[3G – 4G – 5G Pilot Project Experiments – 2degrees (Mathew Bolland) – ADA Accommodation – Andrew Little – Animals – BBB – Birds – CDPH – Children – Chinese Foreign Ministry (Geng Shuang) – DNA – EHS / ES – Elizabeth May – EMF – FCC – Government Communications Security Bureau (Andrew Hampton) – Health – How to Deflect Smart Meter RF Microwave Radiation Away from Home – Huawei Ban (Espionage, Security Risk, Smartphones) – Insects – NIH – Nina Beety – No Smart Meters in Nova Scotia (Elron, GE, Itron, Landis+Gyr, Schneider) – NTP – Peter Day Letter to John Horgan, Michell Mungall re BC Hydro Opt-out Fees & Measurement Canada Certificate (Seal) Expired Notification Letter – Pets – Private Pole – Randall Garrison – Right to Know – Safety – SB 649 – Scientist Appeal for 5G Moratorium – Smart Meter Fires Report by Sharon Noble – Spark New Zealand – Sperm – Studies – Telus Living Lab – Trees – Trojan Horse – Verizon – VGCCs – Vodafone New Zealand – Wi-Fi – Wildlife – Wireless – Write to Municipal Council, MLA & MP re 5G | Vancouver, BC – Nova Scotia – Ontario – Canada – Australia – Beijing, China – New Zealand – Los Angeles & Sacramento, California & Indianapolis, Indiana & Houston, Texas, USA] & Photo & Websites
1) New Zealand is the most recent country to ban use of Huawei’s 5G equipment for security reasons. Our federal government continues to turn a blind eye to all the warnings – allowing Telus (and probably other companies) to allow Huawei to help develop the 5G network and to put Huawei’s transmitters outside our homes. Has anyone received any response from an MP about this issue? My MP, Randall Garrison, has not responded. Only Elizabeth May has, and she’s not even my MP.
(click on photos to enlarge)

‘National security risks’: New Zealand blocks use of Huawei equipment for 5G network
“New Zealand’s spy agency has blocked a top telecommunications firm from using Huawei equipment for its 5G mobile network. The reason? Fears over national security.
Spark, New Zealand’s largest telecom company, said government officials told the firm on Wednesday that using Huawei’s 5G equipment “would, if implemented, raise significant national security risks.”
The blow to Huawei’s plan for worldwide expansion was confirmed by the director general for New Zealand’s spy agency, the Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB), Andrew Hampton, who said: “I have informed Spark that a significant network security risk was identified.””
2) A new website with information for those in Nova Scotia about smeters and their problems. I believe that, at this point, there is no mandate forcing everyone to have a smeter, as we have in BC, so people still have the right to refuse. Hopefully, this choice will continue to be available.

3) Attached is a photo of a very clever (and cheap) way to deflect the RF microwave signals away from the home. The smeter most likely is on a private pole on private property.

4) Please see below an article warning about the 5G pilot projects in operation right now in “target” (aka victim) cities, which includes Vancouver and some areas of Ontario. I hope you will share this article and the supporting information with your MLAs, MPs, and City Councils, as well as with friends and relatives. The framework is being laid out now under everyone’s noses, without any warning or notification. Few people have any idea that cell transmitters are being installed mere feet from the bedrooms where they and their children sleep.


& https://www.bchydro.com/search.html?site=bchydro-com&client=bchydro-com&proxystylesheet=bchydro-com&output=xml_no_dtd&q=smart+metering+program
From: Peter Day (name given with permission)
To: premier@gov.bc.ca (also sent to Min. Energy Mungall and MLA
Date: 28 Nov 2018
Subject: Smart Meter
Dear Premier Horgan,
I recently received a letter from BC Hydro telling me that I must accept a smart meter and they are coming soon to take my analogue meter. I feel utterly helpless and I am asking for your help and advice.
Approximately five years ago BC Hydro rolled out smart meters in BC. I decided at that time that I did not want an electromagnetic radiation emitting device attached to my home. Along with thousands of British Columbians, I fought to not have this device forced upon me. The end result was we were allowed to keep our analogue meters if we paid a monthly fee. Under duress I agreed to pay this fee, the highest fee charged for such a service in North America. I have been paying that fee now for five years, an amount that adds almost $65 to each of my hydro bills. I hope you can see from this that I am serious about not wanting this device.

The other main reason I do not want a smart meter is because I do not believe it is safe and it could potentially put my family in danger by causing a fire. Sharon Noble, the director of the Coalition to Stop Smart Meters, has spent years studying the hazards of these meters on her own time, at her own cost for no financial gain. She compiled a report and sent it to many levels of government and their agencies and she has been completely ignored. I have read her report and I am convinced that smart meters are dangerous and a potential fire hazard. It just does not make sense for me to take that chance and put my family at risk when I don’t have to. Why can’t I keep my analogue meter?
I have provided a link to the fire report compiled by Sharon Noble. I hope you can find the time to review it with your busy schedule. I hope you can respond to my letter and offer me some hope.
Thank you,
Peter Day

5G “epidemic” to hit Sacramento, also Los Angeles, Houston, Indianapolis by Nina Beety – October 25, 2018:
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
Resistance is fertile