1) The US government exempted any environmental review of satellites more than 30 years ago when the government was the primary source of satellites and unless this is amended, all those commercial/5G satellites are and will be exempted, too.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Senators ask GAO to review FCC oversight of satellite constellations
“Two senators have asked the U.S. Government Accountability Office to review the Federal Communications Commission’s decision to exempt satellite constellations like SpaceX’s Starlink from an environmental review, given those satellites’ effect on the night sky.”
2) Some ideas for Stop 5G Day on April 25. I hope to have an email that you can complete and forward to politicians, media, etc. as a possible Stop 5G event. You might want to do more — please let me know if you are so I can share. Send to:
3) Many people are very worried about 5G, and rightly so, but no more than they should be about the microwave radiation from 2G, 3G and 4G transmitters that are everywhere right now. Studies have shown serious health effects from exposure to EMR at levels far below limits allowed by any country’s guidelines, let alone ICNIRP’s, WHO’s, FCC’s or Health Canada’s. The Ramazzini study was done using exposure levels similar to those near to cell towers. Here are real life examples of people in Sweden suffering from living near cell towers. And this is before any 5G emissions. All of the power density levels in this article are mere fractions of those allowed by Safety Code 6.
Many suffer from the rising radiation from the mobile base stations
“Measurements in Husby outside Stockholm on April 9, 2020 showed that people are exposed to extremely high microwave radiation from base stations at about 40 meters distance. 270,000 microW / m2 was measured on the balcony and 30,000 microW / m2 in bedrooms. In a townhouse area in Kista, 130,000 microW / m2 was measured in the garden and 20,000 microW / m2 in bedrooms. The residents suffer from, for example, difficulty sleeping, headaches, high heart rate, dizziness, nosebleeds, tinnitus and breathing problems.”
(needs to be translated – if the translate button doesn’t appear, use Google or Bing translation)
4) As part of his campaign to have the many cellphones found to exceed the allowed limits of EMR (Phonegate Alert!) , last year Dr. Arazi identified the Nokia 3.1 as one of the offenders. But it took until now for the official French Agency to name it publicly. As far as I know, in North America only the Chicago Tribune and Dr. Om Gandhi have done any testing of phones used here — and the results were similar to those done on European cell phones. And, of course, there has been no media coverage.
Both Health Canada and ISED have been silent in Canada as has the FCC in the US. This issue is significant with so many young people having cell phones that they virtually live with. The allowable limits are already very dangerous — many studies have shown this.
[Press release] Nokia 3.1 finally pinned by ANFR and its SAR updated
“In a press release issued on April 16, 2020, the National Frequency Agency (ANFR) announced that it had pinpointed a new model of Nokia, namely the Nokia 3.1. The trunk Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) measured in November 2019 by the accredited German laboratory CTC Advanced is 2.73 W/kg. This is more than 30% above the european legal limit of 2W/kg.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“A system is corrupt when it is strictly profit-driven, not driven to serve the best interests of its people.” ― Suzy Kassem