1) Reminder of this opportunity to see a significant film, for free, on Wed. May 5: Registration is required.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Film Screening of COMPLICIT: How the Electronic Device Industry Poisoned Chinese Factory Workers
“COMPLICIT” is the first film in the Jackson Hole Environmental Health Trust Film Series. This is a FREE event that will be followed by a live Q&A with “COMPLICIT” Co-Director Heather White.
DATE: May 5, 2021
TIME: 7:00 MDT, 6:00 PDT
REGISTER: Sign Up at EHTrust.org
or https://tinyurl.com/wf4hh3ht
2) The lawsuit that EHT is participating in bringing against the FCC is still ongoing. Thousands of documents and studies were submitted to the 3 judges hearing the case and it is apparent by the questions they ask the lawyer representing the FCC that they have studied them. This video presents audio sections of the hearing, which are very interesting.
Update on the EHT et al. v FCC Lawsuit on Wireless Radiation Safety Standards
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzDQsJMu4tg&t=233s (43:39 min.)
3) In the April 25 update [2) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2021-04-25-what-could-happen-in-canada-to-facilitate-5g/], I shared Dr. Arazi’s press release about ANSES (the French equivalent of Health Canada) apparent reversal of its stance re. 5G.
Dr. Arazi and his Phonegate group have just shared the English translation of ANSES’s report. Experts are being offered an opportunity to provide comments which, hopefully, will be shared once they have been compiled and, perhaps, responses have been provided. Addresses various aspects of 5G, the initial resistance, growth of concern re. health, technology problems, etc. I’ve only skimmed but it is worth reading.
And on page 67, discussions of the various international stances: International institutional positions on the health effects of 5G which will be good for reference material.
Exposure to electromagnetic fields related to the deployment of communication technology “5G” and possible associated health effects
Click to access AP2019SA0006_Rapport_5G_consultation-english.pdf
5G report: participate in the public consultation organized by ANSES
“The French health and environmental agency, ANSES, published on Tuesday, April 20 an opinion and a draft report on aspects of possible health risks of exposure to 5G. This report has been put for a period of six weeks in public consultation to allow scientists, health professionals, experts and organizations to give their opinion, comments and proposals on the report.”
or https://tinyurl.com/ddr3f6n2
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology.” Carl Sagan