2016-07-16 Segment #7 — proof that BC Hydro is removing meters from fires that appear to have been caused by $$meters.

1) The US courts are telling the Navy to reduce the sonar to reduce the deaths of marine mammals. This is wonderful, but what about people and the Navy’s wargames??

According to the decision by the Ninth US Circuit Court in San Francisco on Friday, USA officials wrongly allowed the Navy to use sonar at levels that harmed marine mammals, and the Navy would have to scale back low-frequency sonar in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans as well as the Mediterranean Sea, under authority granted in 2012.


2) William Rea, who is an expert on environmental sensitivities (chemical and electromagnetic), has a new paper explaining new methods to diagnose those with sensitivities which can be used by ordinary physicians.

“Histories of mold, pollen, dust, food, chemicals, and electromagnetic field (EMF) sensitivities are the major categories of triggers for chemical sensitivity. They are tied together by the coherence phenomenon, where each has its own frequencies and identifiable EMF; therefore, they can be correlated…

In our experience, 80% of the EMF sensitive patients had chemical sensitivity when studied under less-polluted conditions for particulates, controlled natural gas, pesticides, and chemicals like formaldehyde.”


3) A tribute by Dr. Louis Slesin of Dr. Stephen Cleary, a brave man, who fought to find the truth against many odds. Dr. Cleary recently died of a heart attack.

“To many observers, Cleary’s tumor cell proliferation study was an obvious candidate for follow-up funding, both for Cleary to extend and others to repeat. Carlo strung Cleary along, but he quickly wrote off the body of work on proliferation (Cleary’s as well that of others), as lacking coherence. By the summer of 1995, Cleary was angry and frustrated. “It’s so obvious what is going on,” he told me at the time. “If they cannot explain an effect, they ignore it. They just ignore anything of potential concern.” He added, “It’s been going on for 30 years. It just happens again and again.” Cleary then reeled off all the areas of research that Carlo’s WTR was conveniently ignoring.”


4) Ellie Marks made a strong plea to the FCC to not approve the 5G technology until it had been researched, but this like those of so many experts and others with amazing info like Ellie were ignored. Ellie has listed more than 300 well-known people who have died from brain tumors, a condition that used to be so rare. Now we hear of this, even with very young people, all the time.

“Cellular phones were never pre-market safety tested. We are now witnessing the serious ramifications of that negligence. Now, years later, after daily exposure to nearly every American, independent testing and testing by the United States National Toxicology Program have shown that 2G wireless technology causes brain tumors and tumors in the nerves of the heart (Schwanomas).

There is no longer a “flat line” in brain tumors. Lethal brain tumors have increased in the area of the brain which is closest to where the phone is held. I personally know many who died at young ages “more likely than not” from their cell phone use or are now dying from this exposure. I also know many who suffer from Electro-hypersensitivity (EHS) from exposure to wireless radiation. It is time to recognize this and take it seriously.


5) In Segment #7 below, BC Safety Authority has the authority to investigate electrical fires, except those associated with smart meters. The local fire departments are supposed to call the BCSA to a fire when it is suspected to have been caused by some electrical problem. But this is not happening consistently. I have found many instances where the fire report clearly indicates an electrical malfunction, perhaps of a nature that implies meter involvement or fires at the electrical panels, and the BCSA has not been called in. In cases where the BCSA has been notified, the meter has been removed by BC Hydro before the inspection. I recently learned that the largest communities (Burnaby, Maple Ridge, North Vancouver (city and district), Surrey, Vancouver, Victoria and West Vancouver) do their own inspections of electrical fires but they do not share their findings with the BCSA or with any other authority of which I am aware. I have requested electrical inspection reports from Surrey, for example, and the cost for a report exceeds $100, which is a deterrent to anyone wanting this information.

Also included is the first portion on the utilities. Note that BC Hydro is not allowed to remove meters from the scene of a fire, yet they do. I’ve attached one sample report – one of many.

I hope you will share this information widely. People need to know that fires are happening and all those responsible for our safety are doing nothing. It is an outrage, and it’s time for us to get angry. There is much more evidence to come in future segments – the system is entirely broken….

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Risky Business?

RESPONSE TO “BCUC’s Staff Report on Smart Meter Fire Safety Concerns” Segment #7

KEY:  Highlighted text is from Sharon Noble   Non-highlighted text is the draft report as written by BCUC staff.

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BC Safety Authority (continued)

The BC Safety Authority is also mandated to investigate safety-related incidents7 involving installation and operation of regulated electrical equipment including residential wiring and meter sockets. The BC Safety Authority is not mandated to investigate utility owned meter incidents, though as a practical matter their mandate to investigate meter socket incidents encompasses the meter as the two components are physically attached to each other and an incident damaging one will in all likelihood damage to the other.

COMMENTS on the BCSA Electrical Safety Reports 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 PUBLISHED ON THEIR WEB SITE:

The incidents are not identified by ID number, making it difficult to consistently identify and to track each incident. In 2013 report, the BCSA started using dates for each incident.

In 2010 and 2011, the BCSA does not appear to have published any detailed reporting on electrical incidents.

Since there are no incidents listed for those identified Municipalities listed below, we assume that they are not included.

Most incidents extracted here start with the words: “A fire occurred…” We assume that the Fire Fighters reported the incidents to BCSA. There is no documentation identifying the source of the incident report, e.g. Hydro, Fortis, Electrician, Fire Hall etc.

There is no data describing how, and if these incidents were investigated, by whom and how much time had elapsed after the fire before the BCSA arrived.

There is no explanation on whether BCSA intends to improve its methods of investigation, or to obtain expert resources in order to carry out detailed investigations of the backlog and new cases.

There is no reference to cooperation or coordination with Electrical Utilities such as Hydro and Fortis.

There is no explanation whether BCSA is aware of the incomplete reporting system that results in only BCSA incident data being listed in what might be assumed to be Province-Wide oversight. BCSA needs to state that other data sources (e.g. Municipalities, Hydro, Fortis etc.) are not included and should comment on what is the scale and seriousness of other non-listed incidents.

In 2012 there were 35 incidents listed as “Investigators were unable to determine the causes in these incidents.” Note that electrical incidents being investigated are not listed.

In 2013 there were 24 incidents listed in the BCSA Report as “Investigators were unable to determine the causes in these incidents.” Note that 52 electrical incidents that are still being investigated are not listed.

The BCSA data in these annual reports must be reviewed with extreme caution, since it is a part of a much larger picture in which the reader is not aware of the scale or severity of incidents not reported or held within Municipalities’ files.

The quantity of unresolved incidents is high and needs to be addressed immediately and the users, including the Public, need to be advised.


The utilities install and own the meters which are inserted into the meter socket of residential properties. Utilities and their distribution equipment including meters are exempt from the Electrical Safety Regulation. However, utilities are not exempt from the Safety Standards Act and thus “must not remove, disturb or interfere with anything in, on or about the place” were an incident resulting in damage to property has occurred as a result of a meter socket (or other regulated equipment) until the BC Safety Authority has completed its investigation. (emphasis was added)

BC Hydro is exempt from most provisions of the Electrical Standards Act and the Electrical Safety Standards, but it is ignoring the provisions in the Electrical Safety Regulations that do apply to it – with impunity. Further, those who are to enforce the Act are condoning Hydro’s disregard.

* BC Hydro is removing meters from the fire scene. A fire inspector and a fire chief told me (in confidence) that this is a regular occurrence. Both the Fire Commissioner and BCSA have said this removal prior to inspection is allowed because it is Hydro’s equipment. How is this different from an arsonist being allowed to remove a gas can from the scene of the fire because it belongs to him? An example is a fire in Coquitlam, Aug, 5, 2012. The BCSA report states that cause of fire could not be determined because the meter had been removed before it could be examined.



Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters

“When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.”
~ Thomas Jefferson.


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation