1) Attached is a photo of some members at the Stop 5G Protest Rally in Red Deer, Alberta. Great posters.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Here is the photo from the Qualicum Beach, BC Rally that I tried to send last night
2) In the Sept. 26 update [3) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2020-09-26-french-telecom-workers-warn-about-5g/], I suggested that you sign the OTARD letter regarding the FCC policy that would allow homes to be used as a cell tower but I was unable to get the form to accept my postal code. Below is the response explaining that only US residents are able to sign. Too bad.
3) More re. the article from Dr. Meg Sears in last night’s update [4 – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2020-09-27-dr-meg-sears-demystifies-5g/], In case you couldn’t access the links at the bottom, she explained:
” I found out that unfortunately the CCIAQ webmaster was “fixing” urls, and the link at the bottom of the email didn’t work. All of the CCIAQ guides are available here: https://iaqresource.ca/en/iaq-guides/ . They are all very helpful, including the IEQ one mentioned, and two others I wrote, on chemical sensitivities, and on COVID-19. The module material is crowd-sourced from national experts – it is an honour and privilege to work with them.”
4) Another article about the possible relationship between high EMF levels to which pilots are exposed and crashes. Dr. Mercola is providing this info to people who otherwise might not learn about this problem. If this is affecting military pilots, is it not likely that commercial pilots are similarly affected by not only the EMR/EMF in the cockpit but also by all the Wi-Fi provided for the “convenience” of passengers? A plane is a metal container, like a Faraday cage, in which EMR bounces off the surfaces, thereby increasing the exposure.
US Military Fears EMFs Are Causing Pilots to Crash
“The idea that electromagnetic fields (EMFs) can impact your brain function is not new, but a recently launched investigation by the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) really highlights the reality of such concerns.
The program,1 “Impact of Electro-Magnetics on Aircrew Neurology,” or ICEMAN, seeks to determine whether EMFs inside the cockpit may be causing pilots to crash. DARPA is currently accepting proposals and have allocated a budget of up to $225,000 for the research.
According to DARPA, the objective of the ICEMAN program is to “Determine if the current air combat cockpit environment impacts cognitive performance and/or physiological sensor performance; quantify the effects; and demonstrate potential mitigation strategies.”2”

From: Patricia Gregson (name given with permission)
To: letters@pentictonherald.ca
Sent: Friday, September 25, 2020 9:33:22 AM
Subject: re 5G tower in Oliver, only 130 meters from homes and 360 m from an elementary school
To City Councillors, Teachers and Parents;
There is much hype about 5G and how it will enable faster streaming, etc., but you won’t find the press advertising the harms to health that this technology brings. However, with some internet search, you can find many independent scientific studies on the hazards of cell towers. A brief excerpt from Dr. Heroux:
“We have evidence from epidemiology that cell phone towers produce measurable health impacts up to 500 m from their base. We also have evidence (Dode study: Mortality by neoplasia and cellular telephone base stations in the Belo Horizonte municipality, Minas Gerais state, Brazil) that if a tower is installed very close to a person who already has cancer, the probability that this person will die from the disease increases by as much as 45 %. The maximum effect is felt 2 years after installation of the tower.” https://oliverdailynews.com/an-interesting-read-professor-at-mcgill-university/
I strongly urge you to read the link provided, even if you do no other research. Dr. Martin Pall is another eminently renowned scientist who has much research about 5G and EMF, which you can easily find by googling his name and 5G. I could list many other respected scientists who are not funded by industry; this is only the tip of the iceberg of the many facts which are not presented by the telecom industry. For the sake of your health and that of your children, take the time to do the research yourselves.
Petrina Gregson

From: ANHUSAOfficial <office@anh-usa.org>
Subject: Re: OTARD
Date: September 28, 2020 at 9:12:11 AM PDT
To: X
Hi X
Thank you for your support and engagement!
Unfortunately you have to have a U.S. registered address to sign our petitions. This requirement isn’t something we can change since it’s regulated by Congress and government agencies. I’m not quite sure how you were able to sign our petitions in the past since they’ve never accepted non-U.S. zip codes.
We do, however, have an international counterpart in the UK, whose website you can access here: https://www.anhinternational.org/. They publish a regular newsletter covering similar topics, and they often have petitions available on their website and linked in their articles, which anyone can sign regardless of location.
Thank you for opposing the OTARD rule.
In health and wellness,
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Never give up; for even rivers someday wash dams away.” Arthur Golden