1) Surprising good news re. a cell tower Rogers and CREST want to put up on Salt Spring Island. After initially approving it last year, the local authorities listened to complaints from local residents who believed that the initial approval was based on incomplete or inaccurate information and that due process was not followed. If Salt Spring Local Trust Committee can do it, why can’t/won’t Qualicum Beach Council?
(click on photos to enlarge)
LTC Rescinds Support for Channel Ridge Cell Tower
“Salt Spring Local Trust Committee (LTC) members have rescinded their support for a Rogers telecommunications tower at Channel Ridge and have instructed any company in the future to follow new siting protocols.
At a March 22 LTC meeting, Salt Spring’s two Islands Trust trustees and temporary chair Dan Rogers voted to rescind the support the LTC issued last July. The vote followed a delegation of residents of the Canvasback Place neighbourhood who urged the LTC to change their original position and who have in recent months escalated their complaints about how the tower approval was handled by Rogers from the Islands Trust to the provincial level….
2) So, in the USA, telecoms were supposed to provide fiber and, perhaps, keep the copper phone lines. I wonder if anything like this might have occurred in Canada.

Reports Suggest First U.S. Fiber Optics “Bait-and-Switch” Was in 1995; Gov’t Keeps Giving Billions to Telecoms Anyway
What Do You Mean America had National and State Fiber Optic Plans in 1993? We Were Punked.
“Did you know that the first wireless bait-and-switch for fiber to the home was 1995?
In a previous post we examined how there is a plan to give out hundreds of billions of dollars, and a chunk will go to a very small group of holding companies — AT&T, Verizon and CenturyLink (now Lumen Technologies), that have left most of America’s state-based telecommunications public utilities copper infrastructure to deteriorate.
And here we present excerpts from the FCC’s exceptionally obscure Video Competition reports, that were first published beginning in 1993 . Each report describes what commitments were made by the holding companies now known as AT&T, Verizon and CenturyLink for their proposed fiber optic networks then known as ‘Video Dialtone’ (VDT), and what happened to these commitments. There was also an attempted bait-and-switch with wireless infrastructure and service, claiming it could replace landline fiber optics. Of course, it can’t. Ironically, almost all fixed or mobile wireless service requires fiber optic wires to connect cell towers and switching centers to work. There is no wireless without wireline! The much-heralded 5G is a network based on numerous small antennas connected by a host of fiber optic wires.”
3) In March 28’s update [2) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2022-03-28-green-party-panel-re-safe-tech/], I shared an item about a museum supporting “hiding” a pole with a microcell with art. A member provided this information about what this “hiding” of cell towers means environmentally. Pine tree camouflage, which is very common for cell towers, can be 2.5 tons of toxic plastic!! And how many pine-tree-cell towers are there in North America??
This is from the Broadband International Legal Action Network, a group of lawyers and experts that is fighting hard to reduce the proliferation of EMF/5G through legal action and education. There is a lot of good info on their website.
2022-03-26 Who Will Fill the “Significant Gap?”
“The proposed macro tower will be “camouflaged” as a monopine which is made up of more than 2.5 tons of hazardous and toxic plastic materials, all of which will eventually fall onto the ground and through runoff, make their way as microplastics into Lake Tahoe. These discharges will be in direct violation of the Zero Discharge standard established under the federal and California Water Quality laws, adopted under the California and Nevada Interstate Compact and TRPA’s own Regional Plan.”
The TRPA Board almost unanimously approved the project, with one eloquent Board member opposed to it. The Board confirmed in open session that it had not taken the time to inform itself, nor require Verizon to provide detailed toxicological analysis, of the specific contents of monopine plastic waste.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Profit is sweet, even if it comes from deception.” Sophocles