1) A member from Saanich provided good news about the LED lights. She lives in Saanich, a suburb of Victoria and said that LED lights are everywhere in her area. The inescapably bright lights were very disturbing on both levels of her home and curtains did not help. She complained to the city and they immediately installed shades. Although she still finds the lighting intrusive and unpleasant, the shades have made the situation “tolerable”. Too bad that “tolerable” is what we have to settle for these days.
She checked again the City of Victoria’s page on LED andfound:
“LED lights are highlight configurable and controllable, which means they are smart! Smart LED lights give the City the potential to adjust or control light levels for safety, further energy savings, and desired aesthetics.”
If the LEDs are “smart”, the city should be able to easily reduce the light levels based upon residents’ requests and perhaps even make the environment better for birds and other creatures. We should get specific technical details about these “smart” lights to see if they have the potential to be part of the 5G grid, e.g. gather data, hold a transmitter, etc.
2) Good news from Qualicum Beach. The Christian Fellowship Church has withdrawn its permission for Telus to construct a cell tower on their land. Congratulations are due to the Church and the people who were involved in achieving this. Hopefully, the people of Qualicum Beach will be informed well in advance of the next application to ensure that any new tower is placed far from areas where people, especially children, spend time.
3) Dr. Henry Lai completed a literature survey on “MF and Oxidative Effects” which he has graciously shared, via Andre Fauteux. First, the studies are documented in a chart and later, (from page 39) the topic of the studies and their sources are provided. Of the 240 papers, 213 reported effects and 27 did not. A wonderful resource.
Literature on free radical generation after expsore to static and extremely-low-frequency electromagnetic fields (as of July 2019)
“More than 200 papers have been published on effects of in vitro and in vivo exposure to static and extremely–low frequency electromagnetic fields on various aspects of the free radical processes in living organisms. Table 1 is a summary of these papers (as of April 2019). (It is inevitable that some relevant studies were omitted in the following literature survey.)…
Literature list (E= 213 (89%); NE= 27 (11%)) (E= paper reported effect; NE= paper reported no significant effect.”
4) Some members are considering moving smeters from the side of their homes to poles to reduce the exposure to EMF and the risk of having a fire. It would be very helpful and much appreciated if any of you, who have moved your smeters, would share your experiences, including dealing with BC Hydro and electricians as well as costs.
If you could send this to me at: citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca with “moved smeter” on the subject I will share it in updates.
(click on photos to enlarge)

[3) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2018-11-21-how-to-move-meter-from-home-in-detail/]
From: X
To: bwiese@qualicumbeach.com, rfilmer@qualicumbeach.com, awalker@qualicumbeach.com, sharrison@qualicumbeach.com, twestbroek@qualicumbeach.com
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2020 10:36:46 AM
Subject: Opposition to Proposed Cell Tower

Dear Council Members:
I am opposed to the proposed cell tower, next to the Christian Church, where Village Way meets Island Highway. This is the second time I have emailed you on this issue, but I have not received a reply of acknowledgment. I understand you believe you have received only 30 emails against this proposal.
My concerns are primarily health and safety related. There is a significant amount of credible research available to show that these towers affect all biological life. Of the human population, children are especially vulnerable. Older women are also extremely vulnerable.
This proposed location will pummel the children with high amounts of RF/EMF, that may affect them adversely for the rest of their lives.
Cell towers, etc. have been found to cause neurological damage, that can be permanent, and extremely disabling, if not life threatening.
I call on you to wisely oppose this proposed potential nightmare. If it is installed it may be very difficult to get removed.
If you would like additional medical information, please let me know. There is a tremendous amount of scientific research, so I would appreciate what kind of information you would be willing to read on this topic, in order to make an intelligent, informed decision.
Thank you, in advance, for your sincere efforts to do the right thing for all biological life in beautiful Qualicum Beach, not only for the present, but for the future, as well.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“I believe activism is the true source of change in the world. Pushing to change social structures in communities that you are a part of is critical for making real lasting change.” Marley Dias