1) Reminder of some upcoming webinars. Pre-registration is necessary. Too bad that some are at the same time.
First is on Wed. Feb. 24, 4:30 PT, C4ST to discuss and answer questions about the FactChecker re. Health Canada’s and ISED’s websites and MP response documents sent out last week. [1) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2021-02-16-wednesday-online-meeting-with-c4st-rescheduled/]
Time: Feb 24, 2021 7:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting – https://zoom.us/j/97355485314?pwd=VGVjdGFJQTVkYXd1elVUbU5xaUNFdz09
Meeting ID: 973 5548 4314 Passcode: 194514
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Second on Thursday, Feb. 25 5:00 PT, Americans for Responsible Technology re Thursday’s Local 5G Action Seminar & More Victories
“You’ll hear from leaders in Indiana, Massachusetts, California, New York, Florida, and Arizona about how they’ve navigated the complexities of the telecoms’ aggressive 5G rollout plans thus far.
Speakers will also discuss strategies you can employ to effectively raise awareness of 5G risks in your community and how to advocate for the enactment of local laws to better protect your area from future wireless infrastructure deployments.”
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Third on Thursday, Feb. 25 5:00 PT a webinar being organized by Dr. Martin Blank’s son. He is offering attendees a free ebook on testing for EMF.
EMF Testing at Home
Thursday, February 25
with SYB Senior EMF Specialist
& Certified Building Biologist
2) From Magda Havas, a request to consider signing and sending a letter that will be sent to the Director General of WHO:
Hello everyone,
I received this email today (and I expect several others have received it as well) from Alvaro asking for our help. Attached is his letter translated into French, Spanish, Portuguese and English. Please share with others who have the same concerns.
As many of you know we submitted an Appeal to the WHO in 2015 (https://www.emfscientist.org) and they didn’t have the courtesy to even acknowledge our appeal! Let’s hope this letter will receive a better response.
From: aasalles@ufrgs.br
Date: February 23, 2021
Dear Magda,
We need your help.
A letter has been prepared by some of our friends and colleagues to be sent to Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), asking for the revision of the EMF exposure limits.
This letter is available to be signed by the interested people.
Please follow the link: http://chng.it/HF7DZMYVPB
Please spread this information.
This letter expected to be delivered to Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on April 7 th.
We need a large number of signatures.
Alvaro de Salles.
3) This article pertains to US laws re telecoms, but it raises a lot of questions and perhaps gives some ideas to pursue. Municipalities need to have Antenna Siting Policies to allow them some voice when telecoms want to erect a new tower. But ISED’s policies are old, written in 2003, long before we were facing microcells outside our doors. We need municipal policies that help protect us in our homes and schools.
(click on photo to enlarge)

If Your City Hasn’t Passed a Protective Wireless Telecom Facilities Ordinance, 4G/5G Small Cell Towers Could Be Installed in Yards
“For many years, Andrew Campenelli, has helped Americans prevent unwanted telecommunications installation in their communities. Thanks to Scientists4WiredTech for publishing this article which features Mr. Campenelli’s step-by-step guidelines on how communities can better protect themselves from Big Telecom:”
New 4G/5G poles Don’t Belong in Tucsonans’ Front Yards
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Do something wonderful, people may imitate it.” Albert Schweitzer