1) Goodale seems to be unaware that Huawei is already building the 5G grid, partnering with Telus in every aspect. Isn’t this something that our government should know? Please, write to your MP (contact info on our website – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/z/canada-contact-e-mail-lists/) and to:
Murray Rankin <murray.rankin@parl.gc.ca> and
Ralph Goodale <ralph.goodale@parl.gc.ca>
(click on photos to enlarge)

No decision on Huawei and 5G before fall federal election call: Goodale
“Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Ralph Goodale speaks during an announcement on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Thursday, May 16, 2019. Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale says Canadians will have to wait until after this fall’s federal election to find out whether China’s tech giant Huawei will win the contract for its next generation 5G wireless network….
Meanwhile, Goodale said Canada will continue a vigorous and ongoing review of which company is best suited to provide the equipment for the country’s powerful new 5G technology, widely seen as the necessary backbone for the coming wave of transformative artificial intelligence.”
2) 5G is going live in 4 more US cities with milliwave frequencies that have yet to reach into buildings. But it will soon… As I understand it, the obstacle of milliwaves not being able to penetrate buildings is being overcome by the addition of phased array antennae to the microcells and, perhaps, to the phones as well. These will form the milliwaves which, while weak, are highly energized and biologically very harmful due to their high rate of pulsation, into strong beams capable of penetrating just about anything.
It’s vital that we do all we can to stop this from going live in BC and Canada. WE must all work with our local Councils, our MPs, our friends and family to understand the horrible, long-term health effects everyone will suffer, especially our children and grandchildren.
Verizon expands its 5G network to four more cities
“Verizon has hooked four more cities up to its 5G network [s/b https://www.verizon.com/about/news/four-more-us-cities-experience-5g-ultra-wideband-service]. Starting today, customers in Atlanta, Detroit, Indianapolis, and Washington, DC will be able to connect to the company’s next-gen wireless network. The additions mean that Verizon’s 5G network is now available in nine US cities, after previously rolling out in Denver, Providence, St. Paul, Minneapolis, and Chicago. Verizon says its 5G network will be live in more than 30 cities by the end of the year….
When we tried the network for ourselves in Chicago we found that it was capable of speeds of up to a gigabit per second. However, its reliance on using mmWave techonology meant that these speeds were concentrated in very specific areas, and coverage inside of buildings was basically non-existent. Verizon’s guidance about its 5G coverage in Washington, DC illustrates the issue, as it lists very specific locations where you can connect to the next-gen network:…”
Currently, there are few 5G phones so this means all the 5G milliwaves will be emitted into neighbourhoods before there is a phone to receive them. And who knows how long this could continue. There continue to be technical problems slowing production and acceptance.
5G Phones: Every Known Phone and Release Date
“Before rushing out to buy a 5G Mod though, consider our experience testing 5G in Chicago, whereVerizon’s network is very limited at this stage in its rollout. We saw fast speeds when we were able to connect to the carrier’s 5G network, but we also had a hard time finding a signal. Since those initial tests in April, though, 5G performance has improved in Chicago (though that round of testing was with the Galaxy S10 5G — more on that below)….
We spent some time in Chicago testing the Galaxy S10 5G’s network performance and were impressed by the speeds we saw, though there are some caveats. Verizon’s network only works outside and you need to be in sight of one of its 5G towers. While Verizon is working to expand 5G coverage, it’s still in a limited area in the Windy City.”
3) A horribly sad report on 2 young kids in the same family with blastomas.

SoCal siblings battling the same brain cancer celebrate end of treatment
“Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Pediatric Hematologist Oncologist, Dr. Ashley Margol said, “Having two young children in the same family diagnosed so close together is incredibly rare.”
The siblings are 22 months apart. Kalea takes on the big sister role and her brother tends to be the sidekick doing whatever his sister does.
“If they were both going to have to go through this type of situation,” Nohea Avery said, “We were grateful that they were doing it together.”
Margol said, “There are some genetic causes for these cases, but we ruled it out for these kids, but to be honest, we don’t know.”“
[1) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2018-06-29-a-new-relatively-inexpensive-rf-meter/ &
From: “citizensforsafertech” <citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca>
To: “murray rankin” <murray.rankin@parl.gc.ca>
Cc: “msmyth” <msmyth@theprovince.com>, “ralph goodale” <ralph.goodale@parl.gc.ca>
Sent: August 1, 2019
Subject: Huawei security issue
Dear Mr. Rankin,
I was very pleased to see that you are head of the new security review panel. Given the vulnerability of all wireless grids to hacks and accidents, protection of our infrastructure is a major concern to me.
Just this week, Ralph Goodale said that there is a review of 5G ongoing and part of that review, apparently, is whether Huawei should be the provider of major components of the 5G grid. https://nationalpost.com/pmn/news-pmn/canada-news-pmn/no-decision-on-huawei-and-5g-before-fall-federal-election-call-goodale-2 [scroll up]
Mr. Goodale seems unaware of the fact that Huawei is already building the grid, in partnership with Telus. Huawei has designed and built the micro (small) cells that are being installed on utility poles mere feet from homes throughout the country. According to Telus design information, Huawei is also providing essential equipment for much of the additional infrastructure. Did you know that Huawei was involved in the recent pilot 5G projects, one of which was in Vancouver?
If the Canadian government is still pondering whether Huawei should be the granted the contract for this service, why has this been allowed? Who is responsible for our cybersecurity — the government, Telus, or, even Huawei?
The stated purpose of 5G is to gather data to provide ultimate connectivity of every aspect of our lives, from our activities in our homes, to those at work, while traveling, and even while enjoying ourselves in parks. Much of this data is at a such a personal level that, until now, it was available only through judicial warrants.
My family and I have not been asked if we are agreeable to allowing any corporation, let alone a Chinese one, to have access to our personal information. If we had been, we would have refused.
It is our hope that your new responsibility will include safeguarding our well being and security. If this grid is vulnerable, what about the other more essential grids, such as the one that provides electricity? Is this being monitored by some foreign entity, too?
Sharon Noble
(included address and phone number. Required by Rankin if a response is required.)
From: “Karen Ledger” (name given with permission)
To: “Victoria Mayor and Council” <mayorandcouncil@victoria.ca>
Sent: July 29, 2019
Subject: URGENT – permitting 5G wireless in Victoria without citizen agreement is IRRESPONSIBLE!
What you need to know about 5G Wireless. Please read this document.
Dear Mayor Helps and Council Members
A number of citizens in Victoria have been attempting to educate this Council about the DANGERs of 5G wireless. So far, to no avail. 5G wireless microcells, made by Chinese Tech Company Huawei, are being installed in a number of Municipalities in the CRD and around B.C. Despite the fact that citizens will have NO CONTROL over these mini cell towers, spraying dangerous radiation 24/7/365, there has been NO Consultation, No research to prove it will be safe, (it isn’t safe!) and No Warning of its dangers by Council, the BC Government or Federal Government. However, since it is being installed on Municipal land, it is up to Municipalities to STOP IT!
Many municipalities around the world have or are taking action to REFUSE to install these systems until proven safe. As a voter and citizen of Victoria, I am requesting that this Council call a moratorium on 5G networks until proven they will not harm us. Our home does not use wifi for the internet. We pay to not have a Smart Meter, and we have wired landlines provided by Telus.
SAFE fibre-optic internet is proven faster than wifi and does not injure users, cannot be hacked and does not take private information from its users without consent.
Please have the courtesy to send a response. Not an auto-reply. My life and yours could depend on your taking responsible action on this issue.
With Gratitude
Karen Ledger, RN BScN
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse” ~ Edmund Burke