2015-06-23 Letter to Hydro asking for proof of safety that led Hydro to sue

1) In “letters” is a letter written by Mr. Jackanin, the person being
sued by BC Hydro.   All Mr. Jackanin has ever asked for is proof that the smart meters are safe, and for indemnification for any damages caused by the installation or use of them.

It seems that this is the type of proof that all of us should be asking for as a condition for having these things on our homes. If these smart meters are safe, why is BC Hydro unable/unwilling to provide proof?    I hope that you will consider writing to your local and major newspapers, to CBC, Global, CTV, to Bill Bennett and express your concerns not only for the safety of these devices but the heavy-handed approach being used by Hydro against Mr. Jackanin.

BC Hydro is trying to ensure that a precedent is not set that requires them to provide safety information. I believe they aren’t providing it because they can’t.   Email addresses for contacts are available at


2)    In Australia, one city is offering financial incentives for people
to go solar, to get off the grid.
And it further increases the odds the state will switch to 100 per cent
renewables, sooner rather than later – odds already boosted the week before last by the announcement from Alinta Energy


that it plans to shut its Northern and Playford B power stations and Leigh Creek coal mine ahead of schedule.
“We are on the cusp of an energy revolution,” said Adelaide City Lord Mayor Martin Haese. “Now, just as we capture and store the rain water that falls on our roofs, we can capture the sun’s energy and store it until we need it, making continuous availability of carbon-free renewable energy a reality.”


3) In the UK distrust of “smart mart” technology is growing, fearing how data that is gathered by smart meters will be used.

According to the research, consumers believe businesses are
implementing this change for money rather than to improve people’s lives, and more than half of consumers believe technologies are not tested enough before they are introduced.


“In the UK energy sector the areas that matter most to customers have the largest gaps in performance,” said Hay. “The failure to ensure quality control and protect consumer data are particularly relevant for utilities.”


4)    Last year at one of our rallies in Victoria, Metchosin’s Mayor John
Rann spoke, offering sage advice about how to engage politicians. A US group found the video of his speech and is circulating it widely, encouraging use of Mayor Rann’s suggestions in the fight against dangerous, intrusive smart meters.





Please comment at www.avtimes.net/contact-us

This one from Penticton needs comments, too.


August 1, 2014.
Cindy Verschoor
Smart Metering and Infrastructure Program
BC HYDRO 333 Dunsmuir Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6G 1R2

As legal owner of the properties at: 1869 Comox Street, Vancouver, B.C. , 1290 West 13 Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. and 1104 Haro Street, Vancouver, B.C.  I hereby grant BC Hydro or Corix or any agent working on their behalf CONDITIONAL PERMISSION to install smart meters at the above mentioned properties.
By performing the installation BC HYDRO and CORIX individually and jointly Specifically agree to the following conditions:

1. That the Smart Meters being installed have CSA or ULC approval.

2. That any person installing the Smart Meters is authorized to do so
by both B C Hydro and Corix and is bonded and covered by Work Safe BC. As well that installer is qualified to work on the electrical systems of the premises under the laws of the Province of BC and the bylaws of the municipality.

3. That BC Hydro and Corix indemnify against any damage to the
improvements or electrically-powered equipment located therein that is caused by the installation and subsequent use of the Smart Meters. This includes indemnification against any extra cost of payment or increase in premium of an insurance deductible or loss of insurance discount.

4. That BC Hydro and Corix warrant the Smart Meters to be SAFE and therefore to present NO health risks thus indemnifying the property owners, managers, employees, contractors, tenants and visitors against any costs associated with health problems that may be caused by the operation of the Smart Meters.

5. That BC Hydro and Corix warrant that the Smart Meters being
installed are accurate and properly calibrated and that the Smart Meters will not cause interference with any other electrical appliances or devices including but not limited to medical devices.

6. That BC Hydro and Corix warrant that any and all wireless
communication emanating from the Smart Meters is secure, meaning that it can be read only by properly authorized persons working for BC Hydro or Corix.

7. That any data collected by Smart Meters will be used for billing
purposes only and neither BC Hydro or Corix will sell, share or use
collected data for any other purpose.

8. That BC Hydro and Corix indemnify property owners against loss of rental revenue due to Smart Meters “excessive” microwave radiation in the units adjacent to electric meter rooms and therefore not suitable for inhabitation.

Miro Jackanin
Dully authorized representative of and signatory for Puppy
Holdings Inc.


>From a member re. the letter from Ted Olynyk in the Port Alberni newspaper last week:

From: Concerned BC resident
Date: June 22, 2015 9:43:32 PM PDT
To: Keith.Currie@avtimes.net <mailto:Keith.Currie@avtimes.net>
Subject: BC Hydro smart meters are safe, well tested

Dear Mr. Currie,

I did not see a reporter’s name to this line of bull that BC Hydro smart
meters are safe and well tested; hence, I am assuming that this write-up was paid for by BC Hydro.

On the other hand, if one of your journalist printed this biased article
then this is most disturbing. There are too many people “around the planet”  who know this not to be true. The people in the “know” about the mistruths  that BC Hydro keeps regurgitating are trying desperately to educate the public as to the harm that these dumb meters plays on human health.
Unfortunately, with all the corruption going on in our formerly beautiful and once democratic province; people are becoming more skeptical about the media. It appears that the press is muzzled just like our Scientist.
Scepticism and lack of credibility on the part of the media is a growing concern of the public. Censorship is common place in countries like China and Russia. But when did the media get their marching orders to allow this to happen in OUR CANADA. I would like to suggest that you interview Sharon Noble who has written you a letter in response to this awfully misleading article. Sharon is quite well versed with this harmful technology. She and other’s like her can punch holes in the misleading verbiage from the infamous Ted Olynyk and other BC Hydro Drones.


Concerned BC Resident


Newsletter prepared by Sharon Noble

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Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation