1) A member has sent me this go fund me page not to ask for donations but rather to ask if anyone has or knows of a Wi-Fi-free place that she could rent. This link contains information about this person who is sensitive and is losing her “safe” home of many years. The organizer has contact information at the bottom of the article.
2) A series of articles centered around the U.S. Memorial Day, the military and wireless technology.
5G EMF/RF Memorial Day 2021: Wireless, Surveillance, & Warfare, The FCC, And the Military Budget in 3 Graphs Not Including The FCC
“The simple truth is that America’s networks are under attack. From ransomware to theft of personal information, to full out assaults on services and infrastructure, adversaries and criminals are engaged in cyber activities that utilize the commercial networks as their attack pathway. The FCC has both the responsibility and authority to protect those commercial networks.”
The simpler truth is that the choice to use wireless instead of wired devices is the major vector influencing network insecurity. Rather than writing a blank check for increased security – for forever – the truth is that investments could be directed to building hardwired, connected networks. Does the U.S. use every “the sky is falling” security breach news story (blamed on the Russians, China, or alien invaders) to justify further militarized cyber security spending, or, recognize that wired is safer, more secure, consumes less energy, and protects privacy and civil rights?”
3) Dr. Marc Arazi and the Phonegate team have been leading the way in investigating and divulging that many popular cell phones currently in use, in Europe and North America, are in violation of even Health Canada’s and the FCC’s dangerous guidelines. They have been warning about the dangers of 5G, asking for a moratorium on 5G implementation until it is proven to be safe.
On April 21, 2021 ANSES, France’s equivalent to Health Canada and the FCC, released a report supporting ICNIRP’s stance re 5G, reversing an earlier stance calling for a precautionary stance re. cell phones, etc. Dr. Arazi and the Phonegate team released a very strongly worded paper denouncing this which was in the April 25 Update: https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2021-04-25-what-could-happen-in-canada-to-facilitate-5g/
Now the team has written a press release summarizing its detailed review of the ANSES report. These are significant articles that I would suggest everyone read. We face the same problems, the same collusion with industry, the same failure to protect the public re. wireless technology.
ANSES 5G report: Phonegate Alert and Robin des Toits denounce in their counter-expertise a position openly favorable to the industrial lobby and which endangers public health!
“The choice of ANSES to align itself without any reservations with the ICNIRP recommendations corresponds, in our opinion, to a political takeover of the agency by the supervisory ministries under the influence of the mobile phone industry lobby. Thus this report marks a very notable departure from its own previous, rather courageous reports of 2016 and 2019 (totally absent here) which allowed the Phonegate scandal to be revealed and thus highlighted certain elements of the overexposure of users to the radio waves of their mobile phones due to the serious failings of the ICNIRP standards in terms of protecting users’ health….
One of the fundamental consequences of this alignment with ICNIRP is to recognize only the thermal effects of radio waves. This completely ignores all the independent scientific studies reporting non-thermal effects. The fact that at this stage there is no official consensus does not mean that ANSES should not take these possible health effects into account.”
(click on photo to enlarge)

Analysis and proposals on the ANSES report entitled “Exposures to electromagnetic fields related to the deployment of “5G” communication technology and possible associated health effects”.
“… This could not be clearer, as the authors have no health qualifications in the issue at hand.
Even more problematic, in terms of conflicts of interest, among the signatories of this report is Philippe Distler, former Director General and member appointed by the President of the Republic (2013-2018) of the French regulatory authority for electronic communications, posts and press distribution (ARCEP) 1 . Agency, itself in charge for the State of the implementation and sale of 5G frequencies as mentioned above.”
https://www.phonegatealert.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Analysis-of-5G-ANSES-report-by-AP-and-RdT.pdf Phonegate’s critique of ANSES’ report
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“We cannot survive if we give corruption any chance. Corruption can only exist with an umbrella from the top.” Petro Poroshenko