1) The online meeting with Frank Clegg and Wendy Cockburn to discuss the Health Canada and ISED Fact Checker, that was scheduled for Wed. Feb. 17, is being rescheduled. Below are the documents shared in an update last week in a new format with separate appendices which have information that will prove useful in letters to MPs, Provincial Health officials, etc. Frank and Wendy will be happy to answer any questions at the meeting next week. When I have details for attending, I will share.
“I am sorry, but we are going to have to delay tomorrow’s call. WendyC has a personal matter and I had dental surgery that turned into a sinus infection.
We will reschedule to 7:30 Wednesday Feb. 24th. We hope everyone can attend.
Wendy also asked that I share the word version of the MP response document and the FactChecker documents with you. They are attached.
We ask that you review the documents and send a letter to your MP and start a dialogue, eventually asking for a meeting.
If you wish, Wendy or I could join a zoom call with your MP if you are able to set one up.
2) In Missouri, people are wondering if having a smeter is the reason their electricity bill is triple the norm. The photo in the article shows a newer ITRON smeter, the OpenWay Riva. This is a newer version of the ones BC Hydro first installed. I do not know what model they are using to replace the “expired” Open Way.
If anyone has had a replacement smeter installed, could you please take a photo of it and send to me at: citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca
With the extremely cold weather this winter, it is hard to compare with normal years but it would seem that triple the usage is extreme. Please also let me know if anyone is seeing an increase that seems extreme. Please put “Bills” on the subject line.
(click on photo to enlarge)

People in Aurora say smart meters causing electric bills to nearly triple
“People throughout several communities in the Ozarks are experiencing sticker shock.
Many tell us they are getting electric bills for hundreds of dollars more that what they normally pay and aren’t getting any answers from their service provider, Liberty Utilities.”
3) Reaching a new audience of people concerned with their health and looking at problems/answers that many medical practitioners don’t consider. Links to the first 3 parts of this series are at the bottom of the article.
Timepeace: Not A Race To 5G — A Race To Healing And Health Care Integrity (Part 4)
“One is that we look for environmental factors that may be impairing immunity, particularly when comparing illness rates between nations. In the United States, two factors that independent, non-industry clinicians and researchers are questioning are glyphosate in the food supply, and exposure to wireless telecommunications….
Varying expressions of energy imbalances are being very clearly expressed to society by those patients reporting that they are becoming ill, due to exposures to microwave radiation powering wireless devices and infrastructure. They are suffering, dramatically, from premature aging, from interrupted sleep, from torture, from approaching dementia and death. And, they have the capability to give important data for medical and research inquiry, unlike rats and mice being subjected to medical experimentation.”
Timepeace: Not A Race To 5G — A Race To Healing and Health Care Integrity (Part 4)
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision.” Dalai Lama