1) A workshop occurred early Tuesday morning here in PST zone, one devoted to discussing the proliferation of EMF, especially with the spread of 5G. Dr. Marc Arazi was one of the attendees. Videos of the workshop have been provided in English and Jean Hudon has summarized them well on his facebook page. I haven’t had the time to watch the long versions yet, but the short video is very interesting, especially the last few minutes where Michele Rivasi, who helped organize this meeting, blasts those supporting and hiding behind ICNIRP and those who allowed 5G to proceed without determining its safety or need.
“Europeans for Safe Connections (ESC) is a coalition of national and international organisations that are aware of adverse consequences of the modern communication technologies. ESC members develop proposals to arrive at a safer use of wireless telecommunication technologies, limiting radio frequency and microwave exposure as low as it is reasonable, at the level of individuals as well as the society, and the natural environment, flora and fauna.”
"Congratulations to everyone for what we achieved yesterday at the European Parliament!"
The agenda featured:
18:30 Opening and Context Introduction, MEP Michele RIVASI
18:35 European for Safe Connections, presentation by Rob VAN DER BOOM
18:50 Phonegate lessons and SAR compliance in EU, by MD Marc ARAZI
19:05 Being Electrohypersensitive in the EU, a public testimony
19:20 The European Citizen Initiative «Stop5G- Stay Connected but Protected», presentation by Pernille SCHRIVER
19:30 Q/A, Discussion and MEPs Comment, moderated by MEP Anne-Sophie PELLETIER
19:50 The 2011 Resolution of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly: “The potential dangers of electromagnetic fields and their effect on the environment”, a perspective by Jean HUSS, Rapporteur of the Resolution
19:55 The 2021 Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee: “The societal and ecological impact of the 5G ecosystem”, a perspective by Dumitru FORNEA, Rapporteur of the Opinion
20:00 The 2030 Hexa-X Flagship initiative of the European Commission, by Peter STUCKMANN, European Commission, DG CNECT
20:05 Discussion and exchange of views, moderated by MEP Ivan SINČIĆ
20:25 Conclusion and Next Steps, by MEP Michele RIVASI
2) Customers were told that smeters would reduce costs and provide benefits, but any cost reductions appear to have been appreciated by the utilities and not the customers. In fact, the ongoing costs of smeters, which have a very short life-expectancy, will keep rates high. Data sharing is being promoted as the way for customers to realize benefits. But at what price?
(click on photos to enlarge)
97% of smart meters fail to provide promised customer benefits. Can $3B in new funding change that?
“Less than 3% of 2009’s taxpayer- and ratepayer-funded smart meters now deliver full customer benefits, a recent study shows.
With current technologies and privacy and security concerns, “real-time is a rabbit hole” and “we don’t promote it,” responded FCU’s Phelan. Historic data is available through FCU’s web portal, and the utility recognizes customers right to their real time data, he said….
HCE’s aggressive development of distributed resources might soon make dynamic price signals more important for system peak demand management, which is why it is building “a fiber optic distribution network,” Hannegan said. When utilities like HCE need customer or third-party responses in real-time, they may prefer to use their own smart networks, he said.”

2) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2023-02-03-lawsuit-re-iphones-update/
Re. “Surveyors” working for BC Hydro and my request for info about similar events. I will share with you as I get them. I have had a couple of other responses but they didn’t include the areas of the province. Please give this information when you email me.
“They were doing this here in our area in Sahtlam months ago. I spoke with one of the surveyors. He said they were surveying for BC Hydro, assessing something to do with the hydro pole positioning.
Of course… who knows!”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters/Citizens for Safer Tech
“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” Arthur Ashe
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.