1) A member warns that Telus is rolling out large black cable in the area of South Wellington, Regional District of Nanaimo [https://www.rdn.bc.ca/search?q=south+wellington]. Telus is also going to homes “offering” free fiber optic cable to the home, not into the home [see 5 diagrams below from Oona McOuat’s letter – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2018-02-22-canadian-govt-finally-spending-money-on-cybersecurity-and-protecting-data/]. This is the lead-up to the microcells for 5G. The fiber optic cable feeds the microcells and I have yet to figure out the role that the black box on the side of the home, which Telus is offering to everyone, not just their customers, but it has to be part of the 5G infrastructure. And remember – if given access, Telus will take your landline and replace it with a digital one that runs on a battery – no phone during outages that last more than an hour or so.
(click on photos to enlarge)

2) Full length version of Martin’s presentation in Victoria, July 3, 2019. Will help get you in the mood for our Rallies on Saturday.
https://tinyurl.com/DrPallVictoria or
https://youtu.be/DvsoVeo-We4 (video 1:04:46)
3) The goal of 5G, according to the industry, is to provide faster access to the internet — a couple of seconds faster to stream a movie! But in reality, the purpose is to connect everything we do and own. Privacy will be a thing of past, like it is in countries like China today. With this invasion of privacy comes vulnerability to theft, hacking and total disruption of the infrastructures like electricity.
The Terrifying Potential of the 5G Network
The future of wireless technology holds the promise of total connectivity. But it will also be especially susceptible to cyberattacks and surveillance.
“This, again, if you believe the hype, will lead to a whole new Internet of Things, where everything from toasters to dog collars to dialysis pumps to running shoes will be connected. Remote robotic surgery will be routine, the military will develop hypersonic weapons, and autonomous vehicles will cruise safely along smart highways. The claims are extravagant, and the stakes are high. One estimate projects that 5G will pump twelve trillion dollars into the global economy by 2035, and add twenty-two million new jobs in the United States alone. This 5G world, we are told, will usher in a fourth industrial revolution.
A totally connected world will also be especially susceptible to cyberattacks. Even before the introduction of 5G networks, hackers have breached the control center of a municipal dam system, stopped an Internet-connected car as it travelled down an interstate, and sabotaged home appliances. Ransomware, malware, crypto-jacking, identity theft, and data breaches have become so common that more Americans are afraid of cybercrime than they are of becoming a victim of violent crime. Adding more devices to the online universe is destined to create more opportunities for disruption. “5G is not just for refrigerators,” Spalding said. “It’s farm implements, it’s airplanes, it’s all kinds of different things that can actually kill people or that allow someone to reach into the network and direct those things to do what they want them to do. It’s a completely different threat that we’ve never experienced before.”“
4) Excellent video of a recent presentation by Dr. Erica Mallory-Blythe who explains the science behind the health concerns in simple, easy to understand terms.
Impacts of exposure to electromagnetic radiation & 5G
5) International Action Day to Stop 5G, Rallies – Saturday July 27, 2019
Maple Ridge – 11:00 am, July 27 – gathering at MP Dan Ruimy’s office, 22369 Lougheed Hwy.
Vancouver – 2:00-4:30 pm, July 27 – gathering in the south-east corner of Creekside Park, between Olympic Village and Telus Science World on Quebec Street.
Victoria – 10:30 am to Noon, July 27 – gathering on the steps of the BC Legislature. For more info: citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca
Get your signs ready and let’s make our voices heard. And keep your signs for the next Action Day.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.” ~ Winston Churchill.