1) A report written in 2005 by a US federal agency “devoted to accessibility for people with disabilities” acknowledged that EHS was one of the environmental issues that needs to be taken into consideration in buildings. Yet, as far as I know, nothing new has been done. I don’t have the time but, if someone has the time and interest, it would be good to know what happened to this report, what was the reaction of the EPA, and has the ADA pushed for accommodation in office buildings and schools?
Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (Access Board)
“The Board recognizes that multiple chemical sensitivities and electromagnetic sensitivities may be considered disabilities under the ADA if they so severely impair the neurological, respiratory or other functions of an individual that it substantially limits one or more of the individual’s major life activities. The Board plans to closely examine the needs of this population, and undertake activities that address accessibility issues for these individuals. The Board plans to develop technical assistance materials on best practices for accommodating individuals with multiple chemical sensitivities and electromagnetic sensitivities. The Board also plans to sponsor a project on indoor environmental quality. In this project, the Board will bring together building owners, architects, building product manufacturers, model code and standard-setting organizations, individuals with multiple chemical sensitivities and electromagnetic sensitivities, and other individuals. This group will examine building design and construction issues that affect the indoor environment, and develop an action plan that can be used to reduce the level of chemicals and electromagnetic fields in the built environment.”
2) This is a film about “the ripple effects of our actions in an interconnected world”.
Here is your access to the streaming link for
“Connectivity Project,” the next film in the Jackson Hole Environmental Health Trust Film Series.
Watch the film free anytime from September 9-16, 2021. Stream expires September 16, 2021, 6:00 PM Pacific / 7:00 p.m. MT.
Join our live Q&A on Tuesday, September 14, 2021, at 7:00 p.m MT with “Connectivity Project” Founder and Director Rose Madrone.
Q&A With “Connectivity Project” Founder and Director Rose Madrone
Tuesday September 14, 2021, 6:00 PM Pacific / 7:00 p.m. MT
3) One more bizarre way to use “smart” devices to get data about us. Why is this type of invasion of privacy allowed? I wonder if the stores are required to post signs saying that their carts are gathering personal data to which they have no right.
How to Foil Smart Shopping Carts from Collecting Your Biometric Data
“As if you didn’t need another reason to avoid Big Box retailers, plans are in the works to roll out a biometric data-gathering shopping cart with Walmart first in line to implement the privacy-invading technology.
A patent is in process for a “biometric feedback” shopping cart handle that measures heart rate, temperature, speed, and the amount of force a shopper applies to the handle while browsing around a store….
Besides a shocking invasion of privacy without customer consent, these concentrated EMFs can give sensitive shoppers symptoms such as headaches or blurry vision among other issues.
In addition to the “smart” shopping cart, Walmart has already patented technology to eavesdrop on customers. So, taking it a step further to track heart rate, temperature, and handle squeeze (an indication of potential theft) is just a hop, skip, and a jump away.”
4) New cell tower in the works in North Saanich, north of Victoria. This from a member who saw the sign and took photos (below). Has anyone seen a notice in the newspaper about this announcing both the planned tower and a public meeting? I hope people in the area know about this and will get organized. There is a lot of information available and people willing to help answer questions, etc. It sounds as if it is going to be on public property close to homes.
“Think the sign in the attached just went up. Location is East Saanich road at the experimental farm (near the Panorama Rec Centre – base of Dean Park). According to the drawing, I assume the tower will be a utility pole in the road allowance. Will need help with this one as there seems to be very few people on the [Saanich] Peninsula that have a concern about RF. I am not in North Saanich and we need, in addition to general opposition support, also someone with a North Saanich address to press this forward in the municipal hall”.
(click on photos to enlarge)


Sent to CRTC via their website form on Sept.12 in which the CRTC said we’re on our own during an outage. The letter is in the Sept. 9 update. [3) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2021-09-09-in-an-outage-were-on-our-own-re-911-says-crtc/ and Letters]
On Sept. 1 you said:
“With respect to your concern about TELUS’s fiber upgrade at your premises, including how it could affect the reliability of your services, the CRTC has mandated all service providers to provide 9-1-1 service whenever they provide telephone service to consumers, in areas where 9-1-1 service is available. We therefore suggest that you request additional information from TELUS as well as how to stay connected during outages. We also suggest that you could ask them if you could maintain a copper landline as part of their services with the company.”
I wrote back to you and advised that Telus is refusing to offer me or anyone the option of keeping the copper line. Neither has Telus given any viable means or suggestions for staying connected during outages.
On Sept. 9 you said:
“If there is a loss of power to an area and there is no battery backup, there is no voice connectivity unless a customer has provided local power backup, such as a generator. We must reiterate that the CRTC does not regulate equipment, but that some back-up systems could allow functionality for a certain number of hours; and that cell phones are often used as a backup phone service.”
Please let me be clear. I am not asking about equipment. I am asking about CRTC’s mandate that a telephone company MUST provide 911 service.
So please confirm. CRTC mandates that telephone providers provide 911 service, except when they don’t. If their equipment is such that this is impossible at times, then it is up to the customer to provide his own power to enable the phone to work. We are left to our own devices. In essence there is no mandate for Telus to provide 911 service. Is this correct?
Would please confirm that CRTC has no authority over the equipment, service or policies related to telephone companies? If not CRTC, then which agency does? Or is the public left without a vital service at a time of greatest need, e.g. storm, local emergency?
Sharon Noble

From: “Shelley Wright [C4ST]” <shelleyw@c4st.org> (name given with permission)
Sent: Monday, September 13, 2021 12:41:59 PM
Subject: C4ST Meeting Wednesday Sept 15th, 7:30 ET, 4:30 PT, Call To Action & Template Updates – Great Work!
Great Job Riding Representatives, Riding Members, Community Members and C4ST Friends!
Please like and share C4ST’s video as soon as you can.
If you would like to share our Candidates Who Care Campaign on social media, please use the information directly from our website to ensure we are presenting non-partisan, scientifically supported messages. Accurate, respectful social media messages directly from our website will strengthen our position as positive “Safe Tech” advocates in our communities.
We have a total of 43 candidates signed up and we just have to follow up to get more. The candidates who are signed up are on the website: https://c4st.org/candidateswhocare/
Candidates need to know that Canadians For Safe Technology (C4ST) has 20,000 members who will be looking at our website before they cast their vote to see which candidates in their riding have signed up to show their support of the Candidates Who Care Campaign.
Through this short campaign you have the opportunity to share your concerns with MP’s about RF radiation and safe technology (Fiber optics to the premises) in Canadian communities. This is our opportunity to make a difference in our communities and have a voice in parliament!
A critical step is getting people elected “Who Care” to represent our concerns.
FIND OUT HOW WE CAN MAKE THIS HAPPEN Wednesday night, 7:30 ET, 4:30 PT.
We Need Your Help With Missing Campaign Office Emails and Telephone Numbers: April, Shelley and Marg need some help filling in some gaps in our database. Please have a look and see if one of the ridings in the attachments is yours and if so please do some searches – please check the campaign literature you are getting – and send the information to:
April april@odon.ca
Shelley shelwright@gmail.com (EAST)
Marg marg.c4st@gmail.com (WEST)
We apologise for duplicate emails as we race to connect different C4ST groups together during our Candidates Who Care (CWC) campaign. Some of you belong to more than one C4ST group/team and our volunteer time and focus is directly on our CWC campaign, rather than streamlining emails. Thank you for your support.
Please see below our agenda and Zoom meeting link for our C4ST Meeting – Sept. 15th, 7:30 ET, 4:30 PT.
Frank Clegg
– Overview of the Candidates Who Care Campaign (CWC)
– Candidates who signed up so far
– CWC Call to action: progress, timelines, and goals
– Information sent out to our 20,000 members
– Social Media – Facebook Page, etc. Help needed
– Database progress
– Translations
– Assistance needed, missing email addresses (Conservative, Liberal, NDP)
– Report on West CWC Team Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia
– Additional information sent out to our volunteers
– Report on East CWC Team Ontario, Quebec, Atlantic Provinces & Nunavut
– Research & persuasion “hooks”
Discussion: Open to all. This is the time to share what worked and what didn’t work.
We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday
Join Zoom Meeting, using one of these three:
- https://zoom.us/j/97250411732?pwd=YU9kZlE5S291anpkOVI3VzVaQ2hGQT09 (No password required).
2. go to Zoom & use Meeting ID: 972 5041 1732 Passcode: C4STRR
3. To call in by phone, find your local phone number: https://zoom.us/u/adqLEcepOB
Landline call in Meeting ID: 972 5041 1732#, #, Passcode: 481062#
Use *69 to unmute
C4ST is a national not-for-profit volunteer coalition of parents, citizens and experts.
*Attached are some template letters you can use for candidates. Please take a peek at the template letters, one for each of the following Parties: Conservative, Green Party, Liberal and NDP. [Letters – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2021-09-11-important-tips-for-making-your-home-safer/ – Sample templates for candidates of each major party. or https://c4st.org/candidateswhocare/ & click on C4ST Volunteer’s Information.]
Encourage others in your riding to send emails and make calls as well. Even if the candidates have said “no”, they may change their minds if enough people contact them. Follow up telephone calls are personal, and can make a difference.
Melissa updated the NDP list and like Barb who found a similar email format for the Liberals, Melissa discovered an email format = first name.lastname@NDP.ca . Some of the NDP candidates may have a middle name, but after each name in the sequence there is a period. Please see attached the updated NDP contact information.
We believe that our persistent work can lead to the full Implementation of the 2015 House of Commons Standing Committee on Health Re: Wireless Radiation & the Health of Canadians if we work together to connect with candidates in the next few days. In 2015, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Health (HESA) published a report entitled Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation and the Health of Canadians. The report received all-party support and was tabled by the Conservative (2015) and Liberal (2016) majority governments. None of the recommendations have been fully implemented.
Thank you everyone for your persistent work advocating for safe tech in your community!
Shelley Wright
– https://c4st.org/candidateswhocare/
– https://c4st.org/candidats-soucieux-de-la-sante-des-canadiens/?lang=fr
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.” Christopher Hitchens