2021-08-03 5G Interfering with Aircraft Altimeters

1) You are invited to a C4ST Community Meeting via Zoom
Wednesday, 7:30 pm Eastern Time & 4:30 Pacific Time, August 4th, 2021

~1. The 12 HESA 2015 Recommendations of the House of Commons Health Committee.
~ 2. Update on “How to Stop a Cell Tower in Canada. A Handbook.”
~3. Barb’s EPIC assortment of hand-outs, postcards and other items useful for public education.


2) In last night’s update  [2) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2021-08-02-satellites-could-interfere-with-each-other/], I provided warnings from 2006 about interference with safe aviation caused by wireless devices, especially cell phones, on planes. Someone who follows the industry provided updated information about the potential for 5G to interfere with altimeters. Transport Canada has issued a warning yet the industry is being allowed to continue, even implementing 5G in major US airports.


This needs to reach the media, the politicians, and as many people as possible. We should not have to wait until crashes occur for this to get attention. The benefits of 5G (if there are any) don’t justify this risk.

5G Interfering with Aircraft Altimeters

The most undesirable outcome of interference is the indication of an undetected wrong height information given by the radio altimeter. Depending on operations, equipment model and aircraft type, this kind of error could have significantly adverse impacts on flight safety. It may impact Terrain Awareness Warning Systems (TAWS), Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance Systems (TCAS) and Airborne Collision Avoidance Systems (ACAS), Wind Shear detection systems, flight control systems, and autoland systems (including auto-throttle and automated landing flare and rollout) and loss of situational awareness due to erroneous or unexpected behavior.”

Click to access 5G-Interfering-with-Aircraft-Altimeters-July-2021.pdf


3) Another coastal community will have fiber optic cable to the home, far faster, more secure and safer than wireless 5G.

CityWest expansion continues with Central Coast Communication Society

“Collaboration will see fibre-optics in Bella Coola provided by Prince Rupert communications company

A new collaboration between CityWest and Central Coast Communications Society (CCCS) will see the Prince Rupert communications company expand again, this time to Bella Coola, a July 27 announcement stated….

The geographic coverage of this collaboration includes Bella Coola, 4 Mile, Hagensborg, and the territories of the Nuxalk First Nation. The collaboration will make it possible for the Bella Coola Valley to be connected to a world-class fibre-to-the-home network – a vision shared by both organizations, City West stated.


4) Re. the 2 proposals made to the Green Party by a couple of our members. Here are direct links to make supporting them easier. Please consider sharing with friends and family who belong to the Green Party. Support is needed to advance these important proposals.

G21-P028 Advocate for a National Internet Access Strategy that Prioritizes Environmental and Human Health – Policy and Motion Proposals – 2021 GPC Policy and Motion Development Process – Greens Connect – https://tinyurl.com/pb35jjn6

G21-P059 Update Health Canada’s Guidelines for Microwave Radiation Exposure – Policy and Motion Proposals – 2021 GPC Policy and Motion Development Process – Greens Connect – https://tinyurl.com/4ns2rr5u 


Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters

“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.”   Henry David Thoreau



Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation