Category Archives: Lloyd Burrell

Summary of Phone Gate Precautionary Measures by André Fauteux – November 20, 2019

From: André Fauteux <>
Sent: November 20, 2019
Subject: France adopts precautionary measures to limit cell-phone radiation exposure

Precautions to be taken by the holders of electronic implants       (cardiac pacemakers, insulin pumps, neurostimulators …)         concerning in particular the distance between the radio equipment and the implant (15 centimeters in the case of the strongest sources of exposure like the mobile phones).
B. – Information on the behaviors to be adopted to reduce exposure to radiation emitted by radio equipment
. Use the radio equipment in good reception conditions to reduce the amount of radiation received.
. Use a hands-free kit or loudspeaker, if suitable for radio        equipment.
. Make reasonable use of radio equipment such as mobile phones, by children and teenagers, for example by avoiding nocturnal calls and by limiting the frequency and duration of calls.
. Keep radio equipment away from pregnant women’s belly.
. Keep radio equipment away from the lower abdomen of teenagers.
See also


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(click on photo to enlarge)

5G Radiation Dangers – 11 Reasons To Be Concerned

See this excellent summary of the new 5G Cell Communications technology that is being developed and in some cases implemented.

The 5G has many benefits over the current 3G and 4G cellular systems BUT is has many many potential health impacts that you should be aware of.

See the details by Lloyd Burrell at Electric Sense


#1 – A Denser Soup of Electrosmog
#2 – Effects on the Skin
#3 – Effects on the Eyes
#4 – Effects On The Heart
#5 – Immune System Effects
#6 – Effects on Cell Growth Rates
#7 – Effects on Bacteria Resistance
#8 – Effects on Plant Health
#9 – Effects on the Atmosphere and Depletion of Fossil Fuels
#10 – Disruption of the Natural Ecosystem
#11 – Most 5G Studies Mis-Leading