1) In Atlanta, Georgia, a lawyer is suing Verizon for attempting to erect a 5G cell tower in his yard. Apparently, Verizon planned on erecting a pole, not just install a microcell, on his private property despite his objections.
Atty Says Verizon ‘Corporate Invasion’ Risks COVID-19 Spread
“An Atlanta attorney claims Verizon Wireless sent subcontractors to his neighborhood in a “corporate invasion” that aims to build a 5G tower in his yard, putting him and his neighbors at risk of contracting COVID-19 from the unmasked workers as well as diseases purportedly linked to 5G….
Kasper is alleging unlawful trespass and resulting property devaluation, unlawful taking of property and of the joy and benefits of homeownership, fraud and intentional infliction of emotional distress, among other claims.
He’s looking to represent between 110 and 220 individuals who own homes in the Derby Hills residential area “who have been subjected to threats by defendant Verizon and defendant’s installation subcontractor of the installation and operation of 5G high frequency transmission cell units” throughout the neighborhood.”
2) Last week a court in Alberta ruled against Calgary’s bylaw which required telecommunications to be considered a utility and, as such, to comply with safety and environmental concerns and to get municipal consent for any work being done. Hopefully Calgary will appeal to a higher court.
[Please see corrections to this info at: 3) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2020-05-28-kelowna-to-be-canadas-first-real-world-5g-smart-city/ & Letters]
I believe this is the bylaw:

(click on photos to enlarge)
Telecoms win Calgary court fight with big implications for 5G rollout
“BCE Inc., Rogers Communications Inc., Shaw Communications Inc. and Telus Corp. launched a challenge at the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta against Calgary’s new municipal rights-of-way bylaw that extended the city’s power to regulate telecom infrastructure when it went into effect in January.
The telecoms argued the rules would hurt their ability to efficiently deploy 5G networks, which will blanket cities with tens of thousands of small cells affixed to buildings, street lamps and bus stops….
In a judgement issued last week, Justice Jolaine Antonio sided with the telecoms and ruled the bylaw does not apply to telecommunications services. She found the city overstepped its authority since the federal government has jurisdiction over telecommunications.”
3) Industry is pushing 5G for schools, which will mean use of more wireless devices by students and exposure to higher levels of EMR. The pandemic is being used as a justification for moving forward at warp speed which allows little time for protest or research.
How 5G will help make classrooms smarter
“Canada’s education system needs a transformation, and experts say 5G technology – with its increased speed and reliability – could help make it happen more quickly.
“I think education needs to be disrupted, a little bit of creative destruction,” says Ryan McLaughlin, a senior economist and research analyst at the Information and Communications Technology Council of Canada (ICTC).
5G will help power transformative technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) that are changing our economy, including how we learn. The COVID-19 public health crisis has forced educators to set up digital classrooms, exposing some of the shortfalls in today’s technology that will be more heavily relied on in the future.”
4) Please see below a letter to and from Randall Garrison, MP re. the 5G Appeal. In his response, Mr. Garrison says that the NDP will continue to press the government re. 5G. wireless networks and health. Does anyone know what he might be referring to? It would be wonderful if something actually is happening.

From: <Randall.Garrison@parl.gc.ca>
Subject: Re: Appeal for 5G Moratorium
Date: May 26, 2020
Dear Doreen Langmead :
I am writing in response to your email in which you detailed your concerns about 5G technology. I appreciate you writing to me about this.
New Democrats will continue to press this government to address all of the evidence relating to the impact of 5G and wireless networks on human health. We will also monitor closely the trade and security implications of allowing Huawei to provide this service in Canada.
Thank you for writing to me about this.
Randall Garrison, MP
From: DOREEN LANGMEAD (name given with permission)
Sent: May 17, 2020
To: “Garrison, Randall – M.P.” <Randall.Garrison@parl.gc.ca>
Subject: Appeal for 5G Moratorium
Mr. Randall Garrison, MP
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6
Dear Mr. Garrison,
I have just signed the Urgent Appeal to the Government of Canada to Suspend the 5G Rollout and to Choose Safe and Reliable Fibre Connections. You can review it here: www.appel5gappeal.ca.
The scientifically-backed information and calls for action in this appeal deserve your attention, because they affect the health, safety and security of all Canadians, and the sustainability of our environment.
Please let me know how you intend to support this Appeal.
I am counting on you.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Hashtag activism is a catalyst, but things have to actually happen in real life.” Petra Collins