2015-04-26 Testimony from Safety Code 6 hearing on April 23



  • Here are the testimonials presented to the Parliamentary Health Committee on April 23:

Link HERE Great statements by Dr. Anthony Miller, Frank Clegg and Dr. Magda Havas and Dr. Dariusz Leszczynski. When I have the transcript I will share.

Dr. Devra Davis and Dr. Martha Herbert are scheduled to speak on April 28, so are Bernard Lord of Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association and a few others. See this:


The written testimony of Dr. Leszczynski is at https://betweenrockandhardplace.wordpress.com/2015/04/23/leszczynski-statements-for-hearing-on-canadian-safety-code-6/



  • Another young father has died from cellphone-related brain cancer. Similar to Jimmy Gonzales, during the period before his death he worked hard to spread the word that the telecommunications industry is lying to us when they say RF radiation is safe. NOTE: the frequency of many cell phones is the same used by $$meters, 900 MHz.






  • Many young babies, under a year, are being given a $$mart phone for entertainment, to put them to sleep, etc. for as much as an hour a day!  We desperately need labels on these things so parents know there is harmful radiation being emitted. No parent would use this device to babysit their baby if they knew it could cause harm – they have a right to know.  Please share with your MPs as evidence to support the need for labels, (Bill C 648)  at the minimum.

http://chicagotimespost.com/2015/04/babies-now-tapping-on-smart-phones-before-they-walk-and-talk-says-medical-study/ (click on Washington Times)



  • Tesla is dedicated to green energy and will be announcing a new battery next week that has the potential to be a “game changer”.  Perhaps more of us will be able to say good-bye to Hydro for good.





From: X
Sent: April 26, 2015 3:15 PM
To: Smart Meters
Cc: greg.reimer@bchydro.com
Subject: Replacing our analogue meter
Importance: High

Dear Mr. Reimer & the Smart Meter Team,

Thank you for your reply of 22nd April.  Unfortunately, you continue to ignore our health and safety concerns, preferring instead to emphasize the technical aspects of smart meters and the efficacy of industry and government standards.

However, we are not in agreement with such reports because we believe that smart meters and/or digital meters employing SMPS technology represent a dangerous health hazard for us and our concerns must be addressed and respected by law.

As stated in previous correspondence with you, we outlined some of the steps taken to make our home a safe environment, free from WiFi and EMF pollution:

  • Our computers are hard-wired and have safety screens on the monitors
  • we use hard-wired, land-line telephones
  • Our televisions are models emitting the lowest available levels of EMF pollution
  • Our home has been analyzed for EMF pollution and we have installed Stetzler filters where necessary
  • We have rewired a portion of our bedroom so as to distance our bed from electrical wiring.

In addition, we are not convinced that the 2015 date is the correct year to replace our analogue meter.  It is very easy to type in any date on a form letter, hoping to placate a customer.  Please send a copy of the actual document with our meter number on it that indicates the year in which our meter needs to be replaced, otherwise, we are not convinced that BC Hydro is behaving in an honest and ethical manner.

To reiterate, as per all our correspondence with you, we refuse, for health and safety reasons to have a smart meter, digital meter or any meter containing an antenna, wireless transmitting capabilities, or an SMPS component installed on our home.  We will accept an analogue meter, should it prove necessary to exchange our existing one.

Yours sincerely,


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Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation