resolution and in getting it passed at both the AKBLG and the UBCM.
We must find safer ways to provide the convenience consumers desire without compromising public health. Safer technology is possible. Fiber optics connected directly to the premises, with no wireless transmitters involved in the network, offer the safest, fastest connectivity available – faster even than 5G. We could emulate a pilot project done in France which installed low power small cells for cellular communication in non-residential zones only.
It is clear that there is a need to create a more responsive, current, and comprehensive telecommunications policy in Canada so that in 10-15 years time we don’t have a public health epidemic caused by the inappropriate siting of microcells. Think how cigarettes were marketed. Big tobacco did its job for its shareholders and the telecoms are doing theirs now. We appreciate the number of issues you deal with on a daily basis and realize it is impossible to keep up with them all. Perhaps you could assign someone on staff or a volunteer from a health and safety committee to research this issue. We hope you will do whatever you can at the municipal level to work toward a safer environment for all! Thank you for the time and energy you spend on improving the lives of your constituents across the province.
Sherry Ridout
Victoria, B.C.
On Behalf Of: Citizens for Safe Technology
1. Cellular Phone Task Force
2. National Toxicology Program (NTP) April 2018 – a 10-year study costing the US 25 million dollars, had eleven experts review the reports from the NTP’s cell phone radiation studies. They concluded that exposure to cell phone radiation caused a rare cancer, malignant schwannoma in the heart, and incidences of glioma, a rare, aggressive and highly malignant brain cancer.
3. Ramazzini Institute also completed the world’s largest animal study on cell tower radiation and confirmed the findings of the National Toxicology Program link to Cancer. This information accompanied with the over 26,000 peer reviewed studies by scientists and medical experts.
4. International Society of Doctors for the Environment (ISDE) April 2018
5. Scientists warn of potential serious health effects of 5G – September 13, 2017 (180 scientists and doctors from 35 countries)
6. Physicians for Safe Technology – Wireless Technology and Public Health
7. Scientists for Wired Technology – Advocacy based on Scientists…
8. International Doctors´ Appeal 2012
9. International Scientists Appeal to The United Nations (237 scientists, from 41 nations)
10. Environmental Health Trust – 5G And The IOT: Scientific Overview Of Human Health Risks
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“The absence of absolute proof does not mean the absence of risk,”
~ Dr. Annie Sasco