1) Time Sensitive: RE. the CREST and Rogers tower in last night’s update:
The Driftwood newspaper is doing an online poll about the “Rogers/CREST Channel Ridge tower proposal”
Please consider taking a minute to vote “no”. The poll is on this page:
Unfortunately, much of the population is misinformed. This is not a Rogers/CREST tower. Rogers will own the tower and will put 22 antennas on it, 6 of them for 5G.
CREST will be the tenant and will have just 3 antennas on it.
Rogers is partnering with CREST because they know they have a better chance of getting approval to build this tower if it looks like it is a benevolent project aimed at improved emergency services.
CREST is partnering with Rogers to save money.
2) Below is more information about and a letter regarding Ontario’s Bill C 257. Even though this pertains to Ontario only, it could be setting a precedent for limiting municipal input re. cell tower siting and other telecom infrastructure in other provinces.
3) Telecoms in the USA can sue communities if cell towers or microcells are denied approval due to health concerns. As in Canada, the laws benefit the telecoms and rely on scientific evidence provided by the industry which still says there is no evidence of harm. ISED and FCC work for industry, that is their mandate. The general public, which pays their salaries and health, must grow its voice so that its influence is great enough to demand changes in laws benefiting the industry. A good video in this article. 4:56 min. long. “Blocking Cell Towers Near Fire Stations — Not Schools”.
(click on photos to enlarge)

5G and Earth Day: Corporate Takeover of Light Poles and Brain Function in CA and Near You!
“One of the best ways for corporations to run rampant over municipalities (and human health) is to have “helpful” legi$lator$ pas$$ bill$ that over-ride community rights and local control. Like the smart meter roll-out, abuses of power are tested in pilot runs in state$ with cooperative public official$, (who receive “gift$$$$$” from the industry). The power abuses then extend like a California wildfire to other states.”
4) Sheena Symington has been giving presentations to professional groups, City Councils, public meetings — to educate as many people as possible about EHS and the need to accommodate people suffering from this. Ontario has committed to being fully accessible to people with disabilities by 2025 but few even know about EHS. Sheena has shared the video of a presentation she did for the City of North Kawartha and offers to present to any City Council. Sheena’s presentation takes the first 10 min., followed by lots of questions from Council members.
If you wish to contact Sheena, click on “contact” on her website.
Sheena Symington
Electrosensitive Society, The ROSE Lab
From: X
To: “shelley kulle” <shelley.kulle@telus.com>
Sent: April 8, 2021
Subject: Opposed to Telus Cell Tower in QB
Dear Mr. Entwhistle and Everyone Concerned:
I continue to be opposed to the Telus cell tower that is planned for Qualicum Beach. This is a brief letter, in hopes you will read it, and take note. If you wish to discuss this further with me, please let me know.

We have been lied to and manipulated by Telus/Brian Gregg, throughout this process. Carol and Fred Dowe have given some examples of this.
Telus has been informed of much better options by the community, but Telus and SitePath have ignored these.
We do not need another tower. The proposed tower is ridiculously high, and will have extremely strong frequencies — not to provide some Eaglecrest residents Qualicum Beach with Telus cell “service”, but to provide Telus cell “service” to an enormous area, as you know. Incidentally, many, if not most, Eaglecrest residents do not want this Telus tower.
The damages this proposed tower will do to Qualicum Beach and its residents, will be beyond imagination. We were not given this information by Telus, but by well-respected, dedicated, and concerned international experts.
Those who are aware, and can move, are moving from their precious homes in Qualicum Beach. They know some of the ways the proposed tower will adversely their families, and quality of life. Some residents have been in tears about the tower, and what damages the frequencies will do to their way of life.
As you probably know, there are much better options to serve those residents who receive poor service from Telus. Mr. Gregg never presented these options.
Relying on Safety Code 6, which is severely out of date (1990’s), to convince the public that the tower will be safe, is unethical.
I encourage Telus to be a good corporate citizen, and halt the proposed tower immediately. The public deserves better than to be treated so poorly by Telus. The exploitation of the general public’s naivety for Telus’ gain will be a tragic Telus legacy, if this tower proceeds.
There are better, and safer options to cell towers. Telus should be forward-thinking about these options, for a much longer and more viable option to the dystopian tower(s).
Incidentally, I have divested from Telus.
Further to Ontario’s Bill C 257. Excellent letter: https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Comments-by-Richard-Jackman-JD-re-Ontario-Planning-Act-Amendment-ERO-019-3233-April-02-2021.pdf
Click to access ontarioplanningactamendmentapr2021B.pdf

From C4ST
“Bill 257, Supporting Broadband and Infrastructure Expansion Act, 2021:
Purpose excerpt: “The purpose of the Act is to expedite the delivery of broadband projects of provincial significance by removing barriers and streamlining processes related to infrastructure that may result in delays to the timely completion of these broadband projects, while enhancing co-ordination and engagement with and being fair to public and private sector stakeholders.”
The full text of Bill 257 https://www.ola.org/en/legislative-business/bills/parliament-42/session-1/bill-257
In a nutshell, this is almost completely opposite to the third request in our 5G Appeal to “Provide a meaningful, transparent process for municipalities and their citizens to have a decisive say over whether and where cellular network antennas are installed, on either large towers or non-tower structures (e.g., lamp posts, hydro poles and buildings). Informed public participatory consultation and local decision-making over current and future antenna siting would replace the broad powers currently given to the Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED)”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“In the matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.” Thomas Jefferson