[BC Hydro Poll Comments – Cell Phones – CPUC California Public Utilities Commission Mandates re DDTP Deaf and Disabled Telephone Program Opposition to AT&T Landlines Elimination – EHS – EMF Refugee Sarah Yost – Interview of Cell Tower Worker Whistleblower re Safety – Investigations into Gary Pierce, ACC Arizona Corporation Commission – Katie Singer List of Cell Tower Fires and Collapsing Towers – Letter to John Horgan & Rich Coleman re Investigation into BC Hydro Smart Metering Program and Provincial Health Office | BC – Egegik, Alaska & Arizona & California, USA ] & (video)
1) In the USA, especially in California, AT&T is eliminating landlines, forcing everyone to use a cell phone. We all know this is unacceptable for many reasons, among which is the inability for many to use cell phones, e.g those who cannot afford a cell phone, many elderly, those who need dependable emergency service. In addition, those who are deaf will have major difficulties. The reason this is important is that what happens in California eventually will happen here. This is from someone in California who is resisting this conversion from landline to cell phones.
(click on photos to enlarge)
Please share with groups representing the disabled and ask them to begin to organize to preserve landlines.
“I just spoke with a technician who was sent out to service a phone for hard-of-hearing person, provided by the Deaf and Disabled Telephone Program. He told me that landlines are going to be discontinued in 2020 and that the California Deaf and Disabled Telephone Program representatives are very concerned about the change.
He said that the DDTP program has been trying to convince the legislature to “grandfather” in the landlines that service the deaf and disabled so that the phones will continue to work by “changing the language” in the bill. He said that he knows of no equipment changes that may be in the works to function with VoIP phones.
The program is funded by small deductions from telephone bills.
According to the technician, people who will be affected if the phone equipment is not compatible with VoIP are quadriplegics, cognitively impaired, and others. I asked him if any “disability” groups were actively involved with advocacy on this matter, via the DDTP, and he said that there is a committee of some sort comprised of various disability groups.
I read a bit about the history of the DDTP and it seems that if the CPUC does not step up to the plate to defend landlines, they are in violation of the MANDATES (!!) to provide this service.
Read about the mandates here:
Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program (DDTP). “
2) A family became refugees, ending up in a tiny town in Alaska, for the health of their daughter who is sensitive. A story that will be repeated more often as the microcells increase the electrosmog.
“Yost and his family recently moved to Egegik from the Upper Peninsula in Michigan–part of a search to find an environment agreeable with the oldest daughter of the family’s health. Eighteen year old Sarah Yost suffers from a rare condition called Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity, which gives her symptoms similar to Fibromyalgia brought on by wireless radiation. She feels ill in areas concentrated with wireless internet, cell phones and cell phone towers.The Yost family traveled the country for the better part of the last two years, searching for a place far enough removed from modern technologies, where Sara could feel healthy.”
3) From a member about an online BC Hydro poll (which seems to me to be a waste of money) but look at one of the comments, on page 10.
(email address: smart.meter@mailinator.com
password: smartmeter1)
Now you can view things like this poll results ……
Once you log in, you can view stuff like this pdf:
” When smart will meters will be removed because of the real danger of cancer, etc.!”
4) The other day in an update [see 3) https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/z/2017-07-02-bc-ferries-increasing-connectivity/], I shared a YouTube in which a cell tower worker spoke about various hazards including, but not limited to, health such as overloaded cell transmitters falling.
Katie Singer sent this great list to support his statements. If anyone sees info about other such incidents, please let me know and I will send to Katie.
From: X
Sent: July 6, 2017 3:11 PM
To: premier@gov.bc.ca; john.horgan.mla@leg.bc.ca; rich.coleman.mla@leg.bc.ca
Subject: Ex-ACC Chairman Pierce Indictment Is Part of Larger Investigation
Hello Mr. Horgan:
Congratulations on your win!
A serious investigation is underway in Arizona into the Arizona Corporation Commission (pasted in below). ‘Smart meters’ are an element of this investigation.
I hope that when things settle down in British Columbia, if they ever do, an investigation can be conducted into the ‘smart meter’ program here. This, in my opinion, should include the Provincial Health Office, without whose ‘rubber stamping’ of unsafe technologies the project could not have occurred.
Thank you.
= = =
From: Someone in the USA
Sent: July 6, 2017 10:40 AM

The recent indictment of former Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) chairman Gary Pierce and his wife for Felony Conspiracy, Bribery, Mail Fraud and 5 Counts of Wire Fraud is part of “a much larger and more intensive investigation” by the FBI that is ongoing. Who’ll be the next in line? Maybe we should start a betting pool.
Read all about it:
Roberts: Is a bombshell about to be dropped on Arizona’s power elite?
Laurie Roberts , The Republic | azcentral.com Published 11:54 a.m. MT July 5, 2017 | Updated 4:03 p.m. MT July 5, 2017
Laurie Roberts: If bribery and fraud charges against a former Arizona Corporation Commission official are small potatoes, then …
We now have public acknowledgement that the FBI is continuing its investigation, presumably into possible funny business involving the Arizona Corporation Commission.
It seems the case against former Commissioner Gary Pierce is small potatoes when viewed against the larger federal investigation under way.
Well, if charges that the then-chairman of the commission that regulates utilities took a bribe and committed fraud….
[and before anyone asks, no, the “Sean Noble” mentioned in connection with this fraud is no relation]
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
Follow the money and it will lead us to the truth….