1) Governments are budgeting many billions of dollars to expand “broadband”, and the public needs to make sure that this money is spent on safe, reliable, secure internet access — WIRED. The term “broadband” is interpreted by many (and deliberately allowed to be unclear) to mean wireless. It doesn’t. The benefits of wired vs. wireless are not mentioned so the public is not given a full and complete picture of options. This is from a US group but the same thing is happening in Canada. Please see the letter below.
From a US friend:
“If any of you are submitting to the NTIA for the Broadband Act’s 36 questions, due Feb 4, the NTIA is made up of engineers that are able to evaluate safety of equipment, they have laboratories. I will be asking that all of the equipment paid for by this federal grant money be “safe” for people ie have low dirty electricity (harmonic emissions)—the ONT, modems, all power supplies. This should be right up their alley to be able to write the standards for.”
NTIA Wants to Hear from You About the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
“The U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) is responsible for distributing more than $48 billion in broadband funding through several different programs under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. On Friday, January 7 NTIA requested input from the public on how best to implement the provisions of the new law that represent the country’s largest investments ever in broadband infrastructure and adoption.”
This report compares costs of various types of technology, with all- fiber being the least expensive, something the government and providers (as well as the public) need to know. This is in addition to fiber being faster, more secure and safer. This is a great report to keep handy for use in refuting claims re. 5G’s benefits
Operational Expenses for All-Fiber Networks are Far Lower Than for Other Access Networks
“This study confirms what network operators have reported about OpEx savings using FTTH versus other technologies, with savings ranging from 40-60% versus copper-based networks. This savings is primarily accrued from the maintenance, powering, customer experience, support, and churn advantages of fiber.”
2) FortisBC, desperate to keep its customer base, is making misleading statements about its “renewable gas”, trying to undercut efforts to improve the environment. This is in addition to wanting to put smeters on everyone’s home, adding to the RF in and around the places we and our families spend most of our time.
(click on photos to enlarge)

FortisBC doubles down on nefarious efforts to block electrification
“Across North America, jurisdictions are starting to ban gas from new buildings as part of plans to tackle the climate emergency. And that has fossil fuel gas companies very nervous and pushing back. FortisBC, the primary provider of “natural” gas to British Columbia homes and businesses, sensing an impending existential threat to their business plan has a counter-plan.
In many cities, well over 50 per cent of carbon pollution comes from burning “natural” gas in buildings, so action to get our buildings off gas can have a huge climate impact, as well as a positive health impact. The City of Vancouver already has a new regulation in place that, effective this year, prohibits new buildings from using fossil fuels for space and water heating. Other municipalities want to follow suit. Pressure is mounting on the provincial government from climate-concerned organizations and citizens to simplify and expedite this trend by making it a provincewide policy to ban new buildings from tying into gas lines.
All of which has Fortis scrambling, desperate to figure out how to end-run these climate plans and continue to expand its customer base.“
3) This is a website which we should keep our eyes on.to see what industry is planning and saying.
5G Canada REview.
“The 5G Canada Council supports a dynamic 5G ecosystem through advocacy, research and cross-sector collaboration.”
For example, under “resources”, this false statement is found on ISED’s website.
“Misinformation and opinions on the health risks from exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields are increasing on social media and on the Internet… Health Canada confirms that there is no scientific basis for these claims.” – Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada
ENCQOR 5G and Telesat Partner on Advancing 5G
“January 11, 2022 – ENCQOR 5G is partnering with Telesat to deliver 5G connectivity for remote communities, agriculture and energy industries, and maritime, aviation and government bodies. Telesat will incorporate a backhaul link into the ENCQOR testbed to enable telcos and other researchers to test on fibre and satellite connections for 5G applications.”

From: X
To: “Jeremy Bellefeuille” <Jeremy.Bellefeuille@ised-isde.gc.ca>
Sent: Tuesday, February 1, 2022 11:42:38 PM
Subject: We need to know what kinds of infrastructure will be installed.
Dear Mr. Bellefeuille,
Looking at ISED’s news release for broadband projects, the details of the types of infrastructure have been left out of the message.
For example, what are the details of the projects for Flamborough and Limehouse? Are these new households getting high-speed internet via wired fibre to the door or wireless? These are important details that communities need to be aware of.
– $39,400 for a project benefiting the community of Flamborough
– $84,000 for a project benefiting the community of Limehouse
If you could please have this information updated for this news release on your website, and include this type of information for your news releases going forward it would be very helpful.
Thank you,
Sharon Noble, Director Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” Theodore Roosevelt