The Appeal now has close to 7,600 signatures. – I do hope that you will share this and consider writing to your MP and MLA as well to your local newspaper about it. Sample letters were in the updates of May 14 and May 15. [ &]
1) Another major journal that is writing about the 5G conspiracy nuts. Unfortunately, it doesn’t help for there to be people selling gadgets and widjits like pendants and stickers that they claim protect from RF radiation. All of these kooks do make all of us seem like tin-hatters. I sense she has not read any independent research from the “fringe” experts she tends to mock. I do hope that she is really seeking the truth about microwave radiation, as she hints she is. And I hope that some of the “fringe” scientists discuss this article with her. It is very frustrating that there are so many articles like this in major publications and media outlets and not one that presents the information that we have.
Something in the Air
The coronavirus pandemic is sparking baseless theories about the dangers of 5G. But the fear that wireless technology is slowly killing isn’t new — and it doesn’t appear to be going away anytime soon.
“in the 1970s, the bogeyman was power lines. Low-frequency electromagnetic fields were emanating from them all the time, and a shocking 1979 study suggested that children who developed cancer lived near power lines “unduly often.” Around the same time, because of Cold War panic about radiation in general, televisions and microwave ovens also became a possible human health catastrophe. Later, concern bubbled up around a slew of other household appliances, including hair dryers and electric blankets.
Now the advance of cellphones and, more recently, the new high-speed networks built to serve them have given rise to a paranoid coalition who believe to varying degrees in a massive cover-up of deleterious harm. The devices are different, but the fears are the same: The radiation from the things we use every single day is destroying us; our modern world is a colossal mistake. The stakes are about as high as they could possibly be: If it were true that our cellphones were causing brain tumors, that our wireless devices were damaging our DNA, and that radiation emanating from cell towers was sickening us in any untold number of ways, this would be the greatest human health disaster the world has ever known. As well as, perhaps, its greatest capitalist conspiracy.”
2) Pilot projects are underway using power lines to extend the reach of millimeter waves for the internet right to millions of homes.
(click on photos to enlarge)

5G AirGig: What is It and Should You Be Worried?
“AirGig is a new technology developed by AT&T to transfer Wi-Fi and wireless data over power lines using 4G LTE and 5G millimeter waves. To date, AT&T has submitted over500 patents and applications related to the AirGig technology, which turns existing power lines into transmitters. According to AT&T’s glowing press releases, AirGig could even replace cell towers…
The AirGig technology aims to provide “ultra-fast” broadband Wi-Fi anywhere there are power lines, offering “last-mile wireless connectivity” without the need for deployment of any new fiber-to-the-home. As “last-mile” suggests, AT&T is framing its AirGig technology as a solution for extending wireless access to virtually everyone on the planet.”
Project AirGig: 500 Patents & Applications, One Great Idea
AT&T Launches Project AirGig Trials to Bring Ultra-Fast Internet Over Power Lines Closer to Reality
“AirGig is a first-of-its-kind system. It could one day deliver internet speeds well over 1 gigabit per second via a millimeter wave (mmWave) signal guided by power lines.”
3) C4ST is looking for people to join them as riding reps to help spread the word about the efforts being made to make Canada a safer place for you and your family.
“Canadians For Safe Technology is a not-for-profit, volunteer-based coalition of parents, citizens and experts whose mission is to educate and inform Canadians and their policy makers about the dangers of the exposures to unsafe levels of radiation from technology and to work with all levels of government to create healthier communities for children and families from coast to coast.”
If you are interested in participating as a representative for your area, please look at the information provided at this link:
4) Someone reported that an Eversource smeter exploded at a neighbour’s home on May 9th, ’20 at 8:36 p.m. in Amherst, Mass. Both the newspaper and the police report said that the smeter exploded and 4 fire trucks attended the fire. Smart meter fires continue to happen elsewhere and there is no reason to believe that they are not continuing to happen in BC.
A letter from the only insurance person who has warned about the problem is below. I’ve asked for a copy of the fire report. If I get it and it has anything significant, I will share with you.
This is a letter sent by Norm Lambe in response to another fire last year.

Thank you for your email. Let me state at the beginning that you can share this email with whomever you believe it would be beneficial to.
The major issues in moving forward in dealing with defective Smart Meters and Fires which result from their malfunction are as follows:
1. The fire departments investigating the fires need to have a category established in their incident reports to indicate a Smart Meter Malfunction should be considered. As it stands now, the cause is identified as electrical in nature, or cause cannot be identified.
2. The function of the responding utility companies needs to be changed. The fire departments which are in route to a fire scene will call the local utility company requesting they come to shut off the electricity, and gas. The utility companies will ask a matter of practice remove the Smart Meter from the loss scene and hold it safely in their vaults. The only way that an Insurance Company can get to the meter at the present time is to subpoena the meter for testing, and the subpoena cost money.
3. Finally, since I have been identified as the only Insurance Industry person speaking out against the Smart Meter debacle I can say that the Insurance Industry needs a change of heart and mind. I was told verbally, face to face, that the odds are still in favor of the Insurance Company. It is still Cheaper to pay the claim and subrogate against the utility company for recovery. However, as the Smart Meters age and the lithium batteries in them begin to wear out, leaking into the meter’s interior and going up in flames the balance sheet will tilt in favor of investigation.
4. I can personally state that it took the company which I work for 18 months of letter writing and subpoenas to obtain the opportunity to perform Destructive testing on the meter that failed and caused the fire. Even then, the settlement was sealed and the final payment to be kept secret from even me.
5. Insurance companies need to understand that the investigation of a claim involves determining the cause of the loss, and if that cause can be held responsible financially for the damages. If then takes the adjuster to a failed smart meter so be it.
Norman Lambe
Property Claim Specialist
Precision Risk Management, Inc.
For Century-National Insurance, Co.
714-228-7900 ext. 1159
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“We may have all come on different ships, but we’re in the same boat now.” Martin Luther King, Jr.