1) A webinar with Rodney Palmer, an award-winning journalist, who reported on children experiencing cardiac problems when exposed to strong Wi-Fi modems in schools in Ontario. April 8, available to patrons of EHT.
(click on photos to enlarge)

EXPOSÉ: Harmful Effects of Wi-Fi on Children in School
“Palmer’s investigation turned to the school’s new Wi-Fi system as a probable cause.
“What happened next was extraordinary. A group of parents formed countywide, as all the schools in the region had recently been equipped with super-powered Wi-Fi. We learned about dozens of children wearing cardiac halter monitors to school and four cases of juvenile cardiac arrest including two deaths, countywide. Each class had a new wireless modem that is strong enough to power 30 computers at once downloading video as a maximum possible usage. At our school, these were in a kindergarten class with no computers. There were only seven computers in use in the school. It was not necessary,” he said.”
2) Dr. Arazi and his Phonegate Team are continuing to confront resistance from European bodies when presented with more evidence that cell phones are in violation of guidelines given to the governments and the public. Instead, as I found in my communication with ISED (as per my letter to CBC Marketplace in the March 25 update) the ICNIRP “guidelines” for thermal heating are followed instead of Safety Code 6. In France, the “safety” SAR guideline is 2.0 W/kg. In the USA and Canada, it is 1.6 W/kg. and hundreds of phones in use and being sold exceed all of these “safety” guidelines by many times. ICNIRP, Health Canada, WHO, ANSES say if it doesn’t cook you, it’s safe.
[Press release] The French National Agency for Health Safety (ANSES) questioned on its ability to protect the health of citizens using cell phones
“The reporters of France Télévision had SAR tests carried out for 1 g and 10 g for the program “Complément d’enquête” broadcast on November 12, 2020. They entrusted the ART-FI company, specialized in SAR measurements, with 11 different cell phones, new and used, of the brands HUAWEI, APPLE, SAMSUNG, XIAOMI, NOKIA. They then sent us these measurements for analysis….
All measurements show an increase in the SAR when tested on 1 g of tissue according to the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Thus, the second-hand iPhone 5 tested at 0 mm reached a SAR higher than 12 W/kg (more than 3 times the authorized limit in Europe and the United States of 4 W/kg)”.
3) As we know, the prime justification for the 5G grid is to gather more data from all of the wireless devices. A new report explains how our data will be spliced into various areas to be hacked or attacked, e.g. health, financial, infrastructure.
New 5G Protocol Vulnerabilities Allow Location Tracking
“Security researchers have identified new vulnerabilities in the 5G protocol that could be abused to crash network segments and extract user data, such as location information.
The new vulnerabilities have been discovered at the end of last year by AdaptiveMobile, a cybersecurity firm specializing in mobile network security.”

From: Janis Hoffmann (name given with permission)
To: “educ minister” <educ.minister@gov.bc.ca>
Sent: Thursday, April 1, 2021 10:53:45 AM
Subject: Letter #7 Dear BC Minister of Education how can parents make a “Personal Choice” to protect their children when microwave radiation exposure is mandatory?
Dear BC Minister of Education, Jennifer Whiteside,
– Did you know that in BC there are no EMF Scientists or Medical Experts who study the biological or health effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields?
– Did you know in an email September 2018, Tom Kosatsky, BCCDC, in response to Dr. Bonnie Henry request for an expert opinion said, “while I am not a cancer epidemiologist, nor a specialist in the health effects of non-ionizing radiation…”
– Did you know in an email September 2018, Tom Kosatsky, BCCDC said “I believe the association of meningiomas with frequent and longer duration use of 3G and earlier cellphone use is compelling, and justifies public health as well as manufacturers’ advice to avoid direct contact between the phone and the user’s head. Texting, Bluetooth and earphone use as well possibly the adoption of modern 4G devices would also be in line with this advice.”
– Did you know In 2013, almost 8 years ago, the BC Center for Disease Control, cautioned in their 400 page report on RF/EMR that their findings are consistent with many international experts who continue to warn that prolonged exposure to low levels of microwave radio frequency radiation from wireless devices that include Wi-Fi, i-Pads, cell phones, cordless phones and smart meters, can lead to serious health effects such as infertility and cancer, children especially at risk?
– Did you know Dr. Bonnie Henry has been unable to provide us with a copy of the studies and the recent publications that she said her department recently “reviewed” along with the names of the scientists and medical experts who stated microwave radiation exposure is safe as per letter dated Jan. 4, 2019?
– Did you know Dr. Bonnie Henry has refused to provide us with an official response to the 2018, current findings of the two 10 year long studies on 2G and 3G technology by US National Toxicology Program and the supporting Ramazzini Institute Study that confirmed the link to Cancer from all prolonged wireless radiation exposure including cell tower radiation?
– Did you know that Dr. Bonnie Henry is using the BC Cancer Agency for a reference for Wi-Fi safety in our schools when this agency clearly have a vested interest in supporting the wireless industry in return for millions of dollars in donations? Telus, Glentel and BC Hydro are long time supporters of this organization.
– Did you know health is a Provincial Jurisdiction and Dr. Bonnie Henry has an obligation and a duty to protect our children by taking the reasonable steps to reduce wireless radiation in our schools given the overwhelming amount of evidence of harm?
– Did you know Dr. Bonnie Henry states in her email that “. . . and we continue to recommend people make personal choices to reduce their exposure?”
Our question is: How can parents make a “Personal Choice” to protect their children when microwave radiation exposure is mandatory 6 hours a day 5 days a week in all our public schools?
Janis Hoffmann
Parents for Safe Schools
Letter #1 http://parentsforasafeschool.blogspot.com/2021/01/will-you-protect-our-children-from.html
Letter #2 http://parentsforasafeschool.blogspot.com/2021/01/2-dear-bc-minister-of-education-is_19.html
Letter #3 http://parentsforasafeschool.blogspot.com/2021/02/3-dear-bc-minister-of-education-will.html
Letter #4 http://parentsforasafeschool.blogspot.com/2021/02/4-dear-bc-minister-of-education-why-is.html
Letter #5 http://parentsforasafeschool.blogspot.com/2021/03/letter-5-dear-bc-minister-of-education.html
Letter #6 http://parentsforasafeschool.blogspot.com/2021/03/letter-6-dear-bc-minister-of-education.html
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Here cometh April again, and as far as I can see the world hath more fools in it than ever.” Charles Lamb