Environmental Illness – EHS and MCS – We must act.

Thilde Jensen - The Canaries - Marie

The main focus of this site StopSmartMetersBC.COM is to combat the proliferation of the Smart Meters in BC primarily because of the health effects of the Radio Frequency Radiation which includes EHS (electro-hypersensitivity).

Now, it seems, that EHS may be considered as part of Environmental Illness (EI) which also includes MCS (multiple chemical sensitivity)

I have found this extremely interesting article in groups.facebook.com called The Grow Dome EHS Project.  You should visit it.

The article is on the Financial Times Magazine site.  Take a look.

see http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/7dc239c8-a900-11e5-9700-2b669a5aeb83.html

(Watch out on this site.  You may see the article the first time and then be forced to pay for future access the second time.  Do a print to PDF if you want to keep a copy.  Or pay $1 for a trial.)

The article is about a photographer Thilde Jensen who is EHS and has published a book of photos of people who are effected by EHS and/or MCS.  The title of the book is The Canaries.  Those who suffer from EHS /MCS are the Canaries in today’s world.  We all are suffering but 90% of us are really not aware of the impact, YET.  If we ignore the warning signs now then the problems will be 100 times worse in the near future.  We must resist the increasing RFR pollution and the increase in the chemicals in our lives.

see Thilde Jensen’s site  at http://thildejensen.com/