2015-02-04 Bennett agrees to give more authority to BCUC (to set rates!?)


  • Supposedly major news: The govt. is implementing recommendations that BCUC be given back its power. What this really sounds like is that BCUC’s authority was eliminated so that the govt could get its major, expensive, dangerous projects through with no oversight. Now that these have been approved or nearly completed, BCUC is being given the authority to set rates!! This is major news? Where is the oversight over this rogue government? Are other recommendations being implemented, too?  Please comment.



  • Featured in a recent  insurance industry email newsletter:

 ‘Many major states lack the expertise to prevent cyber-terror’ – security chief



  • Hydro has provided instructions to help find out how much power various appliances, etc. use. From what I can see reading the instructions re $$meters, I don’t see how a person can find out how much power it takes to run the $$meter.


How to perform a breaker test

A breaker test can help identify causes of power usage at home, and also help you better understand how using an appliance can cause your meter to advance and affect your bill. For detailed instructions on how to perform a breaker test, select your meter type below.

  • Smart grid will eviscerate privacy according to this article in Global Research.


“With most every new appliance now required to be IoT-equipped, not only will consumer habits be increasingly monitored through energy usage, but over the longer term lifestyle and thus behavior will be transformed through power rationing, first in the form of “tiered usage,” and eventually in a less accommodating way through the remote control of “smart” appliances during peak hours.”


“Perhaps the greatest irony is how the Internet of Things, the Smart Grid and their attendant “Smart Home” are sold under the guise of convenience, personal autonomy, even knowledge production and wisdom. “The more data that is created,” Cisco gushes, “the more knowledge and wisdom people can obtain. IoT dramatically increases the amount of data available for us to process. This, coupled with the Internet’s ability to communicate this data, will enable people to advance even further.”




Compare with the industry saying more energy will be saved if there is more information provided to the customer through in home displays combined with time of use (dynamic!) pricing.





  • In California the President of the Calif. Public Utilities Commission is being investigated and the CPUC was required to release 1000s of internal documents. Below is an email from Peevey (the president) in 2010 (ftp://ftp2.cpuc.ca.gov/PG&E20150130ResponseToA1312012Ruling/2010/09/SB_GT&S_0000529.pdf)
  • West Kelowna residents are fighting a proposed telecommunications tower and transmitter by Rogers. There needs to be a strong antenna siting consultation policy to give the community input, and with the recent court decision re. Chateauguay the community does and should have more authority to have siting away from homes, schools and hospitals. With an official policy, Industry Canada’s guidelines which are very lax prevail.

Proposed cell phone tower in West Kelowna runs into neighbourhood interference





Comment on a facebook page:  I don’t know about the last assertion, re. the constitution. It’s a question for a lawyer.


– I think we should all be asking why the insurance companies HAVE NOT been involved with the issue of installing smart meters on older homes when reports issued by Fortis and B.C hydro say repeatedly the reason for fires are ‘older homes with older wiring’. It’s illegal to accommodate a recognised and suspected fire hazard into our homes. We have the right to be safe in our homes according to the constitution.
Why do we pay premiums otherwise? Insurance companies have a mafia like presence in our society where they legally collect money to ensure our safety and charge monthly fees for this privilege. Its against the law to have a home without insurance. Why haven’t they weighed in to protect people in B.C against smart meters when there have been 26 ‘suspected smart meter fires’ in B.C. already? it makes no sense.
I know my home was built in 1969. Far before the thoughts of being ‘technologically compatible’ ever hit the scene or was needed. Electricity was electricity. The first meters we fought on a huge scale and people were fined etc for ripping them off their houses or tampering with them. It’s still a federal offence. The insurance brokers association of British Columbia are the ones to have a serious talk with about this issue. WE could…even refuse to pay premiums until they do as they are violating the constitution.


From Penticton Western News:




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Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation