All posts by Ted

Does RF-EMF radiation cause bacteria to become resistant to antibiotics?

If RF-EMF radiation does cause bacteria to become resistant to antibiotics then we may have a very very serious issue to deal with. We use antibiotics to cure many illnesses AND to protect the health of the animals that provide us with their meat.
From US  National Library of Medicine – 2017 Jan


Mobile phones and Wi-Fi radiofrequency radiation are among the main sources of the exposure of the general population to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF).

Previous studies have shown that exposure of microorganisms to RF-EMFs can be associated with a wide spectrum of changes ranged from the modified bacterial growth to the alterations of the pattern of antibiotic resistance.

Our laboratory at the non-ionizing department of the Ionizing and Non-ionizing Radiation Protection Research Center has performed experiments on the health effects of exposure to animal models and humans to different sources of electromagnetic fields such as cellular phones, mobile base stations, mobile phone jammers, laptop computers, radars, dentistry cavitrons, magnetic resonance imaging, and Helmholtz coils. On the other hand, we have previously studied different aspects of the challenging issue of the ionizing or non-ionizing radiation-induced alterations in the susceptibility of microorganisms to antibiotics.

In this study, we assessed if the exposure to 900 MHz GSM mobile phone radiation and 2.4 GHz radiofrequency radiation emitted from common Wi-Fi routers alters the susceptibility of microorganisms to different antibiotics. The pure cultures of Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli were exposed to RF-EMFs generated either by a GSM 900 MHz mobile phone simulator and a common 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi router. It is also shown that exposure to RF-EMFs within a narrow level of irradiation (an exposure window) makes microorganisms resistant to antibiotics. This adaptive phenomenon and its potential threats to human health should be further investigated in future experiments. Altogether, the findings of this study showed that exposure to Wi-Fi and RF simulator radiation can significantly alter the inhibition zone diameters and growth rate for L monocytogenes and E coli. These findings may have implications for the management of serious infectious diseases.

see sources of this article at


there is no safe dose of wireless radiation – Dr Neil Cherry

Dr. Neil Cherry  (1946 – 2003)

No matter how difficult the task is to stop EMF harm at the source, in respect and honour to those of us who have already died from EMFs, especially the ones who knew it was from involuntary second hand exposures, and today understanding how irreversible the future loss of lives will be after a thirty year latency period has come to be realized and being horrifically aware how severe the genetic mutations caused by EMF exposures today will be at future births is predicted to be for generations to come, I will continue to educate for all those willing to learn that
there is no safe dose of wireless radiation.

~ Dianne Knight

see more at



5G Radiation Dangers – 11 Reasons To Be Concerned

See this excellent summary of the new 5G Cell Communications technology that is being developed and in some cases implemented.

The 5G has many benefits over the current 3G and 4G cellular systems BUT is has many many potential health impacts that you should be aware of.

See the details by Lloyd Burrell at Electric Sense


#1 – A Denser Soup of Electrosmog
#2 – Effects on the Skin
#3 – Effects on the Eyes
#4 – Effects On The Heart
#5 – Immune System Effects
#6 – Effects on Cell Growth Rates
#7 – Effects on Bacteria Resistance
#8 – Effects on Plant Health
#9 – Effects on the Atmosphere and Depletion of Fossil Fuels
#10 – Disruption of the Natural Ecosystem
#11 – Most 5G Studies Mis-Leading

Cellphones, WIFI and Cancer: Will Trump’s Budget Cuts Kill ‘Electrosmog’ Research?

Amidst concern over President Trump’s emasculation of the US Environmental Protection Agency, and cuts to the USA’s climate research, other ground-breaking areas of environmental research are being ignored.

For well-over a decade, at a cost of $25 million, a US National Toxicology Program study has been assessing the links between the use of mobile phones and rare, though increasing forms of cancer.

Unfortunately, before the results of this study are published, it may be ‘lost’ in the coming cuts.

(by Paul Mobbs of

Cellphones, WIFI and Cancer: Will Trump’s Budget Cuts Kill ‘Electrosmog’ Research?

Dr George Carlo: The Wireless Industry is Committing Scientific Fraud


Dr George Carlo: The Wireless Industry is Committing Scientific Fraud


Ray Grasse’s article on “Wheels of Change” in the Oct./Nov. issue of Mountain Astrologer notes that the decade following 9/11 witnessed a restructuring of the US economy. The US military was also re-structured to establish smaller military bases in more locations. The US forced other nations to increase radio frequency exposure limits to accommodate US radar, surveillance, and weaponry.

The “Five Eyes” nations of the military-industrial complex, including the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, assume that the only action that causes harm from radio-frequency is heating, while 40% of the world’s populations is protected by RF limits that recognize adverse impacts below the thermal threshold, including breakdown of the blood-brain-barrier and double DNA breaks.

Americans have been sold a bill of goods that wireless technology is the wave of the future, as well as the way to address climate change.

The installation of wireless smart utility meters, industrial-scale Wi-Fi in schools, and the cultivated demand for faster and more powerful cellphones and wireless devices requiring more towers and antennas are stimulating the wireless economy and health care sector, while destroying the health of the ecosystem.

The industry is employing the same strategies as the tobacco industry by corrupting the science, but instead of hiring marketers to convince consumers to buy a toxic product, it is more efficient to convince a small group of governors and legislators to pass mandates and laws while manipulating the core values of the populace who believe that buying a compact fluorescent light bulb is sustainable.

“Robert Hand’s article on the Precession of the Capricorn Solstice looks to 2017 as a critical time. When the World Health Organization meets again to review the epidemiology regarding RF the classification will not be “possible human carcinogen”; it will be definite carcinogen.

The data will not come from Austria, Switzerland, China, Italy, Russia, or other nations with limits RF hundreds of times lower than those set by the US military for the purposes of war and exported widely.  The data will be generated by cancer rates for women and children in the US.

If environmentalists cleaning up the legacy of toxic chemicals and fossil fuels do not awaken to the damages unfolding from the unexamined and unmonitored commoditization of the electromagnetic spectrum, time is running out for the US.” —-Patricia Burke
Millis MA

see original article



Cellphones, WIFI and Cancer: Will Trump’s Budget Cuts Kill ‘Electrosmog’ Research?

A FaceBook post from Devra Davis

There are so many tragedies in the headlines today it makes our heads spin. But one of the really big ones may not be apparent. Proposed cuts to the budget for the national toxicology program could effectively choke off our ability to predict risk and prevent harm. No where is this prospect more daunting or important then when it comes to the complex critical need for research on wireless radiation and our health. The Chinese have an expression: a way of looking is a way of not looking.

Waterloo man blames Wi-Fi for sickness

Here is an interesting item from 2012 about EHS.

EHS has been known for years and the number of people who are suffering from level 9-10 EHS is increasing dramatically.

Many people with level 4-6 EHS suffer but have not connected the dots that link their feeling of unease,  head aches,  sore muscles,  trouble sleeping, etc. is caused by the high levels of RFR (radio frequency radiation) from WiFi routers,  DECT phones,  cell towers and in some cases sleeping too close to Smart Meters.

Many people, most people, who have level 1-3 EHS seem not to feel any impact from RFR but they are being hammered by RFR at the same rate as the others and the long term impact will probably be the same.  Lots of research being done on this.

Cellphone companies are placing antennae in residential areas without warning.

Cellphone companies are placing antennae in residential areas without warning.

This is a CBC story from 2012 October illustrating the problems that citizens are having with the bully tactics of the cell phone companies.

Now is 2017 and similar tactics are being done by the cell phone companies as they are pushing the installation of SMALL CELL antennae on existing wooden telephone/power poles.  Every street and every home is now becoming exposed to high levels of RFR – microwave radiation.

If you are concerned then learn more about this major problem and join with others in fighting this increase in Electro Smog and the major health impacts.  Also, learn more about the potential use of 5G antennae which may be much worse for those that are sensitive.

Customer Information gathered from the Smart meters

Ever since Smart Meters were introduced many informed and concerned people have voiced concerns about the information gathered by these devices.  The basic information is of course the amount of power used by month for billing.    Gathering this billing number by a Smart Meter seems to be a huge over-kill.  So what else is gathered?  Power usage every 15 minutes.  Power usage by device if ZigBee communication is used.  And maybe lots more.

There is a company called ONZO that is helping the power companies to gather this data and use it and possibly sell it.  Is this a benefit to the consumer?  Are there any problems with this data gathering business? 

How Utilities can Better Use Customer Data

Dr Katie Russell explores how much maligned utility companies must capitalise on their customer data in order to reduce churn and create customer loyalty as they play catch up with other industry sectors.

ONZO combines the science of energy analytics with load disaggregation, energy lifestyle behaviour analysis and probabilistic forecasting to give utilities and their customers unprecedented insights into how, where and when energy is used. Leveraging granular smart meter data, ONZO’s patented algorithms result in richer, highly accurate, customer-specific insights that help utilities improve customer engagement and energy efficiency, while reducing churn and creating new revenue opportunities.

The company is headquartered in London, UK, with an office in the US, and works with clients all over the world.

Read all about it in this ONZO-authored exclusive article for Engage Business Media. Click Here

See short ONZO  video


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation