1) The Naperville Smart Meter group is continuing their fight for the right to keep analog meters. Last year, 2 of the leaders were arrested when one refused to allow a smart meter to be put on her home. And the second was arrested for taping the encounter from her friend’s driveway.
2) I just learned of a No Car Day being celebrated in Victoria and Vancouver this Sunday, (Saturday, too, in Vancouver) where streets are being closed off, with the intent of raising awareness of environmental issues. This affords a great opportunity to hand flyers out and talk with people about RF and/or $$meters. In Victoria, the event is from 12-6pm with Douglas closed between Fort and Herald. In Vancouver, it will take place on Main between 16th and King Edward, plus other places. More details can be found at:
Some people are using the Executive Summary from my fire report on our website: http://www.stopsmartmetersbc.com/truthaboutfires/
Others are handing out information about the UN petition or the Canadian Medical Association article at: http://www.cmaj.ca/content/early/2015/05/11/cmaj.109-5061.full.pdf
3) More about Paterson’s presentation. He is especially concerned about exposing children to Wi-Fi in schools:
He also urged school districts to ban the use of Wi-Fi technology, stating Canadian children will have been exposed to more than 13,000 hours of EMF by the time they graduate from high school.
“There has not been a single scientific study on the long-term biological effects of Wi-Fi on children,” he said.
From: Dennis Noble
Sent: June 18, 2015 6:12 PM
To: Dr. X@ubc.ca‘
Subject: To be an advocate without being a shill.
Dear Dr. X
Ms. Blythe Nilson, your Associate Professor of Biology, has written an article for the Kelowna Daily Courier in which she is critical of those concerned about the dangers inherent in wireless technology. (http://www.kelownadailycourier.ca/opinion/article_4034ac88-1217-11e5-aa40-5fca71f3b27f.html )
My problem with the article is not that she is an advocate for the wireless industry. We all have opinions on any number of things, sometimes very controversial things. My problem with it is that in this article she displays a lack of scholarship that, quite frankly, is astounding.
One would expect an Associate Professor to display at least a modicum of objectivity in her public writings. One would not expect an Associate Professor to parrot wireless industry talking points, some of which border on the absurd.
It is especially important for Ms. Nilson to at least appear to be objective in her advocacy because she makes much of the fact that she is on the Council of CFI which, quite recently, morphed from Skeptics Canada. Skeptics Canada was an organization that attacked those concerned about the dangers inherent in wireless technology and was founded by the Trottier family. Lorne Trottier, the patriarch of the Trottier clan, made his fortune in the wireless industry. So, because of her ties to the Trottier family, her advocacy for their industry becomes instantly suspect.
I notice that Ms. Nilson teaches at the UBC with only a Master’s degree. Perhaps if she had taken the more rigorous route to her present position, she would not now be faulted with making errors that might bedevil a high school junior but never an Associate Professor.
The lack of scholarship she has displayed in this article cannot help but reflect poorly on the professional standards at the UBC and, most particularly, on the Biology Department.
I sincerely hope that in future articles of advocacy, Ms. Nilson is persuaded to eschew the use of industry talking points. That would compel her to research her subject, which is always an encouraging beginning.
Dennis Noble MS., Ph.D.
Victoria, BC
From: Dr. X@ubc.ca
To: Dennis Noble
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 9:20 PM
Subject: Re: To be an advocate without being a shill.
Dear Dr. Noble,
Thanks for contacting me with your concern.
From the link you provided, I see that the article your referenced is in the opinion section of the newspaper. I think it can therefore be expected that different standards would apply in this forum than in a scholarly publication. In any case, I urge you to contact the editor of the newspaper if you would like to offer a rebuttal.
Best regards,
Dr. X
From: Dennis Noble
To: Dr X@ubc.ca
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 10:59 PM
Subject: Re: To be an advocate without being a shill.
Dear Dr. X
Apparently, in matters of this sort, it’s a new day and I am hopelessly old school. Identifying yourself as a member of the UBC faculty in order to give substance to your opinion piece does not reflect in any way on the UBC because it is an opinion piece.
Thank you. You have enlightened me. And we are all left poorer by that understanding.
Dennis Noble
From: XX
Sent: June 17, 2015
To: cbcnewsvancouver@cbc.ca
Cc: marion.barschel@cbc.ca; radiowest@cbc.ca
Subject: Re BC Hydro Smart Meter on your noon news – there is another side to the story
Importance: High
Hello newsroom,
I just heard the news item about BC Hydro going to court over a landlord that is not allowing them to install Smart Meters. You are evidently not presenting both sides. BC Hydro and Fortis BC Hydro are bullying people into taking the Smart Meters which are not good for health, present possible fire-risks… etc… There is heaps of information available now about the issue and even scientists have presenting to the United Nations on May 22, 2105 concerns about such technology and the emissions.
See the “International EMF Scientist Appeal to the United Nations,” May 22, 2015 (http://emfscientist.org/index.php/emf-scientist-appeal );
and “Smart Meters: Correcting the Gross Misinformation” (https://maisonsaine.ca/sante-et-securite/electrosmog/smart-meters-correcting-gross-misinformation.html ).
There is much documentation from individuals and organizations on these issues. Such as:
Barrie Trower is a former Royal Navy microwave weapons expert and former cold-war captured spy debriefer for the UK Intelligence Services. Mr. Trower is a whistle-blower, who lectures around the world on hidden dangers from microwave weapons and every-day microwave technologies such as mobile phones and Wi-Fi. Mr. Trower has also repeatedly assisted the UK Police Federation in their struggle to protect police officers from Tetra/Air-Band radio-communications systems that are harmful to health.
ALSO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PktaaxPl7RI#t=30
It’s actually a case of corporate bullying. Paying customers are being threatened with having their power cut off… This is a human rights issue. And the tenants concerned about having to pay extra each month without the meters, is again, corporate bullying, and once again, it’s the little guy, the low-income earner who becomes victim.
Freedom of choice seems to no longer exist. And that the analogue meters require replacement due to new Measurement Canada guidelines is certainly very questionable. That the Smart Meters will reduce home-owners bills is also questionable.
So please do proper journalism and report on both sides of the issue.
XX (past researcher for CBC Hourglass- many years ago)
- See also an article I wrote in 2011 at http://www.quillsquotesandnotes.com/hcs-notalzheimers.htm on memory loss and new technology. See also my recent letter to the editor of local newspapers:
Dear Editor
It seems like only yesterday (40-50 years ago) parents were warned that sitting too close to a television set was harmful for children; and only yesterday (60 years ago) US forces, when testing atom bombs in the Bikini Atoll, told locals it was for the betterment of humanity (see the film Atomic Café). In US tests, troops were told to run towards the explosion for radiation was the least of their concerns. Meanwhile North Americans were advised to ‘duck and cover’.
I recently received a kindly message from Fortis BC to get in touch with them – a curtesy call. You see, EMF-emitting Smart Meters are being installed in the Boundary this summer.
Again, it seems like only yesterday (20 years ago) we were being warned of electro-magnetic frequencies (EMFs) and their affects upon our health. After many scientific papers and non-industry-funded studies that provide enough research to indicate Smart Meters are a hazard to health, suppliers of electricity seemingly do not wish to listen.
See the “International EMF Scientist Appeal to the United Nations,” May 22, 2015 (http://emfscientist.org/index.php/emf-scientist-appeal );
and “Smart Meters: Correcting the Gross Misinformation” (https://maisonsaine.ca/sante-et-securite/electrosmog/smart-meters-correcting-gross-misinformation.html ).
Of course, Fortis BC will refute the information and did when I wrote them or returned their call. I was sent the Fortis BC information package, stating: electricity rates will be less (not true according to some), that the analogue meters require replacement due to new Measurement Canada guidelines (also not true – according to others the analogues are fine), will provide customers with more detailed electricity use information, that the emissions (24/7) are minimal (research shows otherwise) and most importantly, will reduce the cost of operating the utility (fewer meter readers etc.).
Health effects of EMFs include sleep disorders, malfunction of the parathyroid gland, electro-hypersensitivity, biochemical changes, dementia, decreased memory, male infertility, immune dysfunction, childhood learning and behavioral impairments – and cancer (the World Health Organization has classified EMF-producing wireless devices as possibly cancer-causing).
Like the natives of Bikini Atoll we are being held hostage. Even with protest, Fortis BC is continuing installations. Customers wishing to opt out of the ‘turned on’ EMF bombardment are required to pay extra charges. Don’t get me wrong, I am really grateful for electricity. I just don’t like the idea of being bullied into a situation I personally feel is not good for my health and my privacy.
My concern, like the above mentioned research, is the long term effect – the consequences for our health and well-being.
Newsletter by Sharon