1) In tomorrow’s paper, about a faulty meter. Another Hydro lie when it say it caught the problem. This gentleman contacted me about his bill — he caught it. I am so glad to see John Horgan saying that this is off the rails. Please comment.
2) Courtenay Rally: Just a reminder of the rally against smart meters, this Saturday, June 14th at noon at Don McRae’;s office on 5th Street downtown Courtenay.
Signs and banners would really help. They allow passersby to know what we are doing. Also, if any of you have the capacity to do a decent video of the event and would be willing to post it to YouTube, that would be great. Please let me know if you are a person who could do that. Contact: Kelkelly55@yahoo.com
Details for all rallies can be found at www.citizensforsafetechnology.org.
3) Suggestion: I would suggest that people getting “new” legacy meters, especially analogs, protect them and attach signsbecause we must remember that Hydro’s goal is to get $meters on all our homes. I expect that once we see the expired meters changed, they will begin, once again, to try to take our analogs!! (and perhaps the digitals…. This will be interesting to see.)
4) New report on effect of RF exposure on male fertility. This is just the latest. There have been many before, so this is confirming, yet again. Yet Health Canada and our provincial medical officer, Dr. Perry Kendall, refuse to acknowledge the danger.
5) “David Crane, CEO of NRG Energy (NRG), whose company has made large investments in solar and is facing off against established utilities. “When we think of who our competitors or partners will be, it will be the Googles, Comcasts, AT&Tswho are already inside the meter. We aren’t worried about the utilities, because they have no clue how to get beyond the meter, to be inside the house.”
And further on this topic, all starting with the internet connected $meter. These companies are waiting to get into our homes.
Quick Take: The home automation sector is set for rapid growth, with many of the world’s largest technology companies competing to become the de facto standard. The escalating war is nicely summarized in a recent blog post by Silicon Valley reporter Mellisa Tolentino.
This is one war that utilities should follow closely. Every one of these entrants will have a home energy management component. And every one of them will consider partnerships that let them offer innovative energy services, thereby disintermediating local utilities. – Jesse Berst
Apple, AT&T, Google, Microsoft, Samsung and others are in a race to control the smart home of the future. Each is taking a different approach.
Apple is going to build out a collection of Made for iPhone (MFi) gadgets that are certified to work smoothly with its iOS operating system. In this fashion, it hopes to create a collection of gadgets that are as compelling as the Made for iPhone apps.
AT&T has built a collection of starter applications that includes energy management and security.
Google is starting with the Nest thermostat, which learns about residents’ behavior. It believes it can learn more about each customer and therefore offer personalized products and services.
Microsoft plans to put its gesture-recognition technology (Kinect) at the center of its efforts so you can, for instance, turn your lights on or off with the wave of the hand. It may also integrate its voice-recognition digital personal assistant.
Samsung will make its smart TVs into the One Device to Rule Them All, doing away with the need for a separate home automation hub. Samsung also makes appliances of its own that will configure to work with its smart home platform.
6) Major threats to the grid are being discussed. These range from accidents and attacks to geomagnetic storms. As former CIA director James Woolsey said, it’s a matter of when this happens, not if.
7) Non-$meter. Google glass has higher levels of RF than smart phones, with SAR very close to maximum allowed.
(Video: one and a half minutes):
Google Glass Emits More Radiation than Most Smart Phones
Sent: June 10, 2014 10:52 AM
To: Smart Meters; greg.reimer@bchydro.com
Cc: Complaints@bcuc.com
Subject: Re: BC Hydro Meter
Dear Smart Meter Specialist Jessica, and VP Greg Reimer,
Why does it seem to be so difficult to communicate my wishes to you? You completely disregard what I wrote to you in an earlier email, dated May 29, 2014, in which I detailed what is required to have my apparently expired analogue meter replaced with a properly certified one.
Please don’t hide behind the Electric Tariff to avoid my requests and concerns. Work with me! I am a longtime customer who has always paid for my electricity on time. At the very least, this is the honorable, right and respectful thing to do.
Here again are my requirements:
1. Since my meter is inaccessible (though visible), I require an appointment to have any work done on it. Appointments are not new to BCH: for many years there have been numerous customers who have meters in inaccessible locations (for eg., inside a locked garage) requiring appointments to be read/serviced. Please call ahead. No failed installation fee will apply if you or your contractor fail to do so.
2. Before any replacement can occur, I require a photocopy of the most current record from Measurement Canada showing the Certification Seal expiry dates for both my current meter and any replacement meter. Note that I require to see the actual certificate; simply sending me the expiry dates is not sufficient. This is a trust issue.
3. Any replacement meter MUST be a mechanical analogue type. I will not accept a digital meter of any kind. At the very least, my concern is with the switching mode power supply that all digital meters use, and the resultant dirty electricity they would produce in my home. This is a health issue for me.
4. A qualified electrician must be present when the exchange of meters takes place. If this is not possible, any technician who may attend to my meter must be able to produce ID and certificates of qualification to do the work. The power to the meter must be turned off before any work is done. This is a safety (fire) issue.
I look forward to making these arrangements with you, and I thank you for doing so.
Respectfully, ________________
Regarding the ‘Skullduggery Abounds’ letter in today’s update, I was a marine radio officer and now also have an advanced amateur radio licence, that was converted from my Second Class Commercial licence, before it expired.
Since our children were born who are now adults, I was asked by ham radio friends to install a station at home, but due the concerns of this letter writer, I also choose not to have a station that was radiating strong radio signals, that was dangerous for our family.
Many people I know who worked with radio systems at the company where I worked, had RF burns and men who worked at the Empire State building and other tall buildings with radio transmitters, died from cancer, suspected from RF radiations.
It not only the strong RF radiation that is dangerous, but the constant ‘normal’ small RF radiations, like from smeters.
Regarding my analog that was replaced with smeter,while I was out of town. We contacted Hydro and are awaiting their reply. But as you said, their performance for our benefit is like pulling hen’s teeth. It’s encouraging that I might get my analog back, based on another letter in today’s update.
It looks like the pressure is hitting home with Hydro, they are feeling that their public image is being tarnished, with the government not looking good either.
Customer complaints take a toll on those who receive the complaints, front lines and higher up , so the more we complain, the quicker changes will take place.
Another HST in the works, it would be a happy day if they have to replace all the smeters with new analogs.
Other companies have used similar strategy for decades and force customers to pay for something they don’t want, until they are challenged.
Hydro lie when they say companies stop making analogs. If the courts force them to replace the smaters, new analogs will suddenly appear from the sky.
The fight continues. It reminds me of the 60s in my tropical country. Bullies can be stopped. We now need a bullying law for the government and Hydro.
Unfortunately, our tax dollars might be paying for any smeter replacement. We should find a way to take these people to court for stupid decisions they make with our health and resources.