(click on photo to enlarge)
For complete info, go to:
3) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2020-05-25-huawei-partnering-with-universities-in-uk-and-canada/
(click on photo to enlarge)
For complete info, go to:
3) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2020-05-25-huawei-partnering-with-universities-in-uk-and-canada/
I have a wire cage protecting my analog hydro electric meter from removal by B.C. Hydro.
BC Hydro has sent me another letter threatening to cut off my power if I don’t agree to replace my analog meter with a smart meter.
BC Hydro says my analog meter is due for replacement and they don’t carry analog meters in stock.
5 years ago, I sent a letter to BC Hydro notifying them about my health concerns about the smart meters because I had a heart attack in 2004. BC Hydro ignored my health concerns and focused on my analog meter being out of date, yet BC Hydro replaced my analog meter just before they came out with the smart meters. I have never had a problem with my analog meter before or since they replaced it.
Just wondering if anyone else is in the same predicament as me?
Dan Wilson
Vernon, BC