2015-05-13 Fortis BC is harassing people who refuse to take smeters by shutting off power


  • From Joel Moskovitz, Univ. of  Calif, Berkeley who worked hard to get the cell phone resolution passed last night:

This has been a great week for raising awareness in the U.S. and internationally about the health risks from exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) including cell phone and other wireless radiation.

          International EMF Scientist Appeal

On Monday, the International EMF Scientist Appeal was distributed worldwide. Numerous news stories about this petition have been published in multiple languages around the world. The Appeal web site, EMFscientist.org, has had visitors from more than 70 countries. Attesting to the global concern about EMF exposure, only 20% of the visits are from the U.S.

The petition has been signed by 198 EMF scientists in 39 countries. All have published peer-reviewed research which altogether amount to more than 2,000 studies and papers (conservative estimate).

Seventy NGOs in 14 countries have signed a statement of support for the Appeal. See the IEMFA web site for more information. (by the way, the Coalition to Stop Smart Meters is one of these NGOs. I signed on your behalf.)

The Appeal states that current international EMF guidelines and national regulatory standards are obsolete and inadequate to protect the population and wildlife. The Appeal calls on every world leader to adopt stronger EMF regulatory limits and inform citizens about the health risks of using electrical and wireless technology.

http://bit.ly/1JdXeOY   and



  • Fortis following Hydro’s strong arm tactics of harassment, shutting off power when smart meter refused because of person’s sensitivity. Will Fortis turn off  power if someone who refuses a smart meter because of health problems requiring electricity to breathe or for dialysis?



  • Please share with friends and then vote. Voting first often closes the link for others who follow you.

Are you in favour of Smart Meters? – Penticton Herald – May 12, 2015:





From:  X
Sent: May 13, 2015 10:46 AM
To: colin.mayes@parl.gc.ca; perry.kendall@gov.bc.ca; premier@gov.bc.ca; greg.kyllo.mla@leg.bc.ca; PM@pm.gc.ca
Cc: dsnoble@shaw.ca

Subject: How about the Premier taking care of people in BC


I am quite concerned about the effects on our children health of wireless technology (radiation) in schools and public institutions. The link I provided below is about a petition signed by190 scientists from all over the world addressed to His Excellency Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations. I quote:

“We are scientists engaged in the study of biological and health effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF). Based upon peer-reviewed, published research, we have serious concerns regarding the ubiquitous and increasing exposure to EMF generated by electric and wireless devices. These include -but are not limited to-radiofrequency radiation (RFR) emitting devices, such as cellular and cordless phones and their base stations, Wi-Fi, broadcast antennas, smart meters, and baby monitors as well as electric devices and infra-structures used in the delivery of electricity that generate extremely-low frequency electromagnetic field (ELF EMF).” http://www.emfscientist.org/

This scientist list is close to 200 now that have signed this petition, a wake up call for everyone.


We should all be concerned regarding the placement of cell towers on or near school property, hospitals and senior care homes.

X in Sorrento


From: XX
Sent: May 13, 2015 10:47 AM
To: Cathy In Ottawa; cathy.mcleod.c1@parl.gc.ca; cathy.mcleod@parl.gc.ca
Cc: Ann Findrik; Wendy Perkins; Wendy Cockburn; citycouncil@kamloops.ca; Dale Bass

Subject: Health experts say cancer threat from cell phones is greater than we think


Good morning Cathy,


It has become a day event to read yet another article highlighting the dangers of electro-magnetic field (EMF) exposure.  I applaud your Colleague

Terrance Young for his Private Member’s bill C-648 Oakville MP Terence Young Calls For Wireless Radiation Warning Bill C 648 Ontario, Canada




This is a big step in the right direction.   I see that  Elizabeth May, Green Party , a few Liberal MPs & a number of Conservative MPs listed in support MP Young’s bill, I am extremely surprised that your name is not among the Conservative supporters.  I hope that you join in support of bill C-648 maybe MP Young’s  bill,  will be the second Private Members bill to be passed & to be passed unanimously.

Cathy, I have included a link to a recent article, for your information.

Thank you for your time & attention to this most serious health concern. I hope that this will help you & the HESA committee in the revision of Safety Code 6, our health, well being & lives depend on it.

Sincerely,    XX in Kamloops



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Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation