Category Archives: Cell Tower

EHS = Electrosensitivity: “A Disability that Cannot be Dismissed”

“Sciences et Avenir” interviewed Dr. Pierre Biboulet, the medical expert appointed by the Court of Toulouse which for the first time in France accorded an adult with disabilities allowance for reasons of hyper-electrosensitivity.  (also EHS = electro hyper sensitivity)


Cellular Deception


Links from video

eNodeB Antennas – Close and Personal

Over 60 scientific studies reporting potential harm at or below Safety Code 6 (2015), Health Canada’s guidelines for safe human exposure to radio frequency/microwave radiation

Will We All Become Electrosensitive? (pdf)


Is Wi-Fi Safe for Children?
Beware of Health Risks

Citizens: Unite Against Microcell Transmitters – Petition


Microcell antennae pose new threat to health

Telus in Canada and other major Cellular service providers are now installing small microcell towers on existing telephone or power poles.  This is done to have better service to customers and to avoid the possibility of community objections.

Chris and I recently surveyed several of these new microcell transmitters in Mission BC and found that the RFRadiation created by these microcells was very high especially to those home that were close by.

If you research the precautionary levels of RFRadiation recommended by various agencies you will see that many recommend 1000 µW/m² and lower.  The house we measured had over 30,000 µW/m² in the front yard and an estimated 50-60,000 µW/m² in the house.

You can learn more about Microcell installation which are also called eNodeB.  click here

Petition from Canadians to the Government of Canada to decrease the harmful health effects of CELL TOWERS and SMART METERS


Please sign these 2 petitions:

e-404 (Cellphone towers):

e-406 (Smart meters):

Good Afternoon,

Along with the on-going Moms Who Care campaign ( which is live until the mid October scheduled response from the Government, there are two active e-petitions that have been submitted by C4ST riding reps to the Liberal government via their new E-Petition platform. They are focused on cell towers and smart meters. Once they reach 500 signatories they will be read into the House of Commons upon closing supporting the Moms Who Care campaign as well as discussion between Members of Parliament and the government.

Please take two minutes and add your name to the petitions below.

A petition is used to draw attention to an issue of public interest or concern and to request that the House of Commons, the Government of Canada, a Minister of the Crown, or a Member of the House of Commons take some action.

You, the supporters, the signatories, and the sponsor will be notified by e-mail when the response is tabled in the House. A copy will also be found on the e petition website along with the original petition.

The Standing Orders (the rules governing the House of Commons) require the government to respond within 45 calendar days to every petition presented in the House of Commons.

Please take two minutes and add your name to the petitions below.


Frank Clegg

e-404 (Cellphone towers):



e-406 (Smart meters):


How your Cell Phone may give you Brain Cancer


In November 2014, Lloyd Burrell of ElectricSense published an excellent review of how the use of Cell Phones can cause cancer.

Lloyd has just updated this article with recent information.

Please read this updated article.  The details are frightening.

I studied the article and found this chilling projection by Lloyd:

43. Cell Phone Radiation Cancer Time Bomb: To give a sense to what this latency period could mean in terms of the incidence of brain tumors in the years to come, researcher Lloyd Morgan produced this alarming graphic showing that brain tumor cases could reach epidemic proportions within the next decade:

cell phones can cause cancerThis projection indicates that in 2019 there will be about 380,000 new brain tumors diagnosed in the US.  This is addition to all of the brain tumors diagnosed in the previous years.  And judging by the increase from year to year there will be many more each year in the subsequent years.
A university professor specializing in oncology in Alberta has termed this increase as a Tsunami that will bury the health systems of the world.


See full article by Lloyd Burrell at ElectricSense

Study: Cell Phone High Risk Heart, Brain Tumors. Sharon Noble – June 7, 2016

Sharon Noble, the director of the Coalition to Stop Smart Meters in BC, is a guest of Jim Goddard who hosts the Goddard Report on  Sharon has been Jim’s guest many times and the show is available on-line.

In this interview, Sharon discusses recent research that shows that there is now a proven connection between Cell Phone use and Heart and Brain Tumors.






RCMP summoned to investigate WiFi threat

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, famed worldwide as “rescuers” and titans of justice, has been summoned by Capt. Jerry Flynn (ret.) to rescue Canada from radiation pollution.

RCMP, also known as “the Force” and the “Mounties,” is a federal national police force that works on a contract basis with three territories, eight provinces, 190 municipalities, 184 aboriginal communities and three international airports.

Flynn this week called on the Public Health Agency of Canada to direct RCMP “to conduct a criminal investigation into Canada’s radio frequency and extremely low frequency scientific community beginning with Health Canada’s radiation protection bureau.”

Read More here –

What is the Safe Distance from a Rooftop Cell Tower

Norm R, who lives in Victoria BC, has suffered brain cancer from workplace exposure to RFR (radio frequency radiation = microwave radiation) from a roof top antenna.

Norm has has applied to WorkSafeBC for for disability benefits due to him as an injured worker but his application has not been accepted.

It seems that main issue is that WorkSafeBC considers that the RFR from the roof top Cell Tower antenna was radiating at levels below what Health Canada and Industry Canada consider to be harmful.  Norm has researched the physics of RFR in the zones quite close to the antenna and has found that there may be areas with levels of RFR much much higher than limits established by Health Canada’s Safety Code 6  (SC6).

So, because WorkSafeBC relies on an incomplete understanding of the effects of radiation from cell tower antenna, Norm has been denied benefits normally due to injured workers.

Norm is now trying to bring this injustice to the attention of the members of the BC legislature in Victoria by staging a hunger strike.





