1) Most experts consider the SARS method of testing RF from cell phones to be woefully inadequate, and the SARS levels to be dangerously high. This being said, this is the method used in many countries. Despite the reports by Dr. Arazi (Phonegate), Chicago Tribune, and Dr. Om Gandhi showing many of the most popular phones to be in violation of Safety Code 6 limits, Health Canada and ISED have done no further testing. Neither have they warned the public about the high level of radiation. BTW, I’m still waiting for a response to my letter to ISED on this topic. [2) & Letters – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2020-08-02-health-can-says-it-has-no-responsibility-re-cell-phones-excessive-rf/]
Here is a report on another phone (another Apple) that violates SC 6.
A Radio Frequency Exposure Test Finds an iPhone 11 Pro Exceeds the FCC’s Limit
“A test by Penumbra Brands to measure how much radiofrequency energy an iPhone 11 Pro gives off found that the phone emits more than twice the amount allowable by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission….
Ryan McCaughey, Penumbra’s chief technology officer, said the test was a follow up to an investigation conducted by the Chicago Tribune last year. The Tribune tested several generations of Apple, Samsung, and Motorola phones, and found that many exceeded the FCC’s limit….
More notably, when the FCC conducted a follow-up investigation after the Tribune published its story, the agency did not find evidence that any of the phones exceeded SAR limits. That said, while the Tribune and Penumbra both used off-the-shelf phones, the FCC largely tested phones supplied by the manufacturers, including Apple.”
2) As a member noted, all of a sudden, this issue is getting a lot of attention in both the US and Canada. I suspect it’s because of the pending legal actions. Why the demand of secrecy? Who is being protected?
(click on photos to enlarge)

Canadian officials warned staff bound for Cuba to stay silent on ‘Havana syndrome’
“Fifteen of the Canadian diplomatic staff and dependents who say they suffered the effects of what’s become known as “Havana syndrome” have alleged in a $28-million lawsuit in Federal Court that the government “badly mishandled” the situation and told them not to talk about it with anyone….
Another advises outgoing staff, “you all have top secret clearance — and understand the responsibilities and obligations that come with that clearance. This information can not be shared.””

[2) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2020-10-24-a-letter-to-greta-from-a-telecom-engineer/]

3) A webinar where we can listen to the Chair of ICNIRP, Rodney Croft, and van Deventer, the long-time associate of Michael Repacholi who took money from industry while “leading” the WHO EMF Project. These are some of the people who have been responsible for the proliferation of wireless microwave radiation and who are promoting 5G. We can be certain that they will justify the “thermal-only”-effects-as-being-dangerous stance that they’ve taken for the last 30 years.

5G: State of knowledge and EMF exposure level
“In this webinar, Rodney Croft, Chairman of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) will talk about “ICNIRP, 5G, Guidelines and Health”. His presentation will provide a background to ICNIRP and its radiofrequency EMF guidelines, with a particular focus on issues pertinent to 5G. It will cover this topic both from the perspective of the intention and adequacy of the guidelines to provide protection, as well as through consideration of how the guidelines deal with issues that are commonly raised by anti-5G activists.
Afterwards, Emilie van Deventer, head of the World Health Organisation’s EMF project, will detail the WHO’s approach to electromagnetic waves and what member countries are doing.”
4) In the past, we have tried to get Canadian media to provide honest and complete information about wireless radiation, wireless devices and, most recently, 5G, with little or no success due largely to the fact that most media are owned by, or greatly influenced by, the telecoms. There have been many blatantly dishonest and biased “articles” (more like advertisements) that have misled the public and ignored or misrepresented science. The same is true elsewhere.
Here is a terrific letter complaining about a BBC program that has a history of providing misinformation which recently has tried to sell its public on the benefits of 5G and mocking any concerns raised. Dr. Devra Davis was interviewed but withdrew her consent when she found what the program was actually about. Much of what the author charges apply to many of our media outlets and to those in the US, including having financial interests in the implementation of 5G.
5G – Bias and conflict of interest at the BBC
“Although the BBC’s status as broadcaster entails it having an interest in new broadcasting technologies, few members of the public are probably aware that the BBC is actively involved in 5G development and deployment. This was, however, made abundantly clear in its response to the National Infrastructure Commission’s “5G call for evidence” in 2016, where the BBC claimed that it had “the potential to make a significant contribution to 5G in the UK”, and that it was “well positioned to contribute further to discussions on the development and deployment of 5G”. The corporation also stated that it “would welcome opportunities to contribute further to the work of the Commission and to the Government’s 5G strategy”.[19] In addition, its response underlined the BBC’s “active role in developing 5G standards and building partnerships with industry and its on-going engagement with 5G PPP and other UK industry and international forums”.[20] Perhaps not what you’d expect from a publicly funded national broadcaster whose fundamental mission according to the Charter is to inform, educate and entertain.
The public also ought to know that the BBC also advocated using higher frequency RF-EMFs: “the step-change in performance proposed for 5G can only be achieved if the system has access to large contiguous amounts of radio spectrum, which can only be found in higher frequency bands.” It also stated: “While these lower bands (sub-6 GHz) would allow early deployment of 5G technologies, it should be noted that they cannot deliver the large improvements in performance foreseen for full-mature 5G networks.”[21] So we have our national broadcaster explicitly advocating for us all to be exposed to more RF-EMFs, and at higher frequencies.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Today, more than ever before, life must be characterized by a sense of Universal responsibility, not only nation to nation and human to human, but also human to other forms of life.” Dalai Lama