2014-08-24 Saskatchewan having a complete investigation of $meter program

1) Article in The Province about $$meter fires. I hope you will comment. Why are the lies continuing?  Note how BC Hydro’s first response, when asked about Luc de Beir’s fire, was to lie, saying it was an analog meter. If Mr. de Beir had not stepped forward, saying he knew it was a smeter and had a photo to prove it, my guess is they would have continued with that lie.

It’s time for the NDP to take this up as did the NDP in Saskatchewan and ask why this is being allowed to continue. Demand a full investigation into the process from start to finish. I’ve asked for one in my letter below.


2) In Saskatchewan, an investigation into the entire $$meter program. Hopefully, it will be completely independent, open and honest.


3) Getting, using and selling our data is big business. This is one reason for the $meter. More of our data for BC Hydro to use and mis-use.



From: Sharon Noble [mailto:dsnoble@shaw.ca]
Sent: August 22, 2014
To: ‘info@oipc.bc.ca’
Subject: Government failing to protect public re. smart meter fires

Dear Commissioner Denham,

The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act contains a clause under the heading Public Interest Paramount that trumps the rest of the law. Section 25 says government must proactively release information about potential risks to the environment and public health.

The Government has failed to alert the public about the dangers of combustible smart meters, and, in fact, has lied to the public saying that no fires have occurred. As recently as Aug. 1, 2014 Energy Minister Bill Bennett and BC Hydro have reported that the meters installed in BC are perfectly safe, unlike the meters installed in Saskatchewan. The government in Saskatchewan, after 8 fires and meter failures, stopped the smart meter program and ordered that all smart meters be removed and replaced with older style meters.

An Executive Summary of a report that I wrote which provides evidence that I have gathered over the last 5 months is at  www.stopsmartmetersbc.com  and the full report is at  https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/TruthAboutFires-TheReport.pdf .

This is just the tip of the iceberg because I have many more fires of a suspicious nature to investigate. But even the number of fires and failures that could have led to fires that I’ve found so far exceed the number experienced in Saskatchewan.

I charge that the Energy Minister, Bill Bennett, former Energy Minister Rich Coleman, and Gary Reimer, VP of BC Hydro and former head of the smart meter program, Gary Murphy, knew about the fire risk of these smart meters and hid this information from the public.

I ask that you investigate why the government and BC Hydro have hidden the fact that fires and failures of ITRON smart meters have occurred, and continue to occur. Lives and property of British Columbians are being put at risk – and our government is allowing this to happen.


Sharon Noble

Sent: August 24, 2014
To: Linda Reimer
Cc: Premier of British Columbia <premier@gov.bc.ca>; bill.bennett.mla@leg.bc.ca; John Horgan.MLA <john.horgan.mla@leg.bc.ca>; Adam Olsen <leader@greenparty.bc.ca>; MooreJ9@parl.gc.ca; msmyth@theprovince.com; bchydroregulatorygroup@bchydro.com; Commission.secretary@BCUC.com; justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca
Subject: Fire safety and “smart meters”

Dear Ms. Reimer:

Saskatchewan is removing smart meters because of fire concerns.  California is starting to replace smart meters because of health concerns.  Germany is not having a smart meter program because a financial analysis showed smart meters are not a good financial investment.

It is time for BC Hydro to stop pushing smart meters, to stop the punitive and unfair “Legacy fee” for people who refuse smart meters, and to replace smart meters with analog meters when anyone requests it.   The evidence of problems with the smart meter grid is growing exponentially.  If BC Hydro does not change its current program, the government and people of BC will be in danger of lawsuits from people who quite rightly will claim BC Hydro and the government of BC did not investigate the smart meter program adequately before forcing it on the people of BC and that BC Hydro and the government of BC is not listening to reasonable warnings and research as the meters are being installed.

It appears BC Hydro and the Fire Commissioner’s Office don’t have a protocol for investigating and compiling information on fires related to smart meters.  However other jurisdictions are reporting concerns about fires.  For your information I am including an excerpt from the Office of the Fire Marshall in Ontario suggesting fire problems associated with smart meters.  Unfortunately, Measurement Canada only tested smart meters for accuracy, not safety.  Why does the government of Canada not put the safety of Canadians as a priority?

Please stop putting the citizens of BC at risk.  There are other ways to deal with power use, perhaps education and prevention programs like the one for businesses that BC Hydro just cancelled.


Sharon Noble

Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters



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Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation