1) More information about cell tower fires from a true expert on the topic, Susan Foster. She has studied this issue in depth and assisted many communities as a utility and safety consultant. This in addition to having helped firefighters reduce serious health problems due to exposure to RF from cell towers on fire stations, hence her proud title of Honorary Firefighter. She has graciously shared this letter which you could share, unedited with her name, with your City Councils. [https://www.civicinfo.bc.ca/people]
2) One horrible device after another. Now Amazon has been given approval to increase power levels of its “radar sensors” to monitor sleep! Using pulsed signals in the 60 GHz range — milliwaves in devices close to bodies. No mention in either the Amazon nor the Google application (which was approved a couple of years ago and serves as a precedent) of potential health effects. The only concerns are interference with other devices or even with airplane navigation.
(click on photos to enlarge)

FCC gives Amazon green light to use radar for monitoring sleep
“Amazon got the go-ahead from the Federal Communications Commission last week to develop devices with radar sensors that could enable touchless control and remote sleep monitoring.
The retail giant filed for a waiver last month that would allow it to develop radar sensors that operate at higher power levels than currently allowed.
In its request, Amazon described two possible use-cases for heightened radar capabilities, including touchless device-control through basic gestures and movements and contactless sleep-tracking.
Amazon made its case by claiming the radar sensors would improve the accessibility of its devices for consumers with mobility, speech or tactile impairments, and enable users to monitor their sleep habits to improve their overall health. The company says it can do all of this without harmfully interfering with other devices.
Amazon’s application in which they explain how this will provide “health benefits”.
“In addition, for purposes of the instant waiver, Amazon will operate the Radar Sensors within a maximum transmit duty cycle of 10 percent in any 33 millisecond interval, consistent with the recent request of Facebook, Intel, and Qualcomm. Further, Amazon agrees that for purposes of computing the duty cycle, radar off-time period between two successive radar pulses that is less than 2 milliseconds will be considered “on time….
Amazon accordingly requests waiver of Section 15.255(c)(3) of the Commission’s rules to permit the certification and marketing of devices that use Radar Sensors operating in the 60 GHz band in a manner consistent with the performance conditions requested herein. Grant of the waiver request would serve the public interest by enabling touchless control of devices and sleep tracking with minimal risk of harmful interference to licensed or unlicensed users in the 57-71 GHz band.”
US FCC re. Google exception, Dec. 2018:
Click to access DA-18-1308A1.pdf
3) See URGENT email re. Qualicum Beach cell tower below.
Sender requested that name and email not be shared.

Subject: Qualicum Bay Tower—URGENT MESSAGE!!!!
Good morning Everyone!
I just learned from a reliable source that the new plans for Q Bay Tower are that it will be installed approximately 200 feet away from the original site.
BRIEFLY, to the best of my understanding…Protocol was not followed, the public was not consulted, “no one knew this was coming,” Director H (Stuart McLean) said he changed his mind about the tower, there was no public notice, Qualicum Bay residents and the Qualicum Band members were not consulted, there was no Notice of Motion…
For more info, see the RDN meeting, July 13th, 1 pm, near the end of the meeting for more information.
video: https://rdn-pub.escribemeetings.com/Players/ISIStandAlonePlayer.aspx?Id=086d3304-e8dd-4ccc-85b0-03c7722fad18 (The vote is approx. 1:05 hour.)
Sitepath/Telus “consultant”, Brian Gregg, is pushing this through as quickly as possible.
PLEASE SHARE THIS INFORMATION ASAP, and get the word out. I don’t have email addresses for most QBay Folks, so am depending on your help.
Write to the Press [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/z/canada-contact-e-mail-lists/]
Write to the RDN director (hand-delivered is recommended) [https://www.rdn.bc.ca/regional-board]
Letter to ISED [http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/icgc.nsf/eng/h_00019.html]
etc., etc., etc.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein