1) CREST plans on building more towers across the province which ostensibly is required to provide the first responder services we all want. Unfortunately, past experience has been that once there is a tower for whatever purpose, more transmitters of a non-essential purpose will be added. People on Salt Spring want assurances that this additional tower is needed and, if it is needed, that it be built according to the Antenna Siting Policy which establishes distances from homes, schools, etc., and the amount of RF emitted. In addition, they are asking that no other transmitters are added to the tower. Public involvement has had this project on hold for 2 years — allowing plenty of time for CREST to find a site that will satisfy all. But it hasn’t happened.
Group says 5G tower not the best CREST solution
Tower feedback Open
(click on photo to enlarge)

Take a look at this CREST brochure with some information that might concern and surprise you. For example, CREST plans (or did so in 2019, the date of the annual report) to build 30 more towers and have more than 50 “in-vehicle” repeaters. This means that the drivers will be in a Faraday cage with an RF repeater. Have these drivers been told about the hazards involved with this job?
Connecting Our Region for Optimal Safety
2) For those of you who missed Cece Doucette’s presentation on Tuesday, here is a recording of it. She spoke on a variety of topics, as you can see if you scan her slides. She has graciously offered to present to public groups, legislators, Councils, etc. in an effort to educate them about the 5G network. Keep in touch with your local government, make sure you know if they are receiving applications for more cell towers or for micro (small) cells to be put on your right-of-way outside your home.
5G Small Cell Hazards & Better Tech Solutions
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6WyV7R20AI (video 1:21 hr.)
& Cece’s slides:
Click to access 5G+SMALL+CELL+HAZARDS+%26+BETTER+TECH+SOLUTIONS+040621.pdf
3) From C4ST. Are you interested in participating as a riding representative? This is a chance to help educate people about EMR, RF. More information is at:
URGENT APPEAL TO THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA to Suspend the 5G Rollout and to Choose Safe and Reliable Fibre Connections:
afin qu’il suspende le déploiement de la 5G et opte pour des connexions par fibre optique sécuritaires et fiables:
Make a difference:
Sign the Appeal.
Share it with your network.
Follow us, like us, share and comment on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/C4ST.ORG/videos/173505710669386/
Get involved:
Become a Riding Representative:
The secret inside your cellphone (CBC Marketplace):
C4ST is a national, not-for-profit, volunteer-based coalition of parents, citizens and experts.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.” Confucius