2018-06-08 “Sonic” sickness in US consulate in China?

[Bill Dodd – Cal Fire – California Department of Forestry & Fire Protection – Car Radios – Claire Trevena – Covert Sonic Weapon Attacks on American / Canadian Embassy Diplomats (Brain Abnormalities, Concussions, Directional Acoustic Phenomena Noise, EHS Symptoms, Mark Lenzi & Family + Neighbour American China Victims, Tracking 24 American Cuba Victims, Vibrations) – CRTC … Continue reading 2018-06-08 “Sonic” sickness in US consulate in China?

2018-06-07 Interview with Dr. Arazi re. phonegate, more phones recalled, and NTP

[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – 5G for Europe: An Action Plan – 5G Roadmap – Amazon – Cell Phones – COPPA – Data – Doctor Martin L. Pall Letter to California Legislature – EFF Electronic Frontier Foundation – Egidijus Dapkus – EMFs – EMR – Equifax Breach – European 5G … Continue reading 2018-06-07 Interview with Dr. Arazi re. phonegate, more phones recalled, and NTP

2018-06-06 No place to escape Wi-Fi on ferry, woman travels in dog area.

[2B Possible Human Carcinogen – 4G – 5G – Accessibility / Accommodation of Disabilities – BBB – Benita Schluschen Complaint & Letters to BC Ferries re No Wi-Fi Free Zones – Canadian Telecom Summit (Mark Goldberg, Michael Son) – Cell Phones – Connecting Families re Digital Divide (BCE’s Bell, Cogeco, Rogers, SaskTel, Shaw, Telus, and … Continue reading 2018-06-06 No place to escape Wi-Fi on ferry, woman travels in dog area.

2018-06-04 In USA, pilot project for “smart” highway, wireless gone mad.

[5G mmW Microcells / Small Cells Phased Array Antennas – AMI – Analogs – Arthur Firstenberg – AT&T – ATP Synthase – Autonomous Cars (Driverless) – Bills – Cancer – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Cisco – Colorado DoT – Costs – CTIA – Dariusz Leszczynski – Data – DNA – Doctor Joel Moskowitz … Continue reading 2018-06-04 In USA, pilot project for “smart” highway, wireless gone mad.

2018-06-01 Dr. Magda Havas warns BC Hydro not to build substation under a school

[2B Carcinogen – 5G mmW Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Amplifiers – Bees – Bell MTS – Birds – Cancers – CB Operators – Cell Towers – Centers for Disease Control – Children – Doctor Paul Héroux – EHS – Electronics – ELF – EMF Safety Network (Sandi Maurer) – EMR – … Continue reading 2018-06-01 Dr. Magda Havas warns BC Hydro not to build substation under a school

Newsletters 2018-06 JUN

2018-06-01 – Dr. Magda Havas warns BC Hydro not to build substation under a school 2018-06-02 – Is USA electromagnetic warfare intruding into BC? 2018-06-03 – BC Hydro aims to limit solar power — why? 2018-06-04 – In USA, pilot project for “smart” highway, wireless gone mad. 2018-06-05 – A report on the state of … Continue reading Newsletters 2018-06 JUN

2018-05-31 Honey bees dying — but no mention of EMF as a contributing factor

[2B Carcinogen – 5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting – Agnès Buzyn – American Cancer Society – ANFR – Anthony B. Miller – BC Hydro Net Metering – Bees – Bent Scientists (John Moulder, Ken Foster) – Bills – Brain Tumours (Gliomas, Glioblastomas) – Bruno Le Maire – Cancer – Cell Phone Recalls … Continue reading 2018-05-31 Honey bees dying — but no mention of EMF as a contributing factor

2018-05-30 National Cancer Institute ignores NTP study

  1)    Non-smeter.  In case you are interested and hadn’t heard – and live in the Victoria area – a Kinder Morgan pipeline protest on May 31, 5:30 pm, Inner Harbour. (click on photos to enlarge) Thursday, May 31, 2018 at 5:30-8:30 PM @ Inner Harbour – https://www.facebook.com/events/1953077354735297/?active_tab=about (Details: This day will be empowering and … Continue reading 2018-05-30 National Cancer Institute ignores NTP study