2014-06-16 BC Hydro’s Ted Olynyk at it again

1)   Ted Olynyk from BC Hydro continues to lie about the smart meters – why after all this time, the same old lies.
Please comment.


2)   The solar flare activity has been high over the last couple of weeks. One of our members sent this site to get information, about the activities that could bring the web down. Once the Smart grid is implemented via the internet, will our power be down when the internet goes down?  This is one of the events about which experts have been warning that could bring the grid and our power down for extended periods.


3)   Sorry, but the photos are not on either CST’s or the Coalition’s site yet, and I cannot include with my update because of the size. Many people have asked for some, but all I can do is tell you I’ve sent those that I’ve rec’d and they should be on the webpage soon. Keep an eye on www.citizensforsafetechnology.org and www.stopsmartmetersbc.ca



The first letter is from a member of Citizens for Safe Technology

The second letter a response from Sharon Nobel to Reimer et al

From:Dennis and Sharon Noble [mailto:dsnoble@shaw.ca]
Sent:June 15, 2014 10:49 PM

‘Janet Fraser’; ‘MEM.minister@gov.bc.ca‘; ‘commission.secretary@bcuc.com‘; ‘

Norm Macdonald’;



Mike Smyth (msmyth@theprovince.com);

Christy Clark (premier@gov.bc.ca)
Subject: Only going lies and threats

Mr. Reimer,

This person is reporting yet more harassments and deceptions perpetrated on your customers by you and your staff – threats that more harassment is to come in a couple of weeks!

To tell the installers to ignore signs is unconscionable. These people have done all they could to communicate their desire to keep their analogs, even their willingness to pay extortive fees which are the highest in North America.

The contempt shown to British Columbians is resulting in  more people rejecting smart meters and is increasing the number joining efforts to force a change in the current laws. We are tired of being treated with such disrespect, being lied to in every letter, email or phone call.
One such example is the statement that the expiry date is on the back of the meters. Why would you tell us that when you know it isn’t true? How can meters that have been on the same home for nearly 30 years have an expiry date on the back!!

Mr. Reimer, when will you realize that we know that our civil rights are being trampled? The Charter of Rights and Freedoms says that you and your agency cannot endanger our lives, our health, our privacy or cause psychological damage. You are doing all of these at the direction of the Premier and the Energy Minister. We will not forget.


Sharon Noble

Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters


Sent: June 14, 2014 9:06 PM
To: greg.reimer@bchydro.com
Cc: john.horgan.mla@leg.bc.ca; Janet Fraser; MEM.minister@gov.bc.ca; commission.secretary@bcuc.com; Norm Macdonald; Mike.Farnworth.MLA@leg.bc.ca; dsnoble@shaw.ca

Subject: Replacement of our analog hydro meter — request for seal expiry information on old and newer meter

Dear Mr. Reimer,

Re: Replacement of our analog meter on June 4, 2014, at XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

We sent a letter to you on May 8, 2014, outlining the information we needed in order to comply with the order to exchange our analog meter — the seal had apparently expired.  That letter is attached.  Unfortunately we did not receive answers to our questions before a Corix installer (Chris IF055) came to our house on June 4.  Fortunately we were home so we could ask him the questions, but unfortunately he could not answer most of them.  We did allow him to install another analog with the details below.  Now we are requesting the following information:

1) A photocopy of the most current Measurement Canada seal expiry date for the analog meter that was replaced — serial number 1710027B263 — a model Sangamo (1985).  We did receive a letter, with the information, but that is not the same as a photocopy of the original document.

2) A photocopy of the current Measurement Canada seal expiry for the analog meter that we received in place of the one we had — serial number 1424737B263.  This is a model Sangamo (1988) with Manufacture number 5915490.

The installer, Chris, said he had no idea about the expiry information on the new meter or our older one and we did not get to check that information while the meters were off the base.  He pointed to the date of 1988 on the front of the one he brought and we showed him the 1985 on the one we had.  He should have known this information and been able to give it to us right away when he had the meter off, since according to a letter sent by BC Hydro (Janet Fraser) to Ms. Hamilton at the BCUC in response to a request for information relating to exchange of time expired electricity meters, I quote:
Question “2. How can a customer determine whether or not their meter seal is expired?
Please provide detailed instructions so we may provide these instructions to customers.

The Measurement Canada seal is on the back of the meter and is not visible after a meter is installed in the meter base.
All meter records, which include the Measurement Canada seal expiration date, are maintained by BC Hydro.

To determine whether a meter seal is expired or expiring, a customer can contact BC Hydro via email at:smartmeters@bchydro.com.
Customers will need to provide their BC Hydro account number and the BC Hydro meter serial number.” 

The installer did allow us an analog meter when we refused the digital one that he brought.  This replacement analog is only 3 years newer than the one we originally had.  This seems almost a waste of time and money.  We understand that other people have had new analog meters installed right out of the box.

Chris also waited while we were able to turn the power off before he did the exchange which we had requested in our letter.  It was very fortunate for us that we were home.  We know of others who were not so lucky and are very upset with Hydro.  Chris told us that the cage we have over our meter would not deter him from exchanging the meter, that he could easily cut it off.  When we told him that would be trespassing and that we had signs stating that we did not want a smart meter or a digital meter, he informed us that he doesn’t read the signs because the installer have been told not to read them.  The excuse is that people have “forgotten” to take them down after they change their mind.  We have not “forgotten” and we have updated the dates of our signature so that it is current.  The signs DO indicate our intentions.  Oh yes, and Chris did drive his vehicle (license # DK 8325) onto our driveway without our consent.

Once the exchange was done, we said “I guess that means we are safe for a while”.  He laughed and said “yes, for a couple of weeks.”  Don’t know what that was supposed to mean.  We are glad that we did not have a digital meter forced upon us as we don’t trust that they are not “stealth” meters with hidden antennae, chips, or transmitters.  Our concerns about “dirty electricity” and harmful health effects remain.  We have just moved Dave’s 98 year old mother in to live with us.  Her bed and bedroom are up against the wall that our meter sits on outside.  We will NOT have any kind of transmitting meter situated there where it can compromise her health.  There are many other jurisdictions where customers have the option to be serviced by an analog meter — a new one if required — for as long as they want and at a minimal cost.

No matter how many letters you send us, or how much stress you create for us, we will stand up to tyranny, which is what this is all about.  We recently toured the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC and saw documentation of how quickly Hitler changed the rules once he was elected.  The German people did not speak up before it was too late, but people are speaking up against the arbitrary council orders that are in no way connected with our elected representatives.

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Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation