2015-07-21 New security measures required by US


  • Several petitions are being circulated regarding cell towers near their homes. I will put them in the letter section. Please consider signing and sharing. Hopefully through these petitions pressure can be put on politicians at all levels.


  • Smart meters: Don’t be fooled – No benefits Part 2.


“An additional fact worth noting: “The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) a part of the World Health Organization has classified wireless devices including Smart Meters as a Class 2B Carcinogen.” There are many health professionals (some from the original IARC committee) who think enough evidence exists now to have Smart Meters classified as a 2A probable Carcinogen. Either way, that makes this the first time in history that a possible Carcinogen has been mandated on ALL homes and buildings being serviced by an electric utility.”




  • On July 30th, the RDKB (Regional District of Kootenay Boundary) board will include in its meeting discussion about $$meters that Fortis BC is installing. This from Roly Russell,  Director of Region D  of to a member. The meeting begins at 6:00 pm and will be held in the Grand Forks Board Room. There will be a Q&A and the end.


“I am moving this forward on the Regional District tables–we have had our Electoral Area Services committee cancelled for this month, and so instead we will bring the issue directly to the board table at the end of the month.  At the board, I expect to entertain the conversation about the RD lobbying the more senior levels of government to reevaluate their assessment of the health risks of EMF radiating devices.   This is within our mandate, as outlined in the RDOS resolution as included here:


” local government must take action upon being made aware of any health hazard or health impediment within its jurisdiction, by reporting the health hazard to a Provincial Health Officer, and by taking actions or enforcing any Regulations as prescribed by Sec. 120(1) of the Public Health Act.”


If you are interested in holding a public meeting to discuss these Smart meter and associated issues among Rural Grand Forks residents, I’m happy to help financially support such a meeting.  I do not have the capacity to organize, nor host such a meeting, however, so you would have to take that onus on yourself.  


My mandate gives me license to advocate for elevated concern and/or renewed assessment of the health impacts of the radiation from devices such as smart meters (or cellular phones), and that’s where my energy will focus for the immediate future.  I see this as the area of this debate which there is some room for the RD to get some traction on, and have some positive impact.  I would like to see the province taking a much more proactive stance on regulating and educating about the concerns here.”



  • Below, in letters,  is a disclaimer by a member who would like to clarify her position.



  • In the US, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is requiring increased security strategies to prevent attacks. No doubt Canadians utilities will have to comply, and it will be expensive. More money down the drain.


“A proposed rulemaking announced Thursday by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission would require utility industry representatives to develop a new security strategy and standard for supply chain management processes.

FERC is also seeking comment on a second proposed order to the industry’s standards group, the North American Electric Reliability Corp., which would require additional security controls to safeguard communications between grid control centers when vital controls data is traveling on unprotected third-party communications channels.”

“FERC’s action on data communications between utility control rooms also deals with vulnerabilities outside of utilities’ direct control — in this case, the flow of vital data on grid conditions that travels between control rooms over telecom company wires or wireless paths.”

“It’s doable. It’s just the cost and impact” of a new rule, McIntyre said, which has to be weighed against the risk of a successful infiltration.”




Petition re. Fairfield cell towers in Victoria:

If you haven’t seen this petition below it was drafted by a Univ. of Vic. student living in the apartment complex.  He contacted me for info. and I shared the info. we used 2 years ago to flyer his neighbourhood…then he took it a step forward and developed the petition on change.org.  If you could take a minute to sign I’m sure he would appreciate your assistance. J  Thanks…




Dear Colleagues,

It has come to my attention that certain persons and groups distributing information about smart meters have political and other agendas of which I want no part.  I have also learned that some people think they may receive money from the government if smart meter is installed without their consent.  I have  learned that my name and personal information have  been distributed without my knowledge or consent.  I continue to support only peaceful, legal and harmonious resolution of community issues.

 Grand Forks Area D residents will hold a public meeting in the near future to address the fact versus fiction of smart meters, including seeking humanitarian exemptions.  Please see attached Disclaimer and Caution re Smart Meters.

In the meantime, I hope the public will be extremely cautious about believing what they read on the internet.

Thank  you for your consideration.

Best wishes,

Karin Bagn


Disclaimer and Caution:  Smart Meters

July 19, 2015

Public Service Announcement to Community Regarding Smart Meters

In researching smart meters or Itron meters, I have learned there is a lot of misinformation circulated by email and available on the internet.  I continue to support only peaceful, legal and harmonious resolution of resident concerns about Itron smart meters.

I strongly encourage people to only accept legal advice from a licensed, duly qualified Canadian lawyer.  I am not a Canadian lawyer, and have never represented myself as such, or sought to offer legal advice.

Area D residents, with generous financial assistance from Area D rep Roly Russell, will be presenting a public meeting on smart meters:  Smart Meters:  Fact or Fiction?  Date and time to be announced

Residents will also have an opportunity to ask questions at the July 30, 2015 Regional Directors meeting in Grand Forks at the RDKB building, beginning at 6:00 p.m.

The Regional Director’s office in Trail has agreed to accept a letter regarding smart meters, and the public are invited to the question and answer period at the end of the meeting.

Many residents have sent letters and phoned about smart meters.  They will ask for a humanitarian exemption from smart meters for people with a good faith basis for wanting to keep their analog meters.

Thank you.

Karin Bagn

Newsletter prepared by
Sharon Noble

Cartoon - Weve come to install your SM

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Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation