[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antenna Siting – Autism – Behaviour – Benjamin Bergen, Council of Canadian Innovators – Bill C-59 – BioInitiative Reports – Birth Defects – Brain Tumours (Acoustic Neuromas) – Cancer – Catherine J. Frompovich – CDC – Children – Data Sovereign Protection – DE Dirty Electricity – DNA – Doctor Toril H. Helter – Elections Canada – ELF – EMF Scientist Appeal – EMR – Ethics – FCC – FDA – Fertility – Five Eyes Intelligence Alliance (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK, USA) – Fraud – FTTP Fiber to the Premise – Green Smart Cities – Health Canada Safety Code 6 – ISED – Jerry Flynn Letter to Robert Barron re Duncan Cell Towers Article (Please Comment) – Joseph M. Mercola – Marcia Angell – Military Cyber-warriors – National Cyber Security Strategy – National Defence Communications Security Establishment – NTP – Oona McOuat Comments – Peer Review Process – Poul Thorsen – Privacy – Public Safety Canada – Re-Inventing Wires by Timothy D. Schoechle – RFR – Science for Sale – Scientific Rot – Scientist Appeal for 5G Moratorium – Sleep – Stephen Faulkner – Studies – Telus Misinformation – UN – Wesley Wark – WHO – Why Scientific Peer Review Is A Sham by Brendan D. Murphy – Wi-Fi – Wireless | Canada – Australia – Denmark – Israel – New Zealand – UK – USA] & (videos)
1) Finally, the Canadian government is devoting money to cybersecurity. Hopefully there is enough to protect the critical infrastructure.
(click on photos to enlarge)
Federal budget to spend up to $1 billion on cybersecurity
Made-in-Canada security solutions
Co-development would allow government institutions and agencies to work with Canadian companies to come up with cybersecurity solutions — both software and hardware — instead of buying off-the-shelf tech from the U.S. or elsewhere.
Observers also expect the budget to include a line reference to a yet-to-be-developed national data strategy.
The federal government apparently is concerned about the “sovereign protection” of data for both individuals and the commercial sector.
In developing the strategy, the federal government plans to ask itself and Canadians questions about who owns the data on individuals and how that information is used. The goal is to make Canada more competitive in a world where data has become a valuable commodity.
(video 07:35) ‘We need Canadians to be aware – to be critical thinkers’ (Democratic Institutions Minister Karina Gould on what steps Canada is taking to protect itself against election meddling following revelations about Russia’s efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election.) – CBC News – February 16, 2018:
– http://www.cbc.ca/player/play/1163702339503/
(video 04:23) Cyber security (Theo Van Wyk of Scalar Decisions on how to protect businesses from breaches) – CBC News – February 08, 2018:
– http://www.cbc.ca/player/play/1157037123682/
2) This is a 2013 letter sent by a Doctor about some patients – and since that time the list, no doubt, has grown considerably – asking for the FCC to change its EMR exposure guidelines. The USA’s guidelines remain unchanged and have not been changed in any meaningful way for decades. Thanks to a member for sending it to me.
“Children have a right to live and play and learn where their DNA will not be damaged by non-ionizing radiation. This is not the case today.”
~ Toril H. Jelter, M.D. FAAP
3) With so many bent scientists, and industry driving studies to ensure their bottom line, it’s becoming harder/impossible to know when a study is trustworthy. But, of course, that works to the industry’s advantage when a good, solid study is produced, like the NTP. The industry can call it “fake” and talk responsible agencies and authorities into ignoring it.
Are Consensus Science “Gold Standard Peer Reviews” Fraudulent BS Science?
““We conclude that penises are not best understood as the male sexual organ, or as a male reproductive organ, but instead as an enacted social construct that is both damaging and problematic for society and future generations… and is the conceptual driver behind much of climate change.” [1-2]
The above is an ingenious spoof proving fraudulent ‘science’ actually is “peer reviewed” and published; it’s something that goes on in most, if not all, the sciences!”
4) Someone read Dr. Mercola’s article a lot more carefully than I did and noticed some errors, which she has brought to his attention in an email below.

From: Jerry Flynn (name given with permission)
Sent: February 22, 2018
To: robert.barron@cowichanvalleycitizen.com
Subject: Telus’ micro cell towers in Duncan
Hi Robert,
I read your story about Dr. Stephen Faulkner and Rick Biggar’s concerns about micro cell towers in Duncan. You/your readers should know that you are being lied to and purposely deceived by Telus! Currently, some 181 scientists/doctors from 35 countries are demanding all governments place a moratorium on 5G (fifth generation) technology – which is what Telus’ microcell antennas are. Since 2015, at least 235 scientists from 41 countries have signed the “International EMF (electro-magnetic field) Scientists Appeal” which was addressed to the Secretary General of the United Nations, to all UN-member countries and to the Director General of the WHO. The Appeal urged all world leaders to “Protect humans and wildlife from EMFs and wireless technology.” This should help you understand this issue better:
My phone number is below, if you’d like more info on any of this, Health Canada, Safety Code 6, Telus etc. Caution though: the deeper you dig, the scarier it gets.
J.G. “Jerry” Flynn, Captain (Retired)

From: Oona McOuat
Sent: February 22, 2018
To: Sharon Noble
Subject: Update 2018-02-21 Dr. Mercola continues to help educate his readers
Hi Sharon – The Health Impact News Article had an interesting perspective – once again – on smart meters and 5 G but it had a few errors in it. Here is a comment I submitted to its publisher:
Thank you! A great article, but it is very important to note that 5G will not provide the fastest internet option. (“Transmission speeds will be hundreds of times faster than current internet connections.”) Yes, we are being told it will offer the fastest wireless service available, but the fastest internet connection will always be provided by connecting fiber optic cables directly to our premises and then wiring our devices to our router.
Also – all of the smart applications being sold to us as a part of this “Green Smart City” 5G package – energy and water use monitoring, improved healthcare, transportation & public safety, etc may be better provided through a wired fiber optic network. For more info on this, please read this report: Re-Inventing Wires: The Future of Landlines and Networks just published by the National Institute for Science, Law & Public Policy.
Oona McOuat

Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.”
~ Albert Einstein