“The Secret Inside Your Phone” by Wendy Mesley – CBC Marketplace – March 24, 2017

Wendy Mesley was on CBC radio Friday morning discussing cell phones. If you missed it, you can hear it.

(click on photos to enlarge)

http://www.cbc.ca/radio/thecurrent/the-current-for-march-24-2017-1.4038259/cellphone-in-your-pocket-cbc-s-marketplace-investigates-why-you-might-reconsider-1.4038287   &

(scroll down to Transcript: Cellphone in your pocket? CBC’s Marketplace investigates why you might reconsider) – https://www.cbc.ca/radio/thecurrent/the-current-for-march-24-2017-1.4038259/march-24-2017-full-episode-transcript-1.4040727#segment2    &

(audio 22:32) – https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/910329411834

or  http://www.cbc.ca/player/play/905589827581

And Marketplace presented “The Secret Inside Your Phone”. It is archived at http://www.cbc.ca/marketplace/ .

(video 22:26) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wm69ik_Qdb8

We should all write to Wendy Mesley and thank her for this program. It gave a lot of info (of course, we’d always like more) that many people have never heard before.  Her email address is:  marketplace@cbc.ca

One member suggested that we see if she would be interested in the smeter issue. Given that she just did the show on cell phone RF, I doubt she’d look at that issue so soon, but I bet she might be interested in the privacy issue, about which there is so much info and so many warnings.

Shame on Health Canada for this blatant lie!

The Role Of Utility Meters In Mass Surveillance (video by Jerry Day)

A YouTube by Jerry Day about Onzo, the data analytic company about which Sharon Noble provided info in the March 21/17 update [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/z/2017-03-21-industry-ad-exposes-smeter-data-use/].  This is an excellent video but, remember, he is in the USA where many of the states offer full opt-out options.

Not in BC! BC Hydro and FortisBC, thanks to the Liberal’s Clean Energy Act, tell us – take the smeter or lose your electricity.

“The Role Of Utility Meters In Mass Surveillance”
