1) A follow-up to the article I shared in the Feb.17 update ( “The assumption of safety is being used to justify the rollout of 5G technologies.”) from some Australian friends. Regardless of the “generation”, whether 2G, 3G, 4G or 5G, there has never been proof that exposure to wireless radiation is safe. To the contrary, the vast majority of studies for many years has proven it is not safe. That hasn’t stopped WHO, ICNIRP, Health Canada, the Cancer Society and the industry from trying to convince the general public that there is no real basis for concern.
5G – who says it’s safe??
“The authors used the ORSAA database* to identify and examine 295 studies on 5G millimetre waves and determine what effects they found, if any. The results showed that the majority of the studies did show bioeffects which can lead to downstream effects on the body.
‘The overall picture emerging from the existing knowledge base suggests a range of biological effects, some with strong evidence (>90% of studies), that may have potential health implications,’ the authors concluded.”
2) A public meeting in Sorrento this Thursday. Full information is here:
Please, regardless of whether you are in this area or not, if you can attend please do. We are all in this battle together, we are all “stakeholders”. A victory for one is a victory for all threatened by the industry and ISED.
To review: We had a small micro win – an extension on this tower from January 13th to March 2nd for public comment. At this time we were given Thursday February 23, 2023 for a virtual town hall. After being given the extension, we were denied the original January 19th meeting at CSRD.
The community has decided to have an in person public meeting with all stakeholders invited to participate ON THURSDAY FEB 23rd, 2023. That includes you! This meeting will replace the digital “virtual” format promoted by Telus, which limits participation significantly.
3) The grid can’t handle the power needed for electric cars — what about all of the wireless devices to feed the internet of things, all using far more power than wired devices? Not to mention the energy-hogs that are the data centres to hold all of the data gathered via the IoT.
(click on photos to enlarge)
Expert says electric grid can’t stand pending demand
“A Carleton University professor said Canada’s electric grid cannot be prepared fast enough to handle the demands to be placed on it in pursuit of net zero carbon emissions.
In an interview with Western Standard, business professor Ian Lee said evidence for his stance abounds.
“Electricity Canada has actually said the grid is not ready for a three-fold increase, which will be needed if we completed the decarbonize as is proposed. So, it’s not just the risk of the grid going down, the cost is going to be enormous,” Lee said.”

From: “Rebecca Martin” <rmartin@riverkeeper.org>
To: “Rebecca Martin” <rmartin@riverkeeper.org>
Sent: Sunday, February 19, 2023 2:57:28 PM
Subject: SUPPORT David Carpenter updates: Press Conference, Sign-on Letter, UUP Announcement, Social Media and more
Below are several important updates regarding the efforts to support Dr. David Carpenter. You’ll find all action links in red.
This will be a big news week so I’ll be sending out updates more often (though not more than necessary to avoid too many emails).
As always, for the most up-to-date information, please visit: www.supportdavidcarpenter.org/
1. PRESS CONFERENCE ON THURSDAY. Bring a sign and meet Judith Enck at the Million Dollar Staircase to attend a news conference supporting Dr. David Carpenter on Thursday, February 23 at 11:45 am (please arrive by 11:30am) at the Million Dollar Staircase on the third floor of the State Capitol Building in downtown Albany. Enter from Washington Ave. or State Street. On-street metered parking or park underneath the Empire State Plaza for $10.
We are hoping to confirm between 50-75 people on Thursday. If you are able to attend, please let us know and SIGN UP.
2. SIGN-ON LETTER DEADLINE BY TOMORROW AT NOONTIME. We currently have 1,741 signatures for the Sign-on Letter to Support Dr. David Carpenter. If you haven’t signed on yet, or meant to share with your networks, please do so as soon as you can. Together, let’s try to get to 2000 – 2500 signatures.
“UUP strongly and unequivocally supports Dr. Carpenter, a highly acclaimed academic at the University at Albany and a highly respected expert on the dangers posed by Monsanto around the country and the world,” Kowal said. “His credentials are impeccable and we will not allow him to be silenced.” wrote United University President Frederick E. Kowa.”
4. DR. DAVID CARPENTER ON SOCIAL MEDIA. Very special thanks to Xan Plymale for doing an outstanding job in creating INSTAGRAM, FACEBOOK AND TWITTER accounts. Please friend them and share.
5. SUPPORT DAVID CARPENTER STRATEGIC CALL SET FOR THURSDAY. The next strategic call to support Dr. David Carpenter will occur on Thursday, 2/23 at 6:00pm. For those who have asked to participate, you have already received a calendar event. For those that would like to participate, please email me at rmartin@riverkeeper.org (or “respond” (and not “respond all”) to this email).
Rebecca Martin
Director, Community Partnerships Program
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters/Citizens for Safer Tech
“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” Lao Tzu
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.