1) C4ST’s Call to Action – Meeting
Wed. Sept. 1st 7:30 pm ET / 4:30 pm PT
Hello C4ST members and friends,
Please invite others who may be interested.
Frank Clegg, CEO of Canadians for Safe Technology and former President of Microsoft Canada, will tell us about C4ST’s campaign for this coming federal election.
Candidates Who Care About Canadians’ Health
The Canada-wide solution to getting effective measures to protect families and children from exposure to wireless radiation is through the Canadian Parliament.
2) Just as Telus is trying to replace our copper lines with fiber, having phones use the internet, being fully dependent on electrical service being available, the same thing is happening elsewhere and people are fighting it. A major problem, for which Telus has no answer, is that without power the phone will be dead in a short period of time and no calls can be made, not even 911 calls. According to the CRTC this cannot happen. We all must write to the CRTC with our complaints, demanding that copper lines be maintained.
[2) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2021-07-28-new-5g-smeters/ – Commission for Complaints for Telecom and Television Services: www.ccts-cprst.ca]
In the USA, AT&T wants to shut down local phone service where there are few subscribers. The rural area doesn’t count? Phone service used to be considered an essential service. Why has this been allowed to change?
AT&T Shouldn’t Sunset Disused Voice Network Yet, Calif. Says – Law360
“The regulator asserted Wednesday that the FCC shouldn’t automatically grant AT&T’s request to discontinue local home telephone services in certain areas with low subscriber numbers, as the state regulator is still reviewing the implications of the phase-out. According to the filing, if the FCC doesn’t act, the service will receive regulatory permission to shut down effective Aug. 27 and subscribers will be transitioned to Frontier California Inc.’s network.”
3) From the Stop 5G International Team –– several events scheduled during Sept. to raise awareness of EMF, to inform people about 5G and to allow people to share ideas about these issues. If you want to organize an event, please let me know so I can pass the word. It’s a good time of year to have rallies, stand along roads with signs, meet people at marketplaces before the cooler weather sets in.
There are three EMF Awareness/Envisioning/Action Day events planned for the month of September, all described at the corresponding links below.
“You may be wondering why we are hosting an equinox meditation and a webinar. What do these have to do with stopping 5G? The answer: Everything.
Every invention or custom ever conceived by humans was first an idea in someone’s mind…or perhaps arose within the minds of many simultaneously. What we seed into the world is a direct reflection of our minds.”
4) Today there were trucks in my area (Colwood, BC) going up the very steep road working on the power lines, or so it appeared. The truck had “Driftwood Communications“ on the side. This company is into laying fiber optic cable.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Our team has high level experience in building and maintaining coaxial and fiber applications in the BC region. We specialize in placing strand, fibre & coax and finish all splicing, testing, from End to End in both aerial and underground capacities. We also have extensive experience working with MDU, drops, locates, internal wiring, Small-cell, Wi-Fi, and Service/ Installs. – https://driftwoodcom.com/services/
Due to traffic and one lane of the narrow road being closed for this work, I couldn’t stop to ask what they were doing but I suspect it is bringing the fiber-linked phone into our area. As I learn more about this, I will let everyone know.
I still don’t know how CRTC is allowing the potential inability to connect with 911 during an outage, or what the “interference” from the conversion from light (fiber) to electric and back might be.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“You will never win if you never begin.” Helen Rowland