2016-10-23 RF pollution threatens biosphere.

1) An excellent article about the severe danger to the health of our environment posed by RF radiation. It includes many quotes from several doctors, researchers, and a scientific journalist that could be a great use when trying to educate Health Canada, Health Minister Jane Philpott,  MPs, MLAs, Dr. Perry Kendall, and your children.


Wildlife is known to abandon areas when cell towers are placed. Radiofrequency radiation (RF) – the part of the electromagnetic spectrum used in all-things-wireless today – is a known immune system suppressor, among other things. RF is a form of energetic air pollution and we need to understand it as such. Humans are not the only species being affected. The health of our planet may be in jeopardy from this newest environmental concern – added to all the others. Citizens need to call upon government to fund appropriate research and to get industry influence out of the dialogue. We ignore this at our own peril now.”  Blake Levitt


2) If you haven’t written in response to Dr. Philpott’s report, I hope you will consider doing so. It is so important that she and the HESA members know that we do not accept her and Health Canada continuing to ignore science. Below in Letters, I have attached an email from Marg Friesen who has catalogued so many of the 24,000 studies that show harm, encouraging that we make our voices heard. She has shared a link to another group of studies. It is only through complaining, demanding change, and not relenting that things will change. Remember, silence is taken as acceptance. In a couple of previous updates, I’ve provided HESA committee members’ names and email addresses. If you need them again, let me know and I will post them.

3) Non-smeters, a Dr. Mercola warning about light from LED bulbs which can lead to macular degeneration and cataracts.  Like the old analog meters, the old incandescent bulbs were the safest, it seems.


“There are some major downsides about LED lighting that we just don’t appreciate. I know I didn’t. I was massively exposed to this. This may be one of the most important, non-native EMF radiation exposures that each and every one of us has. If we don’t take control of this, we are looking at some very, very serious long-term complications, the least of which is age-related macular degeneration, which is the leading cause of blindness in the United States, and then cataracts, of course, too, and other foundational mitochondrial dysfunction components.” From the interview:


http://tinyurl.com/h75wnw7  (the article)

4) So much for service when the power goes out.  I’ve heard that BC Hydro has lost power at times and its Call Centre cannot be accessed. What does that tell us about BC Hydro’s ability to handle outages??



5) At the annual Union of BC Municipalities meeting, the majority accepted Powell River’s motion to consider helping residents with projects like solar power.

“The idea is that the city would set up a program where property owners can apply for loans for specific improvements, such as installing solar panels, and pay them back through property taxes.”


6) So far, FortisBC has not applied for a $mart gas meter program but in the UK, major concerns are being raised, especially with regard to inexperienced installers-caused leaks.




Hi All,

Further to someone’s suggestion for a graphic to show that there are potentially adverse biological effects below Safety Code 6, please see the diagram below from the report:

TITLE: References and extracts of over 60 scientific studies published in 2015 and up to April 2016 reporting potential harm at or below Safety Code 6 (2015), Health Canada’s guidelines for safe human exposure to radiofrequency/microwave radiation – 18 April 2016


This diagram shows biological effects at levels of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) documented in 30 studies. To the right of the red arrow is where heating (the only established effect recognized by Health Canada) starts to occur (this chart can be found at the link above, on the last page).


When Health Canada makes statements like“Safety Code 6 is designed to provide protection for all age groups, including infants and children, on a continuous basis” it means protection for ONLY thermal effects which is THE only effect it says is established for frequencies used for cell phones, baby monitors, Wi-Fi routers (at the lower frequencies there can also be peripheral nerve stimulation). This is stated in the Safety Code 6 document. ALL of the other studies are considered to be not “convincing” – with only broad statements being made as to why these studies are not credible.

Possible question to ask – Minister Philpott, please provide the rationale including the weight-of-evidence analysis and risk assessment for the individual studies shown in the diagram above as well as others that were omitted by Health Canada, the Royal Society of Canada expert panel and the “authoritative reviews” in the last revision of Safety Code 6.

One would think that this is something that the current HESA committee members would want to know as they consider the response from Health Canada.

I would be glad to provide a WORD version of the above report. Comments are welcome.

Marg Friesen


Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters

“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.”
~ Dalai Lama


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation