1) A few months ago, we participated in a very active campaign which involved sending the 5G Appeal to every MP, asking them to support the suspension of the roll-out of the 5G grid and to support a safe, reliable fiber optic grid:
https://www.appel5gappeal.ca/ (If you haven’t yet signed the petition, please do and share widely.)
Marg Friesen is collecting responses from MPs and is asking anyone who got a response to please send it to her at:
2) Nina Beety is reminding everyone that Fire Prevention week is Oct. 4-10 in the US. And it is in Canada, too. It is a perfect time to inform friends, relatives, politicians, and firefighters about the fire hazards associated with “Smart” meters by sending them Nina’s report:
Overview: Fire and Electrical Hazards from ‘Smart’, Wireless, PLC, and Digital Utility Meters
(click on photos to enlarge)

And please consider sending my report that documents some of the smart meter fires that have occurred in British Columbia. A bound copy was given or sent to Premier Horgan, Energy Minister Michele Mungall, Infrastructure Minister Claire Trevena, and Sonya Furstenau, Green MLA. I never received even the courtesy of an acknowledgement from any of them. In addition, a copy was emailed to every MLA, with the same lack of response. Perhaps, during election time, it would be appropriate to send the report to them again, by each of you, reminding them that we have fire hazards on our homes and, despite having been told, they have done and continue to do nothing.
Letters and documentation are available at:
And the full report:
There is more information including smeter fires and photos at:
3) Telecoms in the US have a history of misusing federal funds. It would seem that with all the money telecoms make (more profit than any other industry, including oil and gas) that they would fulfill their responsibilities honestly.
AT&T Has “History of False Claims” — Has Taken $283M to Install Broadband in Mississippi, Hasn’t Done It
Mississippi asks FCC to investigate AT&T’s “pattern of submitting false data.”
“AT&T falsely told the US government that it met its obligation to deploy broadband at more than 133,000 locations in Mississippi, state officials say.
Since 2015, AT&T has received over $283 million from the Federal Communications Commission’s Connect America Fund to expand its network in Mississippi. But the Mississippi Public Service Commission (PSC) said it has evidence that AT&T’s fixed-wireless broadband is not available to all the homes and businesses where AT&T claims it offers service. The PSC asked the FCC to conduct “a complete compliance audit” of AT&T’s claim that it has met its obligation.”
4) More great photos of the 5G Protest Rally in Qualicum Beach plus a poster a member sent.


Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“The great tragedy of science – the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact.” Thomas Huxley